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Democracy must have good governance, says Prayut


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32 minutes ago, Eric Loh said:

Will be hanging around till Democracy is restored and hopefully the next government has enough support to seek a referendum to re-write the constitution to made it more people centric. My wish for 2018 is for election to take place and the corrupt military generals will see their days in court and maybe in Hague. Happy new year everyone. 

Second that - may 2018 be the year the generals return to the golf courses and their watch collections.

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1 hour ago, Becker said:

Dear Steven. Please answer this one simple question as several of your fellow TVF posters are dying to know your answer:

If another Shin supported government is installed will you move away from Thailand?

In my case I believe the Shins were the most democratic leaders this country ever had. And respect their efforts.I used to believe in democracy I also used to believe in santa claus both are in the past.

  But and a big but.

  We are talking Thailand. The Shins were fighting an uphill battle never to be won.

  Prayut has many faults. That is not the point.

  Right now democratic countries are being torn apart because they cannot be governed properly. 

Any one preaching democracy is living in the past. (For the whole world it appears)   

 All Asia is corrupt. China is corrupt and the second strongest nation in the world. Do not measure what a country can achieve with a corruption compass.

  Would England,Belgium,France ,Germany,and the great USA claim there is no corruption there. If they did they would simply be lying

 Thailand is moving forward. Middle class is coming on strong. What are the countries above that are democratic doing? They are falling apart because of their out of the time beliefs.in demcracy and how it works. and how they apply it.

Edited by lovelomsak
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6 hours ago, lovelomsak said:

I know what you are trying to say . But please listen to what I say in all respect .

  I am saying democracy is not working in most of the world to the benefit of its citizens any more.

  I used Merkel as a prime example.In one swift move she has destroyed the demograhics of Germany for ever.She was elected and is totally unsuited for her position. My statement using her was just to make the point she was elected by democracy and is wrecking her country,at least Prayut is bringing his country forward.

  What has democracy done good for America as of late if you talk to any Americans, How is democracy working in France,Belgium,Germany,and England. They are all suffering from poor government leadership, and are declining.

     Democracy is over rated because we know nothing else.Prayut may not be perfect but he sure the hell beats  Merkel by a country mile taking care of his country man.


As you say, democracy isn't perfect, particularly in Britain with Teressa May, a fine example of the ills that democracy throws up, but the opportunity will be there to unseat her in May 2022, if she lasts that long, which is doubtful.

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6 hours ago, lovelomsak said:

I know what you are trying to say . But please listen to what I say in all respect .

  I am saying democracy is not working in most of the world to the benefit of its citizens any more.

  I used Merkel as a prime example.In one swift move she has destroyed the demograhics of Germany for ever.She was elected and is totally unsuited for her position. My statement using her was just to make the point she was elected by democracy and is wrecking her country,at least Prayut is bringing his country forward.

  What has democracy done good for America as of late if you talk to any Americans, How is democracy working in France,Belgium,Germany,and England. They are all suffering from poor government leadership, and are declining.

     Democracy is over rated because we know nothing else.Prayut may not be perfect but he sure the hell beats  Merkel by a country mile taking care of his country man.


I know what you are trying to say. There is no perfect form of government. Most people in the civilized world except democracy as the least bad type. America is lucky because their leader doesn't have absolute power and he is kept under control. I don't see the US as a failure in democracy.


A point I made above was: why pretend they are attempting to set up a democracy? Save the money and aggravation and call a spade a spade. It has been a military regime pretending to be a democracy since 1932.


Perhaps people are lucky with Prayut as things SEEM to be proceeding peacefully for now. Who's next? A genuine tyrant? As long as the tanks are in control, it could easily happen... at which point you may be wishing for that broken democracy. You may even consider moving to Germany.:smile:

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17 minutes ago, lovelomsak said:

In my case I believe the Shins were the most democratic leaders this country ever had. And respect their efforts.I used to believe in democracy I also used to believe in santa claus both are in the past.

  But and a big but.

  We are talking Thailand. The Shins were fighting an uphill battle never to be won.

  Prayut has many faults. That is not the point.

  Right now democratic countries are being torn apart because they cannot be governed properly. 

Any one preaching democracy is living in the past. (For the whole world it appears)   

 All Asia is corrupt. China is corrupt and the second strongest nation in the world. Do not measure what a country can achieve with a corruption compass.

