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61 people killed EVERY DAY: More damning stats reveal the carnage on Thailand’s roads


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Stated it before - stating again; Create a highway patrol force and train to move about rather than sit under a tarp at a joke of a road block.   Enforce every law with fines so significant the entire country will be abuzz with the news and understand the cost of non-compliance.


Speeding - 1,000THB...,  >20KPH over speed limit - 2,000THB

Riding wrong side of road - 1,000THB

Tailgating - 2,000THB

Motorcycles passing on left side - 1,500THB

Overtaking on curves - 5,000THB - 30 day "no drive" sanction


Commercial transport services..., crush every one with restrictions that make non-compliance a direct and impactful effect on revenue and profits. From monthly vehicle road-worthiness inspections (failed brakes, my arse!) to regular sobriety checks (more early on - quota officers) GPS/speed detection devices on all and with feeds to highway patrol with automatic ticketing for each infraction.     


And I'm just getting started. Imagine the cash cow revenues that could be realized.  Up front costs would be nominal and ROI realized in mere weeks.  


Now must go drive a friend to Big C in my inimitable white knuckled, 180 degree bobblehead fashion.  


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I don't think "the number of people killed on Thailand’s roads have soared in 2017", I think they are starting to report more accurately.

Maybe it's time to take a look at the laws, they haven't been changed or probably even examined since created in 1972.

As motorcyclist, I have to drive safely which means, I'm not going to drive in other vehicles blind spots. I'm also going avoid whenever I can intersections by means of using the overpasses.

By going over the Bangkok bridge, the big one, I can avoid having to navigate through 3 dangerous intersections during rush hour, much safer and saves time, I don't slow down traffic.

Since the police no longer are allowed to set up "shop" and extort money from motorcyclists with some fake law about using the right lane, time to remove those motorcycles prohibited signs from the overpasses and let people enjoy less traffic and safer conditions.


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1 hour ago, rooster59 said:

On average, 61 people are killed every day on Thailand’s road, the Foundation said.

That's based on last years figures. (22356/365)

But the headline is pointing out a big increase in 2017 , with 2500 more its going up to 70 this year.


Note that the numbers seem to have big jumps in 2016 and 2017.

Rather than big increases, is it possible that the last couple of years the reporting has simply been improved and figures have become more accurate?

Is it because they are now adding into the total those who die after on the way to or at hospital?


With perhaps a 2017 total of 24856, this figure is nearer to the WHO estimated total in 2015. (24237)

If the premise above is true, then maybe we could see the figures stabilise next year.


Note: 24856 would give about 36 deaths per 100,000 population. Now similar to what WHO had in 2015.

In the WHO report it looks like only Libya was more, at 73.4 per 100,000.

From that, it looks like Thailand still has a long way to go to get to number 1 




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How is this not safer than navigating 3 very busy intersections???

If this was on motorcycle, why would it be illegal? What would the rationale be for motorcycles to not be allowed to travel safely this way?

Motorcycles are fast enough, way faster than most cars and certainly way faster than trucks and buses as they chug along to the top of the bridge.

Let's do the right thing and change law, no loss of face in doing the right thing/


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1 hour ago, darksidedog said:

Shocking and disgraceful that despite the Governments "best" efforts the numbers of dead keep rising. Aside from the obvious total lack of traffic law enforcement, the article is entirely correct in asserting that Thai people have totally the wrong mindset when it comes to driving. Laws don't apply to them and they will drive fast, recklessly and drunk, and fat chunks of them think that it is fate that kills people not poor driving. It is that attitude that needs to change, but it is unlikely to do so quickly, if ever.

Apart from the shocking standards, I wonder if the simple explanation is that there are more vehicles on the road.


There needs to be a sanity test: say, leave the would be driver in a room with a hammer and nail, and see if he drives the nail through his hand; 90% failure rate I'd guess:smile:

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4 minutes ago, gr8fldanielle said:

How is this not safer than navigating 3 very busy intersections???

If this was on motorcycle, why would it be illegal? What would the rationale be for motorcycles to not be allowed to travel safely this way?

Motorcycles are fast enough, way faster than most cars and certainly way faster than trucks and buses as they chug along to the top of the bridge.

Let's do the right thing and change law, no loss of face in doing the right thing/


it would be the worst thing that they could do by allowing motorbikes on these freeways or tollways, the majority of motorbike riders are just plain idiots and by allowing them on here it would increase the death rate

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It ain’t gonna change until every vehicle is autonomous. This problem is deeply rooted in a culture of “could not give a sh!t”. Imagine these numbers all added together, not to mention amputations, the permanently disabled: it would overflow a football stadium every six months. Tragic, horrible, but take note, as I have done. I no longer ride my scooter when in Thailand. Just too unsafe and risky to do so.


