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Suspected sleeping van driver, 13 Myanmar workers killed in fire in Sing Buri


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1 hour ago, saminoz said:

Seriously, what is with these Thai ghouls?

Is there really any need to line up for a group photo in front of 13 bodies wrapped in sheets?

What is the point

What on earth do they get out of it?

......and these are rescue workers, for God's sake!

Are  Thais really so insecure that they need to photographed on any "newsworthy" occasion, despite the incident?

............... stupid question I suppose.  No dignity for the poor victims nor their families.

Perhaps the silly little general can hang this photo on his wall, like a trophy to his ignorance and lack of compassion.


I agree. I thought the same thing when I saw that picture. Totally unnecessary and yes, ghoulish. If anyone thinks seeing a bunch of body bags is going to change the driving culture in LOS, they don't understand shock therapy does not work on the locals. 

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1 hour ago, RichardinHuaHin said:

Does that include the drunken Brit drivers as well?

I'd rather a drunk British driver than an uneducated, untrained, brain-dead Somchai with an IQ of 70, high on Yaba, sleep deprived and probably drunk and pissed off as well.

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My condolences. I have no words that I can type about this or add to what others her have written. 14 lives extinguished (no pun intended) in just a few seconds which no doubt could have been prevented so easily. Did the driver did fall asleep? We'll never know the truth. Incidentally, does anyone here know if the these vans are fitted with two way communications radios? My thought is that that they are not but since I have never travelled in one of these vans here in Thailand, I could be wrong. 

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2 hours ago, DaiHard said:

Maybe if they stopped putting an LPG tank right at the front and another right at the back they might not burst into flames so easily. Better still ban putting gas tanks on them completely.

The vast majority of these "12-15 seater" Toyota Hiace passenger transport vans  TOYOTA HIACE DRESS UP PACKAGE car

 are fitted with either a diesel or a CNG-NGV system that is supposedly checked at least annually. AFAIK, they rarely use petrol/gasoline. Those NGV fuel tanks are normally at the rear and are supposed to be extremely heavy steel walled. It is possible a connection hose fractured on the impact with the truck.

Thousands of these NGV/LPG powered vehicles operate on Thai roads every day without incident .

There are some on this forum much more familiar with these fuel systems than me.

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Diesel will not ignite the same as petrol or gas. The NVG system should have an automatic cutoff valve located on the tank in case of a hose leak, when there is a decrease in the pressure that you would get from a leak it should cut the gas flow off at the tank, notice I said "should" there is no guarantee that there is one that is working. It is the same system that is on all LPG systems as well

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2 hours ago, DaiHard said:

Maybe if they stopped putting an LPG tank right at the front and another right at the back they might not burst into flames so easily. Better still ban putting gas tanks on them completely.

The tanks do not go at the front because there is no room for them, they go either under the rear of the vehicle or undr the rear seat in some of these vans, in cars they normally go in the boot

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All the 'perfect' solutions to the mechanics of a motor vehicle/motorcycles will not overcome the irresponsible attitude of Thai drivers/riders :post-4641-1156693976: Motor vehicles/motorcycles do not cause crashes if not being driven/ridden!


There has to be concerted action by central Government (no particular order of merit) in terms of education, updating road rules to reflect higher world wide standards of crash prevention/mitigation on Thai roads, the proper enforcement and prosecution (if it has to be draconian - so be it) of those who flaunt the road rules and a culture change to accepting responsibility and accountability by all involved including Government and its agencies.


Perhaps asking overseas "road crash specialists" to provide advice/assistance with solutions to lower the current unacceptable road trauma? And to hell with 'face saving'!

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Why do these vehicles burst into flames?..design fault?

What was the truck doing?

Was it properly illuminated?


How come the police "know" what happened? There has been no crash investigation....sounds like gossip to me.

Until these crashes are scientifically abalysed no progress will be made

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8 hours ago, phantomfiddler said:

Ban Thais from driving !!! Only allow Brits to drive, a they are probably the world,s finest :)

As a Professional Driver in the UK with 45 years experiance, British drivers are amoung the worst. self centred aggressive and impatience. at least in Thailand as bad as it is  most just let you get on with it right or wrong.

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17 minutes ago, Thongkorn said:

As a Professional Driver in the UK with 45 years experiance, British drivers are amoung the worst. self centred aggressive and impatience. at least in Thailand as bad as it is  most just let you get on with it right or wrong.

I would tend to agree ...... Basically drivers around the world are the same.......it's how you manage them and their environment that counts.

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4 minutes ago, Airbagwill said:

I would tend to agree ...... Basically drivers around the world are the same.......it's how you manage them and their environment that counts.

Agree with you mate, but it does not matter how good you are, or you thinK you are, there is always some one who is , or thinks they are better, you give an inch they take a mile, You step back in politeness and they see it as a sign of weakness.   But just let them get on with it.  