  Would England,Belgium,France ,Germany,and the great USA claim there is no corruption there. If they did they would simply be lying

 Thailand is moving forward. Middle class is coming on strong. What are the countries above that are democratic doing? They are falling apart because of their out of the time beliefs.in demcracy and how it works. and how they apply it.

Which democratic countries are being torn apart? What does that even mean?

What do you mean by "Thailand is moving forward"? Doesn't tomorrow follow today everywhere else in the world as well?


"Would England,Belgium,France ,Germany,and the great USA claim there is no corruption there. If they did they would simply be lying."

But then they are making no such claims. Yet another specious non-point.

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27 minutes ago, lovelomsak said:

In my case I believe the Shins were the most democratic leaders this country ever had. And respect their efforts.I used to believe in democracy I also used to believe in santa claus both are in the past.

  But and a big but.

  We are talking Thailand. The Shins were fighting an uphill battle never to be won.

  Prayut has many faults. That is not the point.

  Right now democratic countries are being torn apart because they cannot be governed properly. 

Any one preaching democracy is living in the past. (For the whole world it appears)   

 All Asia is corrupt. China is corrupt and the second strongest nation in the world. Do not measure what a country can achieve with a corruption compass.

  Would England,Belgium,France ,Germany,and the great USA claim there is no corruption there. If they did they would simply be lying

 Thailand is moving forward. Middle class is coming on strong. What are the countries above that are democratic doing? They are falling apart because of their out of the time beliefs.in demcracy and how it works. and how they apply it.

Democratic countries being torn apart? Thailand moving forward?? Care to explain those demonstrably false statements?

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33 minutes ago, Becker said:

Democratic countries being torn apart? Thailand moving forward?? Care to explain those demonstrably false statements?

Cannot be bothered intertaining you . Why do you just start reading the news or if you cannot read listen to it on a radio or listen and watch and a tv or even you tube. and you will get your answers there ok.

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Well the junta General should know , he's pretty well up with Democracy , Prayut doesen't realize or does he, within a Democracy his Millitary would be taking a back seat big time in the goverance of Thailand , now we can't have that can we General,  so stop the window shopping and B/S ..........................:coffee1:

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3 hours ago, steven100 said:

not reading your stupid whinging replies. If you don't like the Thai governance then you know what to do. It's not going to change becuase of your complaining so get over it. Thailand is not ready for democracy ( which is just a stupid word ) as you should know ...  so live with it and stop your whining. Merry xmas ...



This genius thinks governance is the same as government!

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13 minutes ago, lovelomsak said:

Cannot be bothered intertaining you . Why do you just start reading the news or if you cannot read listen to it on a radio or listen and watch and a tv or even you tube. and you will get your answers there ok.

Oh, well. As long as the Yamahas are gone who cares, right?


PS. I find your grammar and spelling very "intertaining" - keep up the good work!

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19 minutes ago, chainarong said:

Well the junta General should know , he's pretty well up with Democracy , Prayut doesen't realize or does he, within a Democracy his Millitary would be taking a back seat big time in the goverance of Thailand , now we can't have that can we General,  so stop the window shopping and B/S ..........................:coffee1:

The military shouldn't have a "back seat" in democratic governments. They shouldn't have any seat at all and be totally under the control of the governing party. 

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23 hours ago, janclaes47 said:



Soldiers belong in barracks and tents, not offices

If we follow your logic.....then nobody can or will run for political office.....sad. Toon is out.....he should stay on stage. Economic geniuses can't apply, they have to stay in the accountants office where they apparently belong, forget engineering geniuses or any of the academics, scientists, farmers, electricians, welders, actors,real estate agents, entreprenueurs .....who have I left out?  


So who should be allowed to run for office?

Policemen from Northern Thailand or a close relation?

That worked well last time didn't it?

Edited by tryasimight
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19 hours ago, tryasimight said:

I'm fortunate, I got a good education and became a doer and not a teacher (although I have always taught apprentices and latterly uni graduates). 

However I must acknowledge the many teachers who responded to this thread.

Don't blame the system...blame yourselves for a piss poor outcome.

How many decades of English teaching experience are on this forum...all whining about the low level of English literacy amongst the Thai people?

Don't blame the student.

Ooops just re-read this and now realise I posted it on the wrong thread.

