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Your Reaction To Snakes, Scorpions, Centipedes...

Jet Gorgon

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I'm ashamed to say I scream like a castrated Ned Flanders, jump on a chair and/or run crying from the room.

Hey, leave me out of it :D

As for me,

If outdoors, i walk around them.

If indoors, i try to get some rent out of them, if they don't pay up. They get evicted (one way or another :o )

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My reaction.

"teeee lak kraaap"

Then its up on the chair/bed/stool like the big black woman housekeeper in Tom and Jerry cartoons.

Not a pretty or brave site, but I hate those centipedes. Can't let em scurry away and hide as they come back out for you later.

Once had a massive (and I do mean massive) spider on the visa bus and we spent all the trip looking out for it. The Burmese boss was pacing up and down for nearly all of the 14 hour trip.

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Leave them all alone. Never encountered a scorpion, but snakes & centipedes I leave alone. I do try & remove centipedes from the dog pens (unharmed) as I don't want the dogs getting hurt and I have been known to hold off dogs trying to attack a snake, to allow it to escape.

Scariest encounter with a snake was in Hong Kong. I was walking down the steps into our rather remote little village & saw some movement near my right foot. Glanced down & saw a cobra rearing & spreading its hood about 18 inches from my foot. Thought it might be a good idea to slowly go backwards up the steps. Cobra settled down & went on his way & so did I (once I'd stopped shaking!)

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Leave them all alone. Never encountered a scorpion, but snakes & centipedes I leave alone. I do try & remove centipedes from the dog pens (unharmed) as I don't want the dogs getting hurt and I have been known to hold off dogs trying to attack a snake, to allow it to escape.

I hear you. My (then) four dogs cornered a cobra once, and it was tough to get them away. I think centipede and snake bites are almost instantly fatal in our furry friends. Ever experienced that?

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Leave them all alone. Never encountered a scorpion, but snakes & centipedes I leave alone. I do try & remove centipedes from the dog pens (unharmed) as I don't want the dogs getting hurt and I have been known to hold off dogs trying to attack a snake, to allow it to escape.

I hear you. My (then) four dogs cornered a cobra once, and it was tough to get them away. I think centipede and snake bites are almost instantly fatal in our furry friends. Ever experienced that?

Seen it, but been fortunate that it's never happened to any of our dogs. About 10 of them, however, have been the unfortunate recipients of rat poison administered by humans over the last 3 years... :o:D And before anyone comments about them running around being a nuisance, they never get outside unless on a leash. Poison has been thrown into the center.

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Seen it, but been fortunate that it's never happened to any of our dogs. About 10 of them, however, have been the unfortunate recipients of rat poison administered by humans over the last 3 years... :o:D And before anyone comments about them running around being a nuisance, they never get outside unless on a leash. Poison has been thrown into the center.

Ah yes, the cowardly rat poison people. A scourge on society. Do you have the remedy recipes?

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I kill snakes with a hoe-I keep a couple ready around garden areas

I think the easiest way to deal with centipede is to keep a number of big mouthed deep plastic jars around with long chopsticks. When I see a centipede even in the garden I just get the hashi and pick them up and drop them in the jar. they die in the jar within a day or two.

I do the same with scorpions except drop them into a smaller peanut butter jar with gasoline in the bottom. They will walk around the bottom even in the petrol for a little while.

Roaches I kill with a fly swatter.

I don't use any bug spray because it can be dangerous for children playing on the floor.

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well, you know...most bugs and snakes can be eaten...I draw the line wid spiders; if I don't whack the mothers they will end up in bed wid me and crawl across my face...it's happened more than once!!!

(cue the James Bond scene from Dr No and the tarantula and :o )

Edited by tutsiwarrior
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well, you know...most bugs and snakes can be eaten...I draw the line wid spiders; if I don't whack the mothers they will end up in bed wid me and crawl across my face...it's happened more than once!!!

(cue the James Bond scene from Dr No and the tarantula and :D )

You got off light Tuts.

Got bit by one in Africa whilst sleeping.

Houseboy looked at the result and

pronounced it "spider bite bwana".

Found him behind a curtain and he

was scary. Black body size of a golf

ball and he had not shaved his legs

that morning.

RIFP one spider.


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cockroach get killed. All other MUST stay alive. My wife and I also teach our staff like that, killing any forms of life is bad.

Once my wife got sting by a scorpion and her sister steped on it and killed her. After 1 year my wife still complains about that.

A snake I would kill if it bites me, to figure out what threatment I need.

Only idiots are killing snakes and than complain that there are so may mouse or rats. Killing the unknow is what brings harm to humans.

Cockroach are an exeption because they are really not in danger and only bring problems.

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well, you know...most bugs and snakes can be eaten...I draw the line wid spiders; if I don't whack the mothers they will end up in bed wid me and crawl across my face...it's happened more than once!!!

(cue the James Bond scene from Dr No and the tarantula and :D )

You got off light Tuts.

Got bit by one in Africa whilst sleeping.

Houseboy looked at the result and

pronounced it "spider bite bwana".

Found him behind a curtain and he

was scary. Black body size of a golf

ball and he had not shaved his legs

that morning.

RIFP one spider.


correcting my previous posting: I would kill that one.

not shaved legs......

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well, you know...most bugs and snakes can be eaten...I draw the line wid spiders; if I don't whack the mothers they will end up in bed wid me and crawl across my face...it's happened more than once!!!

(cue the James Bond scene from Dr No and the tarantula and :D )

You got off light Tuts.

Got bit by one in Africa whilst sleeping.

