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Easiest/Quickest Way To Get Thai GF to Canada

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Your vitriol will not change the situation. I told you the correct way to proceed. I even email a friend of mine who is retired from Canadian immigration but you are too conceited, maybe to strong but... , to listen. That you choose to ignore it is up to you.  If you don't want to marry the girl move on!

Edited by VocalNeal
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11 minutes ago, VocalNeal said:

No one is suggesting you actually get married just ask. In person.

God, you must be brainless. Why would I waste my time with this if I have no intentions of marriage right now. Just please, read through all the messages and try to understand what we're trying to solve here. Stop wasting my time, reading your useless messages.

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7 minutes ago, VocalNeal said:

Your vitriol will not change the situation. I told you the correct way to proceed. I even email a friend of mine who is retired from Canadian immigration but you are too conceited, maybe to strong but... , to listen. That you choose to ignore it is up to you.  If you don't want to marry the girl move on!

I don't know where you come from, or how old you are, or how clueless you are in life, but I don't believe in marrying someone or hurrying the process up for something like this. I'd wager you have been divorced a few times in your lifetime, you sad old pathetic man.

Also, I cannot understand half the shit you are saying, please use google translator.

Edited by BellyNeedsJelly
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More vitriol from a guy recently out of diapers asking for advice and refusing to take it because he thinks he is clever and knows everything . Every country has immigration rules that have to be obeyed.  I didn't say you have to marry the girl but she will unlikely get a visa the way you describe unless she is. What your future life plans are up to you. But you cannot simply take her to Canada for few months under the current circumstances. 



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5 minutes ago, VocalNeal said:

More vitriol from a guy recently out of diapers asking for advice and refusing to take it because he thinks he is clever and knows everything . Every country has immigration rules that have to be obeyed.  I didn't say you have to marry the girl but she will unlikely get a visa the way you describe unless she is. What your future life plans are up to you. But you cannot simply take her to Canada for few months under the current circumstances. 



That is right, every country has immigration rules that have to be obeyed, and I am asking for legal ways to bring her to Canada WITHOUT MARRIAGE. I repeat, WITHOUT MARRIAGE. WITHOUT MARRIAGE. One more time for your thick skull, WITHOUT MARRIAGE. Am I clear on that yet?

Without Marriage Without Marriage Without Marriage Without Marriage Without Marriage Without Marriage Without Marriage Without Marriage Without Marriage Without Marriage Without Marriage Without Marriage Without Marriage Without Marriage Without Marriage Without Marriage Without Marriage Without Marriage Without Marriage Without Marriage Without Marriage Without Marriage Without Marriage Without Marriage Without Marriage Without Marriage Without Marriage Without Marriage Without Marriage Without Marriage Without Marriage Without Marriage Without Marriage Without Marriage Without Marriage Without Marriage Without Marriage Without Marriage Without Marriage Without Marriage Without Marriage Without Marriage Without Marriage Without Marriage Without Marriage Without Marriage Without Marriage Without Marriage Without Marriage Without Marriage Without Marriage Without Marriage Without Marriage Without Marriage Without Marriage Without Marriage Without Marriage Without Marriage Without Marriage Without Marriage Without Marriage Without Marriage Without Marriage Without Marriage Without Marriage Without Marriage Without Marriage Without Marriage Without Marriage Without Marriage Without Marriage Without Marriage Without Marriage Without Marriage Without Marriage Without Marriage Without Marriage Without Marriage Without Marriage Without Marriage Without Marriage Without Marriage Without Marriage Without Marriage Without Marriage Without Marriage Without Marriage Without Marriage Without Marriage Without Marriage Without Marriage Without Marriage Without Marriage Without Marriage Without Marriage Without Marriage Without Marriage 

Edited by BellyNeedsJelly
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Just now, BellyNeedsJelly said:

One more time for your thick skull

One more time for your thick skull. You are pissing in the wind. 


Although you could buy her a $250,000 house or whatever the current value is and get whatever visa that is.  But to get a visa for a 25-year old  single woman with no reason to go back to her country of origin is virtually impossible. If you manage it then you can open an agency in Thailand.


But hey you never know . Send her to the Canadian embassy. see how she gets on. Is it fair? No. But no one said life was fair. You will discover this on your own eventually.

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For the third time or more Go to the embassy and ask . As a result of your  incalcitrance I see no reason to give you the benefit of my personal research other than to tell you it is very unlikely anything positive will happen. Yes I am older than you and have over a few years learned humility. A quality I urge you to embrace. 

Edited by VocalNeal
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Well then follow their lead. get her accepted into a place of higher learning , paying for her tuition, living  etc and guaranteeing her welfare whilst in Canada etc. according to the rules and do it that way. You are obviously clever enough?


But it occurs to me if you are that clever you wouldn't need to ask! This is almost as good as the forum that can't be mentioned on here <URL Automatically Removed>.

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BellyNeedsJelly... if you are Canadian  act like it and thank VocalNeil for his advice, bad as it is.  