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18 hours ago, janclaes47 said:


The only time a soldier is needed is to defend the country, never to govern it, and I would never be thankful for them doing that.

In the Westminster system of Government a soldier is always head of Government. Think about it....it may take a while to sink in.

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17 hours ago, tropo said:

New Immigration hassles are no improvement for thousands of perfectly legal expats. By increasing the number of ridiculous "hoops" they have to jump through, all they are doing is making them feel unwelcome and many are leaving.

And what would these hassles and hoops be?

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1 hour ago, Becker said:

Oh, well. As long as the Yamahas are gone who cares, right?


PS. I find your grammar and spelling very "intertaining" - keep up the good work!

You are right my grammer is bad I write slower than I think and sometimes leave out a lot. I do not proof read my eyes are to bad cannot reread it some times.

  Thanks for taking notice.

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2 minutes ago, lovelomsak said:

You are right my grammer is bad I write slower than I think and sometimes leave out a lot. I do not proof read my eyes are to bad cannot reread it some times.

  Thanks for taking notice.

Only because you questioned my ability to read.

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13 minutes ago, tryasimight said:

In the Westminster system of Government a soldier is always head of Government. Think about it....it may take a while to sink in.

And how is that relevant to a thread discussing the ramblings of a (then) acting army chief using his powers to overthrow a legal government, installing himself as a PM, giving himself god-like powers, giving himself a blanket amnesty while surpressing basic human rights?

Think about it - it may take a while to sink in.

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17 hours ago, tropo said:

Prayut installed himself, so the question is irrelevant. The Thai people had no choice. I don't know what Merkel has to do with this?


The only way for democracy to work in Thailand is for the military to be under the control of the government. That has never been the case in Thailand, so political parties (prime ministers) have always served at the pleasure of the military commanders. Now we see a case of a military leader working hard to ensure that any elected leader will be a puppet on a very short string.


You asked the question, so here's my answer. Any genuinely elected leader is preferable to a general, no matter how bad they may be. There are democratic ways to change leadership. Tanks are not necessary. It amazes me that the current leadership has a huge expat fan club on here.

Thank God Thaksin didn't control the military. It's not the best of arrangements having the military only answerable to HM but it's the only thing that has stopped a civil war to date.

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1 minute ago, Becker said:

And how is that relevant to a thread discussing the ramblings of a (then) acting army chief using his powers to overthrow a legal government, installing himself as a PM, giving himself god-like powers, giving himself a blanket amnesty while surpressing basic human rights?

Think about it - it may take a while to sink in.

Re-read what I was responding to

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On ‎25‎/‎12‎/‎2017 at 9:11 PM, webfact said:

Prayut went on to say that the new government should cling to the national strategy, or otherwise the state budget would be spent in a wasteful manner. They should also take care of people with disabilities, he said.

Only people from Bangkok know how to spend money? 


I wonder what is the disability plan? Child lives with mum, who tries to outlive their child? 

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1 minute ago, Chris Lawrence said:

Considering the current state of affairs, what came out of the coup?

A bit of peace and no more bloodshed on the streets. Whatever you political allegiance that can only be a good thing.


Don't get me wrong I'm all for democracy, or more correctly in the Thai sense, a Constitutional Monarchy, the same as the UK.

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43 minutes ago, tryasimight said:
23 hours ago, janclaes47 said:



Soldiers belong in barracks and tents, not offices

If we follow your logic.....then nobody can or will run for political office.....sad.

I don't know for sure here as I didn't read the agreements they signed and written in Thai, but in the majority ( if not all ) democratic countries soldiers and policemen are not allowed to run for political office.


How's that?

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20 minutes ago, tryasimight said:

Thank God Thaksin didn't control the military. It's not the best of arrangements having the military only answerable to HM but it's the only thing that has stopped a civil war to date.

No it isn't. The place has not been anywhere near civil war in donkey's years if ever.

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42 minutes ago, tryasimight said:

And what would these hassles and hoops be?

Have you been hiding under a rock? There are dozens of threads covering all kinds of hoops - I won't discuss specifics here.

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I think the major problem here is Prayut thinks and feels any other governing power than the military is democracy. His understanding of democracy is it is elected that is where it ends. So when he talks democracy do not think it is the democracy we all know.

  For those who say when Thailand gets back to democracy should take a  political history lesson. about thailand. It has never really been a democracy so cannot go back to some thing it never was.

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