Houseboy looked at the result and

pronounced it "spider bite bwana".

Found him behind a curtain and he

was scary. Black body size of a golf

ball and he had not shaved his legs

that morning.

RIFP one spider.


correcting my previous posting: I would kill that one.

not shaved legs......

So you're one of these shallow people who

would make a live or die decision just on

external appearance ?


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well, you know...most bugs and snakes can be eaten...I draw the line wid spiders; if I don't whack the mothers they will end up in bed wid me and crawl across my face...it's happened more than once!!!

(cue the James Bond scene from Dr No and the tarantula and :D )

You got off light Tuts.

Got bit by one in Africa whilst sleeping.

Houseboy looked at the result and

pronounced it "spider bite bwana".

Found him behind a curtain and he

was scary. Black body size of a golf

ball and he had not shaved his legs

that morning.

RIFP one spider.


that shit scares the shit outta me...makes yuh too scared to go to sleep at night...mind, there ain't no amount ob money that would have me go to Africa for any reason...I saw sum guy die in California after gettin' sick there...nossuh...

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well, you know...most bugs and snakes can be eaten...I draw the line wid spiders; if I don't whack the mothers they will end up in bed wid me and crawl across my face...it's happened more than once!!!

(cue the James Bond scene from Dr No and the tarantula and :D )

You got off light Tuts.

Got bit by one in Africa whilst sleeping.

Houseboy looked at the result and

pronounced it "spider bite bwana".

Found him behind a curtain and he

was scary. Black body size of a golf

ball and he had not shaved his legs

that morning.

RIFP one spider.


that shit scares the shit outta me...makes yuh too scared to go to sleep at night...mind, there ain't no amount ob money that would have me go to Africa for any reason...I saw sum guy die in California after gettin' sick there...nossuh...

When we went to Zambia and we got off the plane we had

to walk about 500yd across tarmac which was covered in

big green things (locusts) and big black things (gliggers =

Irish for beetles).

My missus was approaching cardiac arrest saying she

wanted to go home. I pointed out that we had only been

given single tickets by my company.

We had a great two years and I saw some bugs that

would scare the <deleted> out of the people who fake them

up for movies.


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Snakes: live and let live....preferably somewhere else. Most are far more afraid of you than vv. Have never had a close encounter with a cobra, but lived in a rainforest which literally writhed with various harmless pythons, tree snakes, and the occasional taipan or king brown. The doll-eyed pythons used to come in every evening on sunset...they are kind of peach-colored underneath...and festoon the rafters on the verandahs. Occasionally i would tweak their tails to remind them that we lived here too, and they would slither off for a while. I did enjoy having a house which was insect-screened though!

Cockroaches: can't do the Buddhist thing there at all. Bug spray! Can't bring myself to eat the crunchy bits that look like cockies on those Star Bugs stalls either...though I imagine they are crickets, right?

Centipedes: got over that phobia after being bitten on the bum by one. Had to have a tetanus shot, and the folks at the hospital where I worked enjoyed a few good laughs about my midnight visit to Casualty toting a centipede in a jar.

Scorpions.....a hammer job.

Feral pigs...don't mention

Crocodiles...just swim where the water is clear.

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I have a mysterious welt on my hand that was not caused by a mosquito...sum bastid of a crawlin' critter got into bed wid us last night...now I wont be able to sleep soundly until I fumigate the entire top floor ob de house and kill the mother...

I got out the Raid crack an' crevice spray today and layed waste to a legion of ants on the front porch...gotta retaliate sumhow...

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I have a mysterious welt on my hand that was not caused by a mosquito...sum bastid of a crawlin' critter got into bed wid us last night...now I wont be able to sleep soundly until I fumigate the entire top floor ob de house and kill the mother...

I got out the Raid crack an' crevice spray today and layed waste to a legion of ants on the front porch...gotta retaliate sumhow...

Can you see any bite marks? Your wife and the locals should have a plant remedy to relieve pain and swelling. If it gets worse, antihistimines. Or cut off the offending appendage. :o

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I have a mysterious welt on my hand that was not caused by a mosquito...sum bastid of a crawlin' critter got into bed wid us last night...now I wont be able to sleep soundly until I fumigate the entire top floor ob de house and kill the mother...

I got out the Raid crack an' crevice spray today and layed waste to a legion of ants on the front porch...gotta retaliate sumhow...

Can you see any bite marks? Your wife and the locals should have a plant remedy to relieve pain and swelling. If it gets worse, antihistimines. Or cut off the offending appendage. :o

and hold up my bleeding stump to cheering and crazed observers like the crazy man in Fellini's Satyricon? With the wife we changed the bedclothes an' I went searchin' fer the bastid...he sensed the menace and musta fled screaming from the bedroom...

pull off his little legs, one by one, savoring his agony...tack his little legless carcass to the bedroom wall as a warning to others...

<deleted> widde bull an' you get the horn...(tutsi brutalises the lower species...)

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Hey, Macb, what kind of snake? I don't recognise it. Fangs in front or back?

Well I think the fangs were in the front but I didnt hang about heres a link


Thanks. Know the cobras, kraits, vipers, pythons, tree snakes...Did alot of research and stories on Thai snakes. I'm of the mind that people are destroying their territory so if they come in my yard that used to be their yard, I try to redirect them back to the closest jungle area. Nudges with a big stick works usually, and the snake farm people showed me how to catch and bag them if they turn up in my bathroom. I see them as part of the ecosystem and all that. And actually very beautiful in their own right. Just my way.

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