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Study finds high pesticide levels in local food


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I guess the good news is 9000 farmers got sick. That might help awareness and even if not for the publics health the guy might not over do it from now on for his own health and that helps us.

 The bad news is just 1 more thing that puts life at risk living in thailand.

If i listed all the things bad here for health it would be suicidal to stay here.

So i will just leave it alone

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 I always loved to eat some squid on the stick, until I found bad news about the use on Formalin.


   Unfortunately, does corpse preserving substances also make veggies, meat, seafood, and vegetables look nice.


 Last week's news were shocking with 65 % of veggies and 100 % fruits contaminated. It would be a great market for Isaan farmers, but only if they'd know how to produce other stuff than rice and pepper.


 A post from 2014:


Health officials found the use of the corpse-preserving substance at five fresh and weekly markets in Nakhon Sawan late last month.

According to him the Department of Health officials collected 275 food samples from two fresh markets and three weekly markets in Nakhon Sawan Muang district, Thatako and Chum Saeng districts.

They found that 102 samples or 37% contained formalin. At major fresh markets, formalin was found in as many as 59% of collected samples.














Edited by jenny2017
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4 hours ago, JimmyJ said:

In the US that would mean they are not spraying the crop but that the soil has had chemicals used in the past or previous crops had been sprayed during the last x amount of years - I think at least 3 years, in California probably 5 years.




I'm not sure if that's what it means for this company's produce though.

The article talks about free range eggs. Meaning as organic as it gets! 

The chemicals are everywhere. Organic or not.


The only way I can see chemical free food would be completely controlled indoors environment. Outdoors the chemicals are everywhere in the soil. 

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Washing fruit and vegetables helps reduce pesticide levels.

For all the hysteria about dioxins, the only proven effect in humans is chloracne, a skin condition. Different kettle of fish if you are a horse.

At my age, pesticides in food are the least of my worries. Different if you are a three year old.

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5 hours ago, KIWIBATCH said:

...and any claim to "organic" by any Thai grower is absolute BS...outright lies.......


Thai growers also export a lot of vegetables/fruit.....I wonder how the recipient countries will view this report..??


Firstly there is probably more land available for organic  farming in Thailand than you think.

Largely areas are still primitively farmed without any pesticides etc and if taken on BEFORE the local agri-businesses get to them their is relatively virgin land to be had. I presume you realise that the criteria for organic farming are pretty cut and dried and international?


As for customers abroad, like the EU, there are already standards set and monitored....anything outside that is rejected.

The problem is that if a farm isn't producing food for export it isn't monitored properly. In areas like Rayong's with high industrial pollution, they have to grow and sell to whatever market they can.



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24 minutes ago, bazza73 said:

Washing fruit and vegetables helps reduce pesticide levels.

For all the hysteria about dioxins, the only proven effect in humans is chloracne, a skin condition. Different kettle of fish if you are a horse.

At my age, pesticides in food are the least of my worries. Different if you are a three year old.

It also depends on intensity of exposure as well as longevity....there can be short term illnesses or chronic.... more serious illnesses include a range of cancers, fertility and neurological.

Unfortunately pesticides don't stay where they are put......they get blown about as spray and dust......people who think they have a safe vegetable patch may actually be consuming pesticides from neighbouring farms.

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3 minutes ago, Airbagwill said:

It also depends on intensity of exposure as well as longevity....there can be short term illnesses or chronic.... more serious illnesses include a range of cancers, fertility and neurological.

Unfortunately pesticides don't stay where they are put......they get blown about as spray and dust......people who think they have a safe vegetable patch may actually be consuming pesticides from neighbouring farms.

"Silent Spring" by Rachel Carson is the seminal work in this field.

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Organic or not I soak all my fruit and vegetables in baking soda and vinegar.


15 minutes or more in 1-3 table spoons of backing soda

rinse with water

15 minutes or more in 1/4 cup of vinegar.

rinse with water


Each act on different types of chemicals.  only removes some of the outside pesticides, but anything helps.

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10 hours ago, Card said:

How many times have I read on this forum that Thai food is "so damned delicious, cheap,  healthy and never done me any harm", especially regarding street food.


Thai food is generally NOT healthy, due to the contaminants and street food, using cheap oils that are overused and overheated is the worst.


And organic? How many studies that they are also contaminated do people need before they stop claiming it is the only way to ensure safety from pesticides in Thailand?


The only way forward are GMOs (ex herbicide resistants) that help crops resist pests and diseases.


Personally I try to restrict myself as far as possible to imported frozen foods and peelable local fruits, but doubt they are pesticide-free, but at least the frozen stuff is generally fresher and has some kind of traceability and standards compared to the local market stuff.


Exactly what I wanted to say ! it's so difficult to eat anything healthy in this world...



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1 hour ago, Airbagwill said:

Firstly there is probably more land available for organic  farming in Thailand than you think.

Largely areas are still primitively farmed without any pesticides etc and if taken on BEFORE the local agri-businesses get to them their is relatively virgin land to be had. I presume you realise that the criteria for organic farming are pretty cut and dried and international?


As for customers abroad, like the EU, there are already standards set and monitored....anything outside that is rejected.

The problem is that if a farm isn't producing food for export it isn't monitored properly. In areas like Rayong's with high industrial pollution, they have to grow and sell to whatever market they can.




Incredible to read how much you are dreaming ! Ridiculous !



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2 hours ago, XBroker said:

Cell phone radiation is a much faster killer than pesticides, IMO.