Note also: with these stats, there is a good chance that some reading this may not be around with us this time next year!

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This got to be one of the best topics in Thailand and it has nothing to do with it being Thai bashing or this their country. 

How is "This is Thailand" working out for the head of this government? 

It isn't that Thais can't drive or they are stupid, they have taken a product of the West, along with the rules and laws and turn it upside down because it seems no one ever really explain to them the correct definition or execution of those rules?  If they can learn to compete in soccer, tennis, golf surely they can learn how to drive so they don't kill themselves at the rate of being the worse in the world.  Just like the sports I mentioned above, there are rules that one has to follow and to make sure people do you got to have enforcement and when you don't there is a something valuable one loses it really is that simple.

When the top official of this government open their hearts and decides that the Thai people lives are more important than lining their pockets and willing to put priorities in order and doing the right thing regardless of how the Thai people feel and losing face and asking for real help outside of Thailand, if me a call through ThaiVisa.


Otherwise congratulation in being number 1,  and no matter what smoke and mirrors or spin you put on it isn't going to make it go away!:partytime2:

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16 minutes ago, marquis22 said:

Who then give a recommendation for a crackdown

The guy in the office when the reporter stuck a mic in his face and he felt like he had to say something, even if it was untrue or stupid.


You know the relationship Thais have with microphones and TV cameras.

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18 minutes ago, gr8fldanielle said:

How is this not safer than navigating 3 very busy intersections???

If this was on motorcycle, why would it be illegal? What would the rationale be for motorcycles to not be allowed to travel safely this way?

Motorcycles are fast enough, way faster than most cars and certainly way faster than trucks and buses as they chug along to the top of the bridge.

Let's do the right thing and change law, no loss of face in doing the right thing/


Seems you're suffering from reality delusions, so let me help.

1. You don't need to "navigate" intersections. If the light is Green, you proceed thru the intersection, If the light is Red, you stop. Kind of easy so far, right?

2. When accidents happen, the speed involved increases the likelihood of fatalities. Go faster = More chance of dying if you're involved in an accident

3. Many Thai motorcyclists and their passenger choose not to wear helmets.

4. Being a competent motorcycle rider does not reduce your chances of an accident if other road users  (especially larger vehicles) make mistakes. 

In conclusion, when you consider these points, then if motorcyclists were allowed onto toll ways, where cars can be regularly seen travelling in excess of 160 km/h, I can confidently say there will be a lot more motorcycle fatalities.

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1 hour ago, YetAnother said:

cultural, can't fix that


Well maybe you can make inroads by:


- Continuously having highway police cruising and looking for / stopping / charging people who are driving dangerously, suspected DUI with compulsory immediate arrest  for refusal to take breath or blood test, using phone, and if proven then mandatory much more serious fines and suspension of licences, then  90 days jail for all second dangerous driving , DUI offences, 3rd offence mandatory 2 years jail and license canceled for life. Plus more more compulsory punishment by having to work for much more extended hours in emergency rooms etc., and compulsory work to clean up human carnage, etc.


Without all of the above nothing nothing nothing will change.


The karma fate angle comes up regularly with my extended Thai family which has a total of 3 members married to western husbands.


After latest accident when one of the Thai wifes was driving  one family ignoramus claimed that the accident was absolutely caused as a buddha punishment for having look krueng / not pure blood children in the car.


My Thai son weighed in on this one and told the family group they should renew their knowledge of buddhism teachings and principles and insisted the family ignormaus show him a dharma book or whatever where the teachings includes mention of 'not pure blood' etc. Book / whatever never appeared.


Son also insisted the ignormaus and a couple of other family who agree with the ignoramus give him a detailed explanation of what factors or whatever are involved to make the claim that someone has 'good karma'.


One mentioned a specific low life highly corrupt politician, when challenged, the family member said ' but it's good corruption because his wife now has a BMW. 


End result of my son's 'lecture' - they claim my son is a trouble maker. 


A long way to go - but I do believe that much more police presence / helicopter / satellite surveillance and much heavier a fines and punishments will help. 


Recruitment of more highly educated people into the force. plus a total change in recruitment processes including outside audit processes would also help, plus mandatory 2 years jail for anybody caught in payment for positions / payment to get a job or promotion, etc., for both the person at the centerof this activity plus the 'helper'.

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Just now, Time Traveller said:

Seems you're suffering from reality delusions, so let me help.

1. You don't need to "navigate" intersections. If the light is Green, you proceed thru the intersection, If the light is Red, you stop. Kind of easy so far, right?

2. When accidents happen, the speed involved increases the likelihood of fatalities. Go faster = More chance of dying if you're involved in an accident

3. Many Thai motorcyclists and their passenger choose not to wear helmets.

4. Being a competent motorcycle rider does not reduce your chances of an accident if other road users  (especially larger vehicles) make mistakes. 

