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Video shares stark ‘Drink Drive Death’ warning


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19 minutes ago, bluesofa said:

I know it's a long video, but I felt after watching it completely it was very moving. I wouldn't know how well it got the message over though?

Intelligent campaign aimed at intelligent people.  Wast of time here.

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This type of campaign is not new here. Back in 2000 was at an annual festival of some sort near Petchabun and there was a booth there advocating Don't Drink and Drive/Safe Driving. A huge cork board with dozens of the most horrific death and dismemberment photographs. Horrible crash victim shots which were fascinating and stomach turning at the same time. We couldn't look away! 


17 years on and things have only gotten worse and "worser". Good and well intended idea, but this studio production will have no effect whatsoever. :post-4641-1156693976:

Edited by Skeptic7
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21 hours ago, laislica said:

But takes too long don'tcha think?

Short, sharp and lingering might be better.

Lingering, feeling the pain and after effect for years (a lifetime to come?)


NO---- I dont think it is too long.If you say the Thais love the gore then for petes sake give it to them.You cannot cover the whole problem in a few seconds.This video just about covers the lot---cars rolling off road and downhill upside down,Suddenly seeing a car or big commercial vehicle coming at you when you are overtaking,wandering half pissed all over the road and skidding inte another vehicle broadside,flying through a windscreen,running into a few pedestrians ,sending a motorcyclist flying,throwing a cyclist over your bonnet,Smashing into something and bursting into flames-------------- Man I don't mind admitting it,I was fighting the tears back.Then the video showed not just the accidents,but the poor people,family friends and other loved ones sobbing their hearts out at the loss of someone special.This was a video with a message and even the song 'Everybody hurts sometime"was in my opinion perfect too,and it certainly got the message over to me,even though I,ve seen it before it was just as forceful.Not that rubbishy Jingle bells going on and on with virtually nothing going on in the one scene.I found it distracting and sorry but totally boring.It was probably a very horrible scene but I just felt that the singing was trying to make light of the gruesome scene.Just my opinion but please let me see more effort next year.Not just the accidents but the aftermath leaving so many people with just loving memories.Thank you for reading this. 

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22 hours ago, chompolsky said:

what is is. the Thai people know this even better than we do.

the root cause is so basic.. it is unchangeable.  it is "cultural".

learning to live with it and deal with it is the best and ONLY way... same as us westerners [farlang]. it's just like how Guy McPherson suggests for our own 'locked in' issue.

exactly the same.


Guy McPherson??? 

Who is Guy McPherson? 

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Firstly he is misinterpreting WHO stats.

Secondly  it has been shown categorically that this sort of film is ineffective. People disconnect  from these types of film thinking it happens only to others.

For example, in how many comments on this thread do posters refer to themselves or are posters always referring to "others"?

The videos that hit home are simple stories about being breathalised on 

the way home after one drink too many.

Unfortunately  in Thailand as drink drive policing  and follow up penalties are either nonexistent or unenforceable, it is hard to see what campaign would be effective at present in Thailand.

It really is just another example of people failing to understand even the most basic concepts associated with road safety.

So how can one expect any improvement so long as this lamentable situation is allowed to persist?


Edited by Airbagwill
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On 12/21/2017 at 3:39 PM, biplanebluey said:

NO---- I dont think it is too long.If you say the Thais love the gore then for petes sake give it to them.You cannot cover the whole problem in a few seconds.This video just about covers the lot---cars rolling off road and downhill upside down,Suddenly seeing a car or big commercial vehicle coming at you when you are overtaking,wandering half pissed all over the road and skidding inte another vehicle broadside,flying through a windscreen,running into a few pedestrians ,sending a motorcyclist flying,throwing a cyclist over your bonnet,Smashing into something and bursting into flames-------------- Man I don't mind admitting it,I was fighting the tears back.Then the video showed not just the accidents,but the poor people,family friends and other loved ones sobbing their hearts out at the loss of someone special.This was a video with a message and even the song 'Everybody hurts sometime"was in my opinion perfect too,and it certainly got the message over to me,even though I,ve seen it before it was just as forceful.Not that rubbishy Jingle bells going on and on with virtually nothing going on in the one scene.I found it distracting and sorry but totally boring.It was probably a very horrible scene but I just felt that the singing was trying to make light of the gruesome scene.Just my opinion but please let me see more effort next year.Not just the accidents but the aftermath leaving so many people with just loving memories.Thank you for reading this. 


I see what you mean and I agree with you about the short music video, but.....


You and I come from a completely different culture and it's difficult to truly understand Thai culture.

It's hard enough to understand our own.

We were educated very differently in our own culture, Thais are differently educated too.


IMHO, Attention span is totally different and that is what has to be addressed in any advertising if the message is to get embedded in Thai minds.

Nothing will change until Thai people expect consequences.

I doubt that you believe in reincarnation?

If you did, you might think that death is not a truly serious matter?

You might think it was a chance to try again?


Of course, Technology has to be considered too.

The whole world is now addicted to smart phones and mobile computer devices that have a power that was regarded as science fiction less than thirty years ago.

Everything happens in the blink of an eye and everyone is distracted by it all, everyone.


Years ago, cartoons were regarded as dangerous to children because it gave the very young the idea that a massive accident that squashed a cartoon character didn't kill them.

Tom & Jerry etc.

Now we have Shoot em up war games and virtual reality that make cartoons pale into insignificance!


The world has changed and new thinking is needed.

Just sayin.





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