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Video: Citizens' arrest as fleeing driver stopped by friends


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Video: Citizens' arrest as fleeing driver stopped by friends



Image: TNews

Citizens in Bangkok took matters into their own hands after seeing a man in a pick-up flee the scene of an accident in Pahonyothin Road.
The citizens were headed by a brave woman called Suwanan Kumsorn who posted news of her experience on Facebook.
She said she was out with several friends when they saw a pick-up involved in an accident with a man on a motorcycle near a Soi 48 U-turn..
The pick-up fled the scene leaving the man initially knocked out and with a cut mouth.
Suwanan and her friends chased down the pick-up and hemmed him in. When they were sure that he could not escape they went back to the scene of the accident where the man was being treated by medics.
The TNews report did not contain any police report as yet.
Suwanan joined in the growing chorus of people angered by rich drivers fleeing responsibility for hitting pedestrians and motorcyclists.
Earlier in the week a security man on foot was run down and dragged under the wheels of a car driven by a prominent doctor in a case that has shocked the nation. 
Source: TNews
-- © Copyright Thai Visa News 2017-11-18
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I watched a youtube "like" video several years back showing a driver in a SUV (with his family) mowing down a person trying to cross the street. It was the drivers fault. As the angry crowd gathered he got scared and tried to flee in busy traffic. The mob smashed his car up and dragged his young (innocent) passengers out of the back and proceeded to jump on their heads, leaving them for dead. It made me think ... some Thais might do this because they are afraid of mob justice. 

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6 hours ago, Thaiwrath said:

Hard to imgine how someone can ascertain someones wealth, due to the fact that he (or she) drives a pick up ? 

Who do you think gives a living toss about their belief of wealth , when the driver is someone who doesn't stop after a hit and run incident? That's how Thai people are beginning to think, apparently. And good luck to them. Any method to stop this senseless carnage is OK by most of us.

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15 hours ago, Thaiwrath said:

Hard to imgine how someone can ascertain someones wealth, due to the fact that he (or she) drives a pick up ? 

Considering it appeared to be a new ford four door pickup an ordinary person can conclude the owner is not quite penniless. But I don't care if a person is wealthy or poor, fleeing the scene of an accident YOU caused or contributed to is wrong. 


Perhaps the driver was too involved text messaging to realize an accident even occurred. (Doubt it but anything is possible)

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17 hours ago, AlexRich said:

I watched a youtube "like" video several years back showing a driver in a SUV (with his family) mowing down a person trying to cross the street. It was the drivers fault. As the angry crowd gathered he got scared and tried to flee in busy traffic. The mob smashed his car up and dragged his young (innocent) passengers out of the back and proceeded to jump on their heads, leaving them for dead. It made me think ... some Thais might do this because they are afraid of mob justice. 

Got to feel for the innocent passengers, they would have had no control over what the driver did and powerless to stop him, in this instance I would say the mob are as bad as the driver.

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3 hours ago, 4MyEgo said:

Got to feel for the innocent passengers, they would have had no control over what the driver did and powerless to stop him, in this instance I would say the mob are as bad as the driver.

You Tube" "hit and run driver beaten by Thai mob"


Warning - not pleasant to watch, but might explain why some Thai's who were in the wrong might flee the scene.

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On 11/18/2017 at 1:50 PM, AlexRich said:

I watched a youtube "like" video several years back showing a driver in a SUV (with his family) mowing down a person trying to cross the street. It was the drivers fault. As the angry crowd gathered he got scared and tried to flee in busy traffic. The mob smashed his car up and dragged his young (innocent) passengers out of the back and proceeded to jump on their heads, leaving them for dead. It made me think ... some Thais might do this because they are afraid of mob justice. 

As you stated, he started to flee, thereby causing the mob justice

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