This is unproven tech and most fail to even read the warnings in the literature that comes w/ their device.  Speaking of which, I wonder what the laws are there for the placement of cell towers. Probably just as lax. How close are you to one?


Law enforcement, worldwide, is even more exposed than the general public. Check out the leukemia rates for them. Microwaving your brain turns it to mush. I've noticed increasingly irrational behavior (here in the U.S.)  since the roll out of cell phones, which I never use. But this has been the plan all along. It has little to do w/ helping you to communicate w/ anyone. It has more to do w/ getting the sheeple to fund the control/extermination grid (Agenda 21).

"How close are you to a cell tower". Too far - my signal is lousy.


The "irrational behavior" you've noticed since the rollout of cell phones is not difficult to explain. When people are totally engrossed in their various social media apps they don't want to be disturbed and get upset with they are. Behaviour has changed because most people are living in an artificial cyberworld, but people like you, the conspiracy theorists, are looking for conspiracies in everything. Even if EM radiation was "microwaving" people brains, most people spend more time with their smartphones at arm's length, well away from their brains.

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1 hour ago, THAIJAMES said:

Organic or not I soak all my fruit and vegetables in baking soda and vinegar.


15 minutes or more in 1-3 table spoons of backing soda

rinse with water

15 minutes or more in 1/4 cup of vinegar.

rinse with water


Each act on different types of chemicals.  only removes some of the outside pesticides, but anything helps.

All your fruit? If it can be peeled, I wouldn't bother.

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11 hours ago, berrec said:

OMG, so what you're telling me is if I am lucky enough to avoid the potential of death or injury on the Thailand road networks, eating locally grown produce containing toxic substances will likely get me in the long term anyway.  


Geeze, my first year living here in Thailand and I am wondering now if I will make it successfully through to the end of year 2.


And I thought navigating around the pimps and hustlers at central Sukhumvit was my greatest danger to living in Thailand.




Boy are you on a learning curve, have you got plan B ready ? Hope so you will need it.

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Fresh fruit and vegetables have a very short shelf life. They start to deteriorate within a day or two. Even at home if green veggies are left out over night, they usually turn brown or yellow by the morning. I have suspected for years that the local markets must use some kinds of chemicals on their fruit and veg to prolong freshness, otherwise if not sold within a couple of days they would be throwing away the produce by the tons and go out of business.


Except for washing the fruit and veg thoroughly before eating I doubt there is much we can do about it, we consume the stuff and hope for the best.

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6 hours ago, rwill said:

and yet somehow all the people in my wife's family manage to live into their 80's, some over 100.  Not counting accidental deaths.


The life span of your wife's family members is statistically insignificant.

(I.e., it is meaningless to the discussion at hand).


They are very fortunate though - great genes for longetivity, I guess.

Edited by JimmyJ
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14 hours ago, rebo said:

Yes, of course, we buy most of our vegetables at the King's Project outlet close to Royal Park Rachaphruek in Chiang Mai. They claim there products "Pesticide Safe" or "Pesticide Residue Free" (written in Thai) but not "Organic".
This was the background of my question whether their products were tested, too, and what about the results.

I wonder what the cost would be to purchase a sampling of produce there and have a lab test it.

When I make it over there I'll share the cost with anyone interested...

Will post again at that time to see if anyone would like to.

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I see that in 2014 there was a twice weekly organic market in Chiang Mai - hopefully it still exists.



 "In Chiang Mai, Thailand there is an organic market twice a week on two different locations. In this video I visit the location outside of town on saturdays and you can see how to get there for free and where it is.

(NB. the minibus is no longer operating)."

Edited by JimmyJ
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4 hours ago, cyberfarang said:

Fresh fruit and vegetables have a very short shelf life. They start to deteriorate within a day or two. Even at home if green veggies are left out over night, they usually turn brown or yellow by the morning. I have suspected for years that the local markets must use some kinds of chemicals on their fruit and veg to prolong freshness, otherwise if not sold within a couple of days they would be throwing away the produce by the tons and go out of business.


Except for washing the fruit and veg thoroughly before eating I doubt there is much we can do about it, we consume the stuff and hope for the best.

Pesticides do just that...kill organisms that what to harm the product in one way or another.

My guess is that in your case, you are just buying old fruit and veggies

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11 hours ago, XBroker said:

Cell phone radiation is a much faster killer than pesticides, IMO.

This is unproven tech and most fail to even read the warnings in the literature that comes w/ their device.  Speaking of which, I wonder what the laws are there for the placement of cell towers. Probably just as lax. How close are you to one?


Law enforcement, worldwide, is even more exposed than the general public. Check out the leukemia rates for them. Microwaving your brain turns it to mush. I've noticed increasingly irrational behavior (here in the U.S.)  since the roll out of cell phones, which I never use. But this has been the plan all along. It has little to do w/ helping you to communicate w/ anyone. It has more to do w/ getting the sheeple to fund the control/extermination grid (Agenda 21).

Well it's seems to have effected this poster....I'd recommend a tinfoil hat

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1 hour ago, JimmyJ said:

I wonder what the cost would be to purchase a sampling of produce there and have a lab test it.

When I make it over there I'll share the cost with anyone interested...

Will post again at that time to see if anyone would like to.

I would contact EARTH about that, the 2 orgs that produced the report..."he research, from Ecological Alert and Recovery – Thailand (EARTH) and Thailand Pesticide Alert Network (Thai-PAN), "

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