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Overstaying Brit arrested after death of Pattaya bar girl is convicted rapist on the run from UK police

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Lol dancing around the facts shown on what you figured he did. SMH why not just say you think her life lesser than his and be out with it. Sad way to post on the death of someone at a proven deviant

2 minutes ago, SheungWan said:

Logical? You expect a convicted rapist who has previously twice punched a girl and then whacked her with a bin lid before sexually assaulting her to be a logical type of guy?

I have no idea, but then none of us have, let the law take its course.

  • Like 1
5 minutes ago, SheungWan said:

Logical? You expect a convicted rapist who has previously twice punched a girl and then whacked her with a bin lid before sexually assaulting her to be a logical type of guy?


1 minute ago, soalbundy said:

I have no idea, but then none of us have, let the law take its course.

Well if that isn't the definition of a meally-mouthed response to my comment, I don't know what is.

  • Like 1
1 minute ago, KhunMhee said:

Lol dancing around the facts shown on what you figured he did. SMH why not just say you think her life lesser than his and be out with it. Sad way to post on the death of someone at a proven deviant

we are getting emotional again, I didn't figure anything, merely a possibility to be considered. I don't consider her life of lesser value, I don't know him or her. I dare say that the police will get to the truth and if he is guilty then he will be punished for murder as he should be but let us see him proved guilty first, this isn't the wild west.

  • Like 1
4 minutes ago, SheungWan said:


Well if that isn't the definition of a meally-mouthed response to my comment, I don't know what is.

A little more valid than a 'hang him high' response before trial.

1 minute ago, soalbundy said:

we are getting emotional again, I didn't figure anything, merely a possibility to be considered. I don't consider her life of lesser value, I don't know him or her. I dare say that the police will get to the truth and if he is guilty then he will be punished for murder as he should be but let us see him proved guilty first, this isn't the wild west.

Your only response to everyone is they are emotional though you try to "White Knight" A rapist. If that's all you got I would suggest back to the farang pub section. It's obvious that you not providing facts and making far fetched theory's with out thinking them through you're just trolling here.

  • Like 1
Just now, KhunMhee said:

Your only response to everyone is they are emotional though you try to "White Knight" A rapist. If that's all you got I would suggest back to the farang pub section. It's obvious that you not providing facts and making far fetched theory's with out thinking them through you're just trolling here.

I am not providing 'facts' unlike you, you appear to have been a witness. I can't understand the emotion here. someone said he was of Arabian origin,not really British,as if that was important, then he was Maltese, had a Welsh accent, you lot ought to be at the station helping with the enquiry , with a prepared noose of course.

  • Like 1
14 minutes ago, soalbundy said:

I am not providing 'facts' unlike you, you appear to have been a witness. I can't understand the emotion here. someone said he was of Arabian origin,not really British,as if that was important, then he was Maltese, had a Welsh accent, you lot ought to be at the station helping with the enquiry , with a prepared noose of course.

Haha now who is emotion fuelled. I have not once posted on an execution I said jail time in accordance to the law is fine. I don't give a rats but what his nationality is. I use logic and common sense in my posts. If you believe that she was bent over the rail you obviously do not as its physically impossible. Quite simple if I was at the station. I would ask him to clearly draw what position she was in when the " Accident happened " You could calculate the truth from that. If he suggested that she was bent over the rail I would take him to said room and show the height of the rails.


You obviously are missing some things people believe are true. Convicted rapist yes. Thief Yes. Low character Yes. Those are proven facts you have provided nothing to support him being innocent just calling everyone emotional and showing little to no remorse to the victim. I would suggest you step back and re read comprehension is at times better done after the fact.

13 hours ago, gk10002000 said:

Well, the manager may have said that, but how does the manager know that?  Was he watching?  Is he an eye witness? 

Manager is a Thai News website. Not an individual person.

  • Like 1

This guy is a low-life a$$hle and I'm ashamed to come from the same country.




I've seen nothing to indicate that this was anything more than an accident.  His past history has no bearing on that.


There's talk about the railing height, I'm tall, TG's are short, you pick them up and bend them over the railing, their feet are off the ground.  Done that many times with an assortment of ladies (in my sex tourist days before I found a good one and settled down), usually they either say no (and give you a "who is this loonie" look), and it's back to the bed, or they're pi$$ing themselves laughing as you get going.


I keep thinking that, with a few more beers and slippery hands, we could be talking about me in this thread.  I don't think I'd have run, but then I've never been on overstay, and never had a UK arrest warrant out for me.

