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Pattaya's billion baht CCTV slammed as officials admit more than half of them are not working


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simple reasons why cctv does not work for when projecting and planning is conduct most people miss out on compatible items suitable for the climate for example installing outdoor camera  housings ip 65 instead ip 66 with a ventilation inside.




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On 13/11/2017 at 3:52 PM, darksidedog said:

That's 473, 484 Baht per camera. Those cameras should rock. Or maybe the cameras were a tad overpriced, with the difference finding its way to someone else?

Well... the ones that do work are awesome 

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The situation in areas of high tourism such as Beach Road and Sai 2 is barely any better than the city as a whole - Surasak said that out of 382 cameras only 219 or 57% were of any use


Does that mean.... 57% were useable or 57% were operating?




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The 'key' to fixing this ongoing problem is 'MAINTENANCE' or lack of.  Thai's don't seem to be able to grasp the meaning of maintenance or preventative maintenance.  The seem to think once something has been put in place you just walk away and forget about it.  As for the high number of non functioning cameras the local govt. needs to have a few maintenance teams working 24/7 to keep all cameras working properly.  It's not rocket science it''s only 'maintenance'!!

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@pattayadgw   prior to maintanance it is to be accounted for proper planning and projecting ..... for example high speed domes installed in many places lacking proper cooling mechanism plus ip protection grade. thereto they are often installed in places diretly exposed to the blazing sun. moreover most cctv coming from china without proper spare part backup, meaning only price counts better would be quality like pelco, vicon, panasonic, 




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Phuket Tsunami Last I heard more than 50% loud speakers not working, Correct me if wrong. Again no maintenance and all paid for from other countries especially Australia who donated $1 billion to all countries affected and especially Indonesia. Waste of our taxpayers money if not looked after. These things need to be inspected and kept functional.


As far as CCTV get ALL fixed and working. Useless authorities.


Maybe when fixed they see Yingluck and Red Bull boss ..Boom boom. No need for Interpol?

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