Our Home and Native Land is not terribly welcoming to Thai women.  My brother has applied 4 times with no luck, his wife owns a home and has a good job. Her Employer sent an enthusiastic letter in English to the Embassy, telling the government how much she would benefit from seeing Canada and assuring that she had a position to come back to.  It appears our government is overly concerned about human trafficking.


The Chinese students are not in the same boat.  Canada needs China for investment, Thailand not too much

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6 minutes ago, hyku1147 said:

From what I understand of this law, it is not that someone owns 50% of everything you have, it's only if your partner was making equal contributions. So my 4 milly will always stay in my pocket.

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6 minutes ago, greatwhitenorth said:

BellyNeedsJelly... if you are Canadian  act like it and thank VocalNeil for his advice, bad as it is.  


Our Home and Native Land is not terribly welcoming to Thai women.  My brother has applied 4 times with no luck, his wife owns a home and has a good job. Her Employer sent an enthusiastic letter in English to the Embassy, telling the government how much she would benefit from seeing Canada and assuring that she had a position to come back to.  It appears our government is overly concerned about human trafficking.


The Chinese students are not in the same boat.  Canada needs China for investment, Thailand not too much

This is scary to know. Did you say "wife"? How long have they been married? And why haven't they allowed her to come to Canada?

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2 minutes ago, BellyNeedsJelly said:

This is scary to know. Did you say "wife"? How long have they been married? And why haven't they allowed her to come to Canada?

Yes wife of 5 years. no explanation is given ever, just a rejection and she has never worked in a bar and has no police record.  I have heard nothing but horror stories about trying to bring your significant others to Canada.  Marriage seems to be the only way.  Sorry to be negative and if you have luck please be kind enough to share your experience with us

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1 minute ago, greatwhitenorth said:

Yes wife of 5 years. no explanation is given ever, just a rejection and she has never worked in a bar and has no police record.  I have heard nothing but horror stories about trying to bring your significant others to Canada.  Marriage seems to be the only way.  Sorry to be negative and if you have luck please be kind enough to share your experience with us

This just doesn't make any sense to me... 5 years married and not given entry to Canada. That is <deleted> sick. People are getting sponsored in from the middle east like it's nothing...

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48 minutes ago, greatwhitenorth said:

Yes wife of 5 years. no explanation is given ever, just a rejection and she has never worked in a bar and has no police record.  I have heard nothing but horror stories about trying to bring your significant others to Canada.  Marriage seems to be the only way.  Sorry to be negative and if you have luck please be kind enough to share your experience with us

how long were they dating before marriage? how long have they lived together? Is she healthy? Does your brother have any criminal record? Is this your brother's first marriage? Is he financially stable?

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3 hours ago, BellyNeedsJelly said:

how long were they dating before marriage? how long have they lived together? Is she healthy? Does your brother have any criminal record? Is this your brother's first marriage? Is he financially stable?


Are you sure you are Canadian?  You ask a lot of personal information for you not even telling me your favourite hockey team!


She is Thai applying for a visitor's visa.  If my brother was married before has nothing to do with it. A visitors visa not a marriage visa, there is a difference.  As to you not making sense to you,  as you grow older you will see much of what our government does, does not make sense.  


As I said before , Good Luck and let us know how you make out.  If you seriously doubt what the posters on the forum have expressed, you can always apply for the "snowflake" visa.   You know the one for under 30's with 4 million dollars and a difficult time accepting no for an answer.

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3 hours ago, Colabamumbai said:

VFS Global does all the visas now, not the Canadian Embassy. They are in Trendy Towers. The embasssy stopped doing this in May.



I think you may be in error here.


Trendy towers process the visa applications to ensure all the information is correct and all documents enclosed. When this is completed and things such as the biometric details are done, it is then passed to the Embassy for consideration of the visa application.


Trendy towers have no say or power over the outcome of a visa application.

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10 hours ago, BellyNeedsJelly said:

You have clearly had very bad experiences in the past, and closed your mind off since. If Canadian Immigration was that strict, they wouldn't allow entry to the thousands of Chinese students who are currently studying all across Canada. And most of them are younger than 25.



The Chinese who are studying in Canada will have been through a complex and completely different type of education visa application to the one you wish to apply for. They have taken the education route and this visa will have strong backing from their families for funding, length of stay, specific courses and for sure, Canadian universities will be backing these applications in Canada; and there will most definitely be substantial reasons to return to China on completion of studies.

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Here are your top five Canadian investor immigration options:

1.  Province of Quebec Immigrant Investor Program

  • Pro: Security of funds and low cost of passive involvement
  • Con: Intensive paperwork showing source and path of funds

La belle province wants you (and your investment).

Invest about $750,000 ($800,000 Canadian) with the government of the province of Quebec for five years, interest-free. In around 24 to 36 months, you obtain permanent residence that entitles you and your immediate family to enter Canada. The full amount is repaid to you from the government of Quebec at the end of the five years.



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