  • Like 1
11 hours ago, Destiny1990 said:

So why he is not released then?

He will be charged with several serious crimes.

Well done destiny.... almost there


he is currently charged with one serious crime which is being investigated... there may be more charges laid as a consequence


but... your wording just changed from your origional claim about him being guilty of “despicable crimes”, to “serious crimes”.... so logic is starting to prevail


remove the word “several” from your post... and your 100% correct, as things stand right now

23 minutes ago, DefaultName said:

This guy is a low-life a$$hle and I'm ashamed to come from the same country.




I've seen nothing to indicate that this was anything more than an accident.  His past history has no bearing on that.


There's talk about the railing height, I'm tall, TG's are short, you pick them up and bend them over the railing, their feet are off the ground.  Done that many times with an assortment of ladies (in my sex tourist days before I found a good one and settled down), usually they either say no (and give you a "who is this loonie" look), and it's back to the bed, or they're pi$$ing themselves laughing as you get going.


I keep thinking that, with a few more beers and slippery hands, we could be talking about me in this thread.  I don't think I'd have run, but then I've never been on overstay, and never had a UK arrest warrant out for me.

At the point you pick someone up and so high that they are over the safety of the balcony (centre of gravity) it rises to negligence or recklessness.   (Section 291 of the Penal Code).  Intent is not needed.   Doing so under the influence of alcohol or drugs does not mitigate the circumstances.   Penalty - up to 10 years.  


As such he is likely correctly charged.  It rises to Manslaughter if in the commission of another crime (he did steal her cell phone).  Having sex on the balcony is illegal in Thailand (though I don't think it is criminal).  


The court case is a trial by judge (no jury), whether evidence of prior bad acts is admissible would be left to the judge (I don't think Thailand has strict evidentiary rules since there is no jury).  If he does not confess, then he could be here for a long time.  If he does confess he will likely be here for less than 5 years (though with prior bad acts he might just get 5 exactly - or 10 if the judge deems the confession of no value).


Simply put, just because you were reckless - does not make that the new standard.

  • Like 1
2 hours ago, KhunMhee said:

Why people are blindly trying to defend someone who is a terrible person is beyond me. The fact she had not died and he ran under the guise that he was overstayed in my mind alone should be jail time. I would wonder if these champions of defence are from the same country and feeling a nationalistic justification. I am Canadian and if he was as well I would be the first to say throw away the keys. Simple math just disproved your theory and I didn't get into the fact how I would figure she was likely thrown over the hand rail.


Lets stop with the BS. If something smells fishy it likely is. Nothing else has been shown other wise

So simple math disproved one sexual position... ok... try simple math on her perched on the rail, leaning against the glass panel, while receiving oral. 


He was what... six feet... so balcony height of five foot or less.... simple math just went out the window


so far, this man is being found guilty, (on these pages) without a trial, because when he was a teenager, he raped another teen (yes... apparently with violence, but I still can’t find a link to it)


admit that and move on


I don't let it affect my life here, but this place has a fair share of pedophiles, rapist, criminals.

Met 2 guys the other day just watching a game who told me they were released from a South America prison for sex crimes just a few weeks ago. No BS,  they were very open about as they claimed not all the charges were true. They believe they can stay under the radar here.

I just try to be careful with my words and never give too much information.


1 minute ago, farcanell said:

So simple math disproved one sexual position... ok... try simple math on her perched on the rail, leaning against the glass panel, while receiving oral. 


He was what... six feet... so balcony height of five foot or less.... simple math just went out the window


so far, this man is being found guilty, (on these pages) without a trial, because when he was a teenager, he raped another teen (yes... apparently with violence, but I still can’t find a link to it)


admit that and move on

Having her perched on a railing doing oral definitely rises to negligent homicide.  Intent is not part of the crime, only that it is reasonable believe that it is dangerous.  I think a judge would easily see that as a dangerous act.

  • Like 1
Just now, bkkcanuck8 said:

Having her perched on a railing doing oral definitely rises to negligent homicide.  Intent is not part of the crime, only that it is reasonable believe that it is dangerous.  I think a judge would easily see that as a dangerous act.

I agree... and he would be right.

dangerous and stupid.... guilty!

now for the penalty... per your earlier, perhaps your right in 5 to 10.... I thought less.

My amazment has been with the vitriol of the hang em high brigade

1 minute ago, farcanell said:

I agree... and he would be right.

dangerous and stupid.... guilty!

now for the penalty... per your earlier, perhaps your right in 5 to 10.... I thought less.

