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Curious Tale Of "hermit" In Cm And Cherie Blair!


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Well, would you believe it?!? Courtesy of the Mail on Sunday:

The woman who was Tony and Cherie Blair's host for their controversial holiday in Florida is a former porn star, The Mail on Sunday can reveal.

Dwina Murphy-Gibb appeared in several blue movies in the early Seventies. And she was expelled from a women's liberation group when they found out about her past.

Dwina and her husband, Bee Gee Robin Gibb, opened their £4 million waterfront home in Miami Beach to the Blairs over New Year, prompting another 'freebie' holiday row.

It also led to a series of revelations about Dwina's colourful past as a wild-living, bisexual Druid priestess.

But now her former fiance, David Waterfield, has disclosed her biggest secret in a further embarrassment for the Blairs.

"Dwina did porno before she knew me," said Mr Waterfield. "We are talking before videos. We are talking black and white movies."

The Mail on Sunday revealed last week that Dwina and Cherie have grown close over the past 12 months, sharing an interest in human rights.

Mr Waterfield, 63, a former porn baron who now lives in a remote bamboo hut near Chiang Mai in northern Thailand with his pregnant Thai fiancee, said he was 'amazed' someone with Dwina's background was allowed into Downing Street.

"There must surely be some checking device. They should have known her background."

Recalling their two-year romance, he said Dwina was fascinated by tarot cards, spiritualism and 'witchery' which he said was nurtured by bohemian friends with an interest in the occult.

He described his former lover as 'honourable and honest' and said: "If she is a friend of Cherie Blair, then Cherie has got a good friend."

Waterfield - then a wealthy 29-year-old 'wheeler dealer' - met Dwina when she was a 20-year-old art college student in London in 1972.

"In my game, there are a lot of women around. But she was different. She was lovely with a big smile and a no-nonsense attitude. She wasn't a greedy or avaricious person," he said.

"I remember I had just bought a yellow E-type Jag - the first V12 model. It cost me £3,400 and at the time it was the only thing in my life I'd ever wanted.

"When I met Dwina, I'd never taken a girl out in it before. I thought, "She's going to love this."

"I told her I had my car parked round the corner and she turned the corner and said, "Is that your car?" I said, "Yes." And she said, "I'm not getting in that."

"I was gutted. I said, "You're joking" but she refused to get in. It turned out she'd been in a sports car with another guy the week before, and it went too fast and they had an accident.

"She got in eventually. But that's the kind of person she was. Everyone likes money to a degree but she's not a greedy person. She's a kind person, a very generous person.

"She would do all she could to help anybody. She helped a poor disabled girl. She bought her a wheelchair. Anyone will tell you she is just a kind person."

Their unconventional relationship involved Waterfield having to accept bisexual Dwina's female lovers.

"What she did with women had nothing to do with me - she made that very plain to me," he said. "But I learnt a lot about it [lesbianism] from her, luckily I'm not afflicted with jealousy."

Throughout their time together, Waterfield said Dwina had an uncanny ability to network with the rich and famous.

"She meets everyone - just by chance. Everywhere she goes, she is one of those people who attracts famous people," he said.

"She even bumped into Princess Anne when she was getting engaged.

"It doesn't surprise me she's friends with the Blairs. Wherever she goes, she meets actors and famous people. It's just the way she is. She doesn't go looking for it. She bumps into people.

"When I was with her, every day she met and made friends with someone famous. One day it would be Warren Mitchell. Another day it was Patrick Mower. I never met anyone.

"I don't know what her secret is. She's from Ireland and she's just gifted that way. She is very open."

During their two years together, Waterfield said, her interest in the occult grew.

"At first she wasn't that interested at all but a little bit later, she got very much into that kind of thing - witchery and all of that, and spiritualism too.

"Not superstitions but things to do with bringing good luck. She's very much into tarot cards and things like that. She was very, very knowledgeable about that kind of thing."

Dwina remained a close friend of Waterfield after their split and he recalled a meeting with her shortly before learning of her romance with Robin Gibb.

"She was sat down with me one day - I don't know if she knew Robin or not at the time - and she was really skint," he said.

"She was playing with her tarot cards and her witchery and all that and she told me: "I think I've got to marry a millionaire."

And the next minute - boom - she's married Robin Gibb. Dwina believes very strongly in karma. She believes what you do will come back."

She was also passionate about feminism and vegetarianism, Waterfield said. "Dwina convinced me and I became a vegan - two years of bread, potato and cabbage," he said.

Waterfield met Dwina's parents when they visited from Ireland for her 21st birthday.

"They were very nice people - very ordinary," he said. "They didn't know what I was doing for a living. I don't think the subject was raised."

The porn dealer's seedy dealings surfaced spectacularly in 1975, however, as his relationship with Dwina was fading, when he was jailed for three years for importing porn films into Britain.

"Dwina stood by me as best she could, the poor girl," he recalled. "What did she know? She was a young girl from Ireland."

Dwina apparently saw no conflict between her ideas on feminism and Waterfield's career as a pornographer, which he insisted was "more about fighting censorship than making money".

Although their relationship faded, Dwina and Waterfield stayed in touch.

Still without a job or anyone to support her financially, she worked for his new business producing bean bags and cushions after his release from prison.

"Dwina worked on a sewing machine for a year or two years,' Waterfield said. "She was a very good worker - neat too. She made loads of bean bags and many people still sit on them."

Waterfield helped Dwina with a mortgage on a house when she met a new partner but has had no contact with her since shortly after the beginning of her relationship with Robin Gibb more than 20 years ago.

"I had a phone call from her soon after she met Robin. She told me she was going to get married, he said.

"I didn't even know who the Bee Gees were so I wasn't that impressed. I discovered them after that. Now I play their music every day."

But he has no regrets about his hermit lifestyle in Thailand, where he says he does nothing but grow mangoes.

"I'm an old man now,' he said. "This is what I want.

"Isn't this what everyone wants? This is a wonderful spot and we're very, very happy here."

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i don't really see what the point is, she sounds like an interesting friend to have to me
"Dwina worked on a sewing machine for a year or two years,' Waterfield said. "She was a very good worker - neat too. She made loads of bean bags and many people still sit on them."

must be scintillating company. her tales of beanbaggery must have enlivened the drawing rooms of the socialites of florida for many a year.

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The Druid Lady-in-Waiting

Cherie Blair, the wife of British Prime Minister Tony Blair, is making news for her new-found friendship with a "Druid priestess".

"...they got on famously because - although the reasons may not seem immediately clear - they had 'a lot in common'. And so began, a year ago almost to the day, Mrs Blair's extraordinary friendship with Dwina Murphy-Gibb: erotic artist, one-time fetish - magazine model, part-time Druid priestess and bisexual."

Dwina Murphy-Gibb is married to Bee Gees singer Robin Gibb, and their friendship is drawing criticism, not for Murphy-Gibb's wild past but for her relationship with the woman-lead group Brahma Kumaris.

"Even by the standards of some of Mrs Blair's previous friends - former glamour model Carole Caplin, for instance - Dwina's past is colourful almost beyond belief. But there is something else - potentially dangerous - that yet again places a question mark against Mrs Blair's judgment and the almost kamikaze, ill-advised way she embarks on certain friendships. It is Dwina's close involvement with Brahma Kumaris, a women-led spiritual organisation that, while striving for world peace, has allegedly used 'pernicious' methods to control its followers."

The Brahma Kumaris group has been accused of controlling followers and has gained controversy for advising adherents (including married partners) to live a life of celibacy. But while the connection to the religious group has some concerned, the real start of all this attention is due to a winter holiday at Robin Gibb's home in Miami.

"The riddle over Tony Blair's controversial winter vacation deepened yesterday as Downing Street tried to fight off accusations that the Prime Minister had accepted a free holiday at the palatial Miami home of the pop star Robin Gibb...Mr Blair's predilection for staying at the homes of the rich and glamorous has turned his holidays into an annual set-piece controversy. But this holiday promises to be more colourful than most. The villa, built in 1948, has become famous as a venue for decadent parties. Mr Gibb has described his marriage as 'totally open. We like to cruise and we like to watch."

Amidst this controversy and gossip, Dwina Murphy-Gibb's connections to Druidism (she is a patroness of OBOD) are just one more shocking adjective alongside bisexuality and wild parties. Can you be friends with someone with a "wild" lifestyle yet not live it? The press so far seems to hint at some secret hedonistic lifestyle Cherie Blair may be living. But I doubt the devout Catholic will be attending OBOD rituals or "swapping" with a Bee Gee at a wild party any time soon. It could simply be a friendship formed by a shared interest in charitable causes, but then that wouldn't be news would it?

Labels: Cherie Blair, Druid, Druidism, Dwina Murphy-Gibb, Robin Gibb, Tony Blair

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Well, would you believe it?!? Courtesy of the Mail on Sunday:

The woman who was Tony and Cherie Blair's host for their controversial holiday in Florida is a former porn star, The Mail on Sunday can reveal.

Bit Of White Mischef

For anyone who dosnt know... the Mail on Sunday is better known as a local Brit Tory rag which is always on the lookout for a TiT bit of scandle to try any way it can to undermine opposition political party leaders.... :D ...a bit like the National Enquirer in the states........

Cherie Blair however is an old fashioned tub thumping Scouse Socialist (albiet a well paid one...and a Papist)and a scoop like this from the likes of the Mail will only give her a Laff rather than bother her .....in fact will only improve her Street cred..... :D

Met her a couple of times over the years and ....off a ducks back..... :o ...like the red wine she drinks....

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Well, would you believe it?!? Courtesy of the Mail on Sunday:

The woman who was Tony and Cherie Blair's host for their controversial holiday in Florida is a former porn star, The Mail on Sunday can reveal.

Bit Of White Mischef

For anyone who dosnt know... the Mail on Sunday is better known as a local Brit Tory rag which is always on the lookout for a TiT bit of scandle to try any way it can to undermine opposition political party leaders.... :D ...a bit like the National Enquirer in the states........

Cherie Blair however is an old fashioned tub thumping Scouse Socialist (albiet a well paid one...and a Papist)and a scoop like this from the likes of the Mail will only give her a Laff rather than bother her .....in fact will only improve her Street cred..... :D

Met her a couple of times over the years and ....off a ducks back..... :D ...like the red wine she drinks....

So we can look forward to "Cherie Blair meets Rinrada" scandal in next week's edition? :D:o

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