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The days of skinny Thais are over - Thai women named second fattest in Asia

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The problem with obesity is that there are so many factors involved. It is a complex problem which is due to modern lifestyle, but there are some critical components which are often overlooked.

Obesity has always been a problem for some. Genes definitely do put you at risk. But the epidemic really took off in the 1970's when they found out adding antibiotics to meat increased the "feed conversion factor" of livestock. While they don't necessarily understand the process, the fact is that the modern meat industry is awash in antibiotics, and that this lowers the production cost and allows for more marbled and better tasting meat.

Now, it doesn't take much of a leap in logic to consider that if antibiotics increase the efficiency of weight gain in animals, they probably do the same thing in humans. Indeed, when certain countries like Denmark banned the use of antibiotics in animals in 1990's, there is a sharp knee in the increase of obesity. Obesity doesn't go away, but it is clearly affected. Unfortunately they simultaneously started many other anti obesity programs, so it is not possible to isolate the impact of antibiotics by itself.

That said, a world that was truly concerned about obesity would immediately ban all antibiotics in animals, whether they have a therapeutic use in humans or not. To believe that this is not an important factor in modern obesity is naive. This also explains why Thailand is seeing the problems now. CP came on the scene in earnest about 30 years ago, and it takes about that long for the problems to manifest.

Surely, there is no way to gain weight if you are burning more than you are consuming, so increasing the "feed conversion efficiency" of your food does not cause obesity all by itself. It can always be overcome through decreasing portion size and increasing activity. But in combination with other modern lifestyle factors, it is something that the world should no longer tolerate. It just makes the problems that much harder.

I know I should stop eating meat...but damn, those animals are just so tasty...

Think about it...how many fat vegetarians have you seen?


I know people who don't eat McDonald and they are fat. They eat tons of meat like moo & kai farang (pork and industrial fed chickens) and they just sit whole day. They say they don't have time to work out (but they have time to fry meat and eat in ca la mang (big bowl)). So what makes them lazy and not caring about their own health? Fat is not healthy since they eat meds each day for keep them from not having back pain, knee pain, headache and they have high blood pressure.

31 minutes ago, Xiao said:

I know people who don't eat McDonald and they are fat. They eat tons of meat like moo & kai farang (pork and industrial fed chickens) and they just sit whole day. They say they don't have time to work out (but they have time to fry meat and eat in ca la mang (big bowl)). So what makes them lazy and not caring about their own health? Fat is not healthy since they eat meds each day for keep them from not having back pain, knee pain, headache and they have high blood pressure.


You should be careful when you speak the way you write!


      If you say "Kai Farang" in front of some Thai folks, please don't wonder when they start laughing out loud !! Kai = eggs, Gai = chicken. :shock1:


Kai Farang is in no way industrial fed chicken.:post-4641-1156694083:


I made a similar mistake by saying the Thai word for snow, but somebody was saying something, so I stretched the words to Hee- maa. And that's indeed not a good word when kids are around. 


   You're asking for it. Kai Farang is/are Foreigner's balls.  :post-4641-1156693976:


   Who eats meds each day? I don't know anybody from my family, friends, colleagues, etc..who takes medicine when it's not needed.


  " I know people who don't eat McDonald and they are fat?" Do you know if these people eat at KFC, MK, and all the well known other fatty foods and drinks? 


  Most Thais who always eat deep fried food, cooked in usually older oil, have the same problem and gain a lot of weight. But it's also the way how people live, not exercising and sitting all day long, isn't healthy.


  You are what you eat. 


  P.S. I was just wondering what "ca la mang" is but can only think of a bigger (plastic) container, nothing to do with food. 




On 12/11/2017 at 11:51 AM, Monomial said:

The problem with obesity is that there are so many factors involved. It is a complex problem which is due to modern lifestyle, but there are some critical components which are often overlooked.

Obesity has always been a problem for some. Genes definitely do put you at risk. But the epidemic really took off in the 1970's when they found out adding antibiotics to meat increased the "feed conversion factor" of livestock. While they don't necessarily understand the process, the fact is that the modern meat industry is awash in antibiotics, and that this lowers the production cost and allows for more marbled and better tasting meat.