In conclusion, when you consider these points, then if motorcyclists were allowed onto toll ways, where cars can be regularly seen travelling in excess of 160 km/h, I can confidently say there will be a lot more motorcycle fatalities.


Actually, the law in many other countries says if the light is green, proceed with caution. Apart from that, you're on the money.

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2 minutes ago, scorecard said:


Well maybe you can make inroads by:


- Continuously having highway police cruising and looking for / stopping / charging people who are driving dangerously, suspected DUI with compulsory immediate arrest  for refusal to take breath or blood test, using phone, and if proven then mandatory much more serious fines and suspension of licences, then  90 days jail for all second dangerous driving , DUI offences, 3rd offence mandatory 2 years jail and license canceled for life. Plus more more compulsory punishment by having to work for much more extended hours in emergency rooms etc., and compulsory work to clean up human carnage, etc.


Without all of the above nothing nothing nothing will change.


The karma fate angle comes up regularly with my extended Thai family which has a total of 3 members married to western husbands.


After latest accident when one of the Thai wifes was driving  one family ignoramus claimed that the accident was absolutely caused as a buddha punishment for having look krueng / not pure blood children in the car.


My Thai son weighed in on this one and told the family group they should renew their knowledge of buddhism teachings and principles and insisted the family ignormaus show him a dharma book or whatever where the teachings includes mention of 'not pure blood' etc. Book / whatever never appeared.


Son also insisted the ignormaus and a couple of other family who agree with the ignoramus give him a detailed explanation of what factors or whatever are involved to make the claim that someone has 'good karma'.


One mentioned a specific low life highly corrupt politician, when challenged, the family member said ' but it's good corruption because his wife now has a BMW. 


End result of my son's 'lecture' - they claim my son is a trouble maker. 


A long way to go - but I do believe that much more police presence / helicopter / satellite surveillance and much heavier a fines and punishments will help. 


Recruitment of more highly educated people into the force. plus a total change in recruitment processes including outside audit processes would also help, plus mandatory 2 years jail for anybody caught in payment for positions / payment to get a job or promotion, etc., for both the person at the centerof this activity plus the 'helper'.


Or, to cut a long story short - make the police do their jobs.

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Adding to these stats  NOTHING is ever mentioned about the state of the highways.......Try travelling on highway 2  from Udon Thani--to Korat--highway 304 to chonburi----highway 331 to   Pattaya,      mostly one lane used, it is disgusting.      I see no finger pointing to the Highways department.   they have their roll in all this.

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26 minutes ago, Russell17au said:

it would be the worst thing that they could do by allowing motorbikes on these freeways or tollways, the majority of motorbike riders are just plain idiots and by allowing them on here it would increase the death rate

this is not a tollway or a freeway, it's the bridge that crosses the Chaopraya river from Rama III. But what would be the harm in motorcycles using the tollways or freeways? no stopping, no vehicles entering from the left side? Traffic moves along smoothly. Motorcycles can keep up or go faster than the traffic. The tollways and freeways would be the safest place for motorcycles rather than having them drive on the frontage roads and competing with taxis, illegal parking, songteaws, cars exiting and entering businesses, people driving the wrong way, crosswalks,  and I could go on.

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2 hours ago, ezzra said:

When i travel long distances, what i don't see on the roads is police

presence on bikes and cruisers, and when i see them, they pay no

minds to the traffic around them, you can fly by them speeding and

you'll not get stopped, a lot more police cars and bikes needed to be

patrolling the roads keeping drivers honest, stop and search for alcohol

and drugs use, and heavy fines on the spot for badly behaving drivers, 

put the fear in the hearts and minds of all drivers, show of force urgently

needed, not just the occasional  road blocks....

If 61 people die every day on Thai roads, how come I've seen so little evidence of it? I've driven/ bussed thousands of km here and only seen a couple of incidents involving death. Perhaps the deaths happen in specific areas, so they need to work out why those areas are so dangerous and fix that.


When THAIS want to fix the problem they will do so, and hopefully not by replicating the nasty cop policing of my home country where they have destroyed any pleasure in driving as they fine anyone travelling a few kph over the limit. Of course they ignore the really bad driving that goes on all the time because all they care about is fining people, rather than making people drive safer.

Luckily the THAI authorities will take no notice of all the farangs wanting US style policing in LOS.

It's a real old chestnut, but if people want road policing just like back "home" no one is keeping them here.

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1 hour ago, canuckamuck said:

Are you talking about their ability to drive a car with skill, or their ability to drive their car with wisdom, care, and attention? I think they are mostly highly skilled, you have to be to survive. But the chances they take...

I just drove in Lebanon. I was SOOOO happy to be back in Thailand! LOL

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