My amazment has been with the vitriol of the hang em high brigade

5 years in a Thai prison or 10 years in a western prison - which would most people here choose?  Not an easy choice - Thai prison you probably would get out earlier a UK prison would be a more cushy place to be (square meals - no rotten rice, health-care, a library, some entertainment etc.).   Health problems after being released from a Thai prison would not be unheard of.  

1 hour ago, KhunMhee said:

Your only response to everyone is they are emotional though you try to "White Knight" A rapist. If that's all you got I would suggest back to the farang pub section. It's obvious that you not providing facts and making far fetched theory's with out thinking them through you're just trolling here.

So you found another white knight.... well done... you black hearted knights and your nasty vigilant ways are loosing traction as fairness comes into the light.

1 hour ago, DefaultName said:

This guy is a low-life a$$hle and I'm ashamed to come from the same country.




I've seen nothing to indicate that this was anything more than an accident.  His past history has no bearing on that.


There's talk about the railing height, I'm tall, TG's are short, you pick them up and bend them over the railing, their feet are off the ground.  Done that many times with an assortment of ladies (in my sex tourist days before I found a good one and settled down), usually they either say no (and give you a "who is this loonie" look), and it's back to the bed, or they're pi$$ing themselves laughing as you get going.


I keep thinking that, with a few more beers and slippery hands, we could be talking about me in this thread.  I don't think I'd have run, but then I've never been on overstay, and never had a UK arrest warrant out for me.

Bolded will be seen as death due to negligence witch under Thai law is punishable up to 10 years in prison and no more than a 20k baht fine. So yea if that's the case its jail all the same

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3 hours ago, cat handler said:


Ahh, victim blaming at it finest, she was a prostitute so deserved to be raped and she was a prostitute so you can’t rape a pro right? Prostitution is a dangerous profession, they get targeted by all sorts of creepy men knowing full well their word won’t be taken seriously by most law enforcement agencies in the world.

lets hope a long stay in prison in Thailand sorts him out, I’m sure the Thai men in that prison will not be impressed with someone who murdered a Thai woman, even if she was a hooker.

Not in the least.... I’m not “victim blaming”... heaven forbid... and shame on you for stooping so low in a cheap attempt to score points.


my post was to the relevance of her profession in explaining why she was there and for what, vs being drugged and abducted prior to death, for example


we all know (or should by now) that no is no, wether from a prostitute or a wife, and everything in between. Forced is forced... end of, lesson not required.


that said, your post (2nd paragraph) does suggest she’s knowingly playing with death daily, so is not without culpability.... meaning shared responsibility (vs blame)


but as most seem determined to blame the guy... you bringing up blame is valid.

7 minutes ago, KhunMhee said:

Bolded will be seen as death due to negligence witch under Thai law is punishable up to 10 years in prison and no more than a 20k baht fine. So yea if that's the case its jail all the same

Now we’re on the same page... death due to negligence, as charged, and imprisoned per the Thai law statutes and societal norms.


oh... sorry, I tossed in societal norms... that’s cool, right?


i need measurements for your new knightly armour, although perhaps yours might be back to white with a little polishing. ?

  • Like 2
24 minutes ago, farcanell said:

I agree... and he would be right.

dangerous and stupid.... guilty!

now for the penalty... per your earlier, perhaps your right in 5 to 10.... I thought less.

My amazment has been with the vitriol of the hang em high brigade

lol you lot and your brigades. If people don't agree they must be a brigade. SMH I have for the last time not said he should face any type of capital punishment. I believe once found guilty he will serve in a Thai jail as the law requires. If I was going to follow suit I would call you fellas the British Nationalistic bunch who don't take her life as having value brigade

  • Haha 1
2 hours ago, KhunMhee said:

Haha now who is emotion fuelled. I have not once posted on an execution I said jail time in accordance to the law is fine. I don't give a rats but what his nationality is. I use logic and common sense in my posts. If you believe that she was bent over the rail you obviously do not as its physically impossible. Quite simple if I was at the station. I would ask him to clearly draw what position she was in when the " Accident happened " You could calculate the truth from that. If he suggested that she was bent over the rail I would take him to said room and show the height of the rails.


You obviously are missing some things people believe are true. Convicted rapist yes. Thief Yes. Low character Yes. Those are proven facts you have provided nothing to support him being innocent just calling everyone emotional and showing little to no remorse to the victim. I would suggest you step back and re read comprehension is at times better done after the fact.

but I don't support him being innocent, he was involved in her death without a doubt, how is the question, yes he has a terrible character,that is an indication but not proof that he murdered her.