Edited by Thongkorn
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1 hour ago, Airbagwill said:

I would tend to agree ...... Basically drivers around the world are the same.......it's how you manage them and their environment that counts.

Not forgetting the application of intelligence when behind the wheel. A big ask in any cases as you can't cure or overcome stupidity.  

Edited by Artisi
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20 hours ago, Just Weird said:

You're off again, eh?

The victims in this case were the passengers, and the dependents of both the passengers and the driver

You could say I suppose that the driver was a victim of his circumstances and his own actions, but the solution to that is / was in his own hands, so thats not much help to you either in your claim that he was also a victim

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16 hours ago, phantomfiddler said:

Ban Thais from driving !!! Only allow Brits to drive, a they are probably the world,s finest :)

Well, not top of the list but considering all the foreign truck/bus drivers and "scam" accidents that happen on UK roads (mostly eastern Europeans) they should be higher.

I went to test drive a second hand pick-up for the missus last week, and the owner said, "Huh, farang, can he drive?" but I just laughed as the missus told him off.

Don't you just love the arrogance, when Thailand is almost bottom of the safe driving countries of the world.



Grizzly end for the workers: RIP.




Edited by George FmplesdaCosteedback
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9 hours ago, oldlakey said:

The victims in this case were the passengers, and the dependents of both the passengers and the driver

You could say I suppose that the driver was a victim of his circumstances and his own actions, but the solution to that is / was in his own hands, so thats not much help to you either in your claim that he was also a victim

I don't 'need any help' with his being a victim of the accident.  The victims were all those who died. 


Perhaps you should bear in mind that the cause of the accident has not yet been established except by the usual speculators and it certainly has not been definitely shown to have been in the driver's own hands.

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Get out while your alive & still can. 

I did. Had enough of Thai bs roads, drivers stupidity, civil infrastructure, useless wais,  hypocrasy etc..

Safely home in Canada & enjoying life much better. 

Thailand is going to siht in a handbasket very quickly. Glad I left to live another day with quality of life & much safer roads.

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12 hours ago, Just Weird said:

I don't 'need any help' with his being a victim of the accident.  The victims were all those who died. 


Perhaps you should bear in mind that the cause of the accident has not yet been established except by the usual speculators and it certainly has not been definitely shown to have been in the driver's own hands.

We have a different idea about what constitutes a victim, in this particular incident

I will let sleeping dogs lie on that one

When you say the usual spectators do you mean the truck driver and / or one of the other two van drivers, who claim the van was driven into the back of the truck

I think the word you are looking for is witnesses not spectators

You could mean of course by the usual spectators, Thaivisa members who have passed comment in this thread discussing the incident

Care to clear up your confusion over spectators and witnesses

There is something not quite right as regards the truck, its a toss up between parked, or driving in the left lane but thats probably just the reporting, but whats not in doubt at the moment is that the van was driven into the back of the truck

It certainly was in the drivers hands as he drove it into the back of the truck for whatever reason, according to the WITNESSES

I will leave it with you to mull over




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13 hours ago, oldlakey said:

When you say the usual spectators do you mean the truck driver and / or one of the other two van drivers, who claim the van was driven into the back of the truck

I think the word you are looking for is witnesses not spectators

You could mean of course by the usual spectators, Thaivisa members who have passed comment in this thread discussing the incident

Care to clear up your confusion over spectators and witnesses


I will leave it with you to mull over


"When you say the usual spectators do you mean..." 

Geez... When you say that are you deliberately pointing out that you cannot read?  I said speculators.


I have no confusion over anything and if you bothered to read my comment properly, neither would you.  


I'll leave that with you to mull over.

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2 hours ago, Just Weird said:

"When you say the usual spectators do you mean..." 

Geez... When you say that are you deliberately pointing out that you cannot read?  I said speculators.


I have no confusion over anything and if you bothered to read my comment properly, neither would you.  


I'll leave that with you to mull over.

It seems the topic  of road safety ignites idiocy in the many and dyslexia in the few as well.

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5 hours ago, Just Weird said:
5 hours ago, Just Weird said:

"When you say the usual spectators do you mean..." 

Geez... When you say that are you deliberately pointing out that you cannot read?  I said speculators.


I have no confusion over anything and if you bothered to read my comment properly, neither would you.  


I'll leave that with you to mull over.

Nothing to mull over, I was just getting over excited, I must hold my hands up to that one

The point about the witnesses still stands, you do realise that this incident was witnessed dont you

If you do then you will know that no speculators exist

Ah that feels much better


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1 hour ago, oldlakey said:


No speculators exist?  Really?


The speculation is the suggestion that the driver, or his actions, were the cause of the accident which, regardless of there being witnesses outside the van, has not been established.  Yet still there are people here like you who are damning him.


When the cause has been established, officially, that would be the appropriate time to smugly feel better.

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