Now, it doesn't take much of a leap in logic to consider that if antibiotics increase the efficiency of weight gain in animals, they probably do the same thing in humans. Indeed, when certain countries like Denmark banned the use of antibiotics in animals in 1990's, there is a sharp knee in the increase of obesity. Obesity doesn't go away, but it is clearly affected. Unfortunately they simultaneously started many other anti obesity programs, so it is not possible to isolate the impact of antibiotics by itself.

That said, a world that was truly concerned about obesity would immediately ban all antibiotics in animals, whether they have a therapeutic use in humans or not. To believe that this is not an important factor in modern obesity is naive. This also explains why Thailand is seeing the problems now. CP came on the scene in earnest about 30 years ago, and it takes about that long for the problems to manifest.

Surely, there is no way to gain weight if you are burning more than you are consuming, so increasing the "feed conversion efficiency" of your food does not cause obesity all by itself. It can always be overcome through decreasing portion size and increasing activity. But in combination with other modern lifestyle factors, it is something that the world should no longer tolerate. It just makes the problems that much harder.

I know I should stop eating meat...but damn, those animals are just so tasty...

Think about it...how many fat vegetarians have you seen?


Wise words, but there are some ingredients in Mc Donalds French Fries, where the Mac and all the others just don't want to talk about. 



You can smell them in the back of your car.  You can’t drive all the way to your destination without eating a little bit, right?


Various studies found potentially harmful materials in Mac and Cheese products. 

After the potatoes are being harvested and cut, the fries are then blanched, dried, fried for 45 seconds and then frozen for shipping to your local fast food restaurant. (I'm not hungry anymore )


 But’s what’s really in this delicious treat that makes them so addictive?  You can’t just eat one, can you? Well, it starts with the brain. There is a system in our brain called the reward system.Similar to junkies, or alcoholics when they get their addiction sorted out. Rewards from Mac Donalds & Co? 


This system was basically so designed to “reward” us when we do things that encourage our survival. This includes primal behaviors like eating and sex of course.....


The brain knows that when we eat, we’re doing something “right,” and releases a bunch of feel-good chemicals in the reward system, such as the neurotransmitter dopamine – interpreted by our brains as pleasure.


The brain is hardwired to seek out behaviors that release dopamine in the reward system.

The thing about food like McDonald’s French fries is that they can cause a reward that is way more powerful than anything we were ever exposed to in nature.


Whereas eating an apple or a piece of steak might cause a moderate release of dopamine, eating a large fry is so incredibly rewarding that it releases a massive amount. Please watch a fantastic documentary where a healthy guy's trying to survive on fast food from Mac only.


The former healthy guy has a cardiologist and a few other doctors who constantly check his blood, weight and the poor guy has finally to give up because his health went so down the drain that the doctors were on highest alert.


High blood pressure was just one "side effect" of that shitty food.When you think about it, fast food chains should be closed down if they can't come up with at least something that's healthy. 


Americans are really big, I'd guess the biggest people on this planet and many of them are so big and unhealthy that they can't come through an ordinary door, should their health come to a critical point where they need to stay at a hospital for a while.


There's a lot of stuff on youtube where fire workers have to rescue such big people through broken out window frames and some heavy machinery. A relatively new "disease," called the feeders, make bigger people to victims of some perverted guys who feed them day and night. Sometimes until they die. ( Of course, will they die of a stroke, heart attack, or similar.


Aren't these causes of death usually from junk food, soda pops, etc??


This documentary seems to be forgotten, so please take the time and watch it fully. You might change a few things about your eating habit after this documentary. Nothing is faked. 


But there are medical solutions for people who want to lose weight. In my humble opinion, it seems that decreasing the volume of the stomach is working well for those who can't just stop and eat little portions. These people are victims of an industry that doesn't care about the people and how much they suffer.


You can usually see that bigger people don't feel well, sticking in their overweight bodies, huge problems to climb stairs, plenty of gaffers who make life difficult for them, and it's so dumb when people start laughing at them, instead of thinking a bit why it is as it is. 







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