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Indian man nabbed for stealing at Suvarnabhumi airport


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On 12/30/2017 at 3:20 PM, geriatrickid said:

This is news and is reported in an unbiased manner. It is not stereotyping to pint out that this man was an Indian visitor. Considering the fact that the Indian media regularly reports in a similar manner this should not upset Indian nationals. I remind you that the Indian press and Indians as a whole have blamed the western women when they were violently gang raped, emphasizing that their being westerners and females was in large part the cause of their brutal assaults.I also remind you that  Indians regularly take into account the caste of a criminal and a victim when discussing a crime. Thais and westerners do not do this. Your hurt sensibilities are noted and we extend our best wishes for a speedy recovery.

geriatrickid on your subject observation I support you a 100%. You are absolutely right. Indian Media is totally biased on many an occasion and not sensitive to Western sentiments. 

To be frank, many Indians are hypocrites too, by being racist as well very entrenched in high and low social caste. They differentiate between themselves in wealth, color and gender. I am not giving any credit to them at all for there bias.

However, two wrongs don't make the other right. Unfortunately, how can we change such an evil system? It is such a sad problem internationally. Then we all are complaining about hatred, terrorism. We all need to stand up together to make things right. I just try to do it with my 1 cent. Yet multiplied that can add up to a lot if we all unite. 

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