  • Like 1
  • Thanks 1
2 minutes ago, KhunMhee said:

lol you lot and your brigades. If people don't agree they must be a brigade. SMH I have for the last time not said he should face any type of capital punishment. I believe once found guilty he will serve in a Thai jail as the law requires. If I was going to follow suit I would call you fellas the British Nationalistic bunch who don't take her life as having value brigade

one could also say that you aren't interested in proof of guilt, you want a lynching, you're on a roll

3 minutes ago, soalbundy said:

one could also say that you aren't interested in proof of guilt, you want a lynching, you're on a roll

Again did I say anything to do with a lynching? You're obviously unable to comprehend English good luck with that. 

  • Haha 1
6 minutes ago, KhunMhee said:

lol you lot and your brigades. If people don't agree they must be a brigade. SMH I have for the last time not said he should face any type of capital punishment. I believe once found guilty he will serve in a Thai jail as the law requires. If I was going to follow suit I would call you fellas the British Nationalistic bunch who don't take her life as having value brigade

Yer right... band together... mind you, the band chasing Justice, vs a good ole hanging, is rather small.


and like a slap on the face.... I just realized you’re a member of that small band, seeking justice vs revenge.


im mobilizing a squad to polish that suit of iron, dude... and a belated welcome to the light, along with apologies for not realizing sooner.

  • Like 1
Just now, farcanell said:

Yer right... band together... mind you, the band chasing Justice, vs a good ole hanging, is rather small.


and like a slap on the face.... I just realized you’re a member of that small band, seeking justice vs revenge.


im mobilizing a squad to polish that suit of iron, dude... and a belated welcome to the light, along with apologies for not realizing sooner.

Haha no problems man. Was a good educational discussion with points on both sides. I will admit I will be interested how the RTP play this out. For his sake he will be happy that they don't read TVF. I hope that there is a bit of compensation to her children if she had any.

  • Thanks 1
39 minutes ago, farcanell said:

Now we’re on the same page... death due to negligence, as charged, and imprisoned per the Thai law statutes and societal norms.


oh... sorry, I tossed in societal norms... that’s cool, right?


i need measurements for your new knightly armour, although perhaps yours might be back to white with a little polishing. ?

Yes, societal norms are cool since I doubt the judge is likely to have bent a prostitute over a balcony and had sex with her in public - so he likely will already see this as deviant behaviour.  Add to that the arrested being sort of in a joking mood when being arrested (there is a reason why the lawyers always have you be deferential and apologetic and never flippant).  That type of behaviour could lead to the confession treated as "only to avoid punishment" since it would show a complete lack of remorse.  It is highly likely a judge will be aware of everything - no exclusion rules - only how he deems the evidence is worthy or not.  If the judge deems that - then the 50% punishment is off the table.  Take into account prior bad acts, prior prison sentences - and I could easily see a judge going for the higher end of the punishment (especially since he should not have been here in Thailand).  

  • Like 1
12 minutes ago, bkkcanuck8 said:

Yes, societal norms are cool since I doubt the judge is unlikely to have bent a prostitute over a balcony and had sex with her in public - so he likely will already see this as deviant behaviour.  Add to that the arrested being sort of in a joking mood when being arrested (there is a reason why the lawyers always have you be deferential and apologetic and never flippant).  That type of behaviour could lead to the confession treated as "only to avoid punishment" since it would show a complete lack of remorse.  It is highly likely a judge will be aware of everything - no exclusion rules - only how he deems the evidence is worthy or not.  If the judge deems that - then the 50% punishment is off the table.  Take into account prior bad acts, prior prison sentences - and I could easily see a judge going for the higher end of the punishment (especially since he should not have been here in Thailand).  

Yep.... some good sound and valid points.


if he is convicted.... the Thai judge has almost every right to do as he likes, in which case, let’s hope that the societal norm of forgiveness for a graap isn’t included


ill have to revisit that case where a Krabi climbing guide chased a woman over a cliff at night time, which paralyzed her, thus enabling him to climb down and sexually molest her for a number of hours... that was truly heinous... I wonder what he got for that. (Pretty sure I was on the hang em side of that debate)

42 minutes ago, soalbundy said:

but I don't support him being innocent, he was involved in her death without a doubt, how is the question, yes he has a terrible character,that is an indication but not proof that he murdered her.

'Terrible character' just happening to including violