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Fake VISAs and a fake "U.S. embassy" in Ghana?!

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Interesting article. Just a shame that the 'fake US Embassy in Ghana' story turned out to be, er, fake!!

From the article:

The fake embassy became a sensation largely because the story was so predictably familiar. The Africans were scammers. The victims were desperate and credulous. The local police officers were bumbling idiots. Countless officials were paid off. And at the end, the Americans swooped in and saved the day. There was only one problem with the story: it wasn’t true.


I recall seeing this story when it first came out and it struck a chord with me because, when I worked in Ghana during the mid 80's my company was involved with the security upgrade on the US embassy (plus the Ambo residence). Nice little earner too, but that's another story. Knowing the actual embassy building and seeing the supposedly 'fake embassy' building the story, even for Ghana. seemed rather far fetched.


There was a US company acting for the US government on the project. They were upgrading security on a number of US embassies throughout Africa and I was offered a position with them for an upcoming project in Mogadishu. Luckily I passed on it!!

Edited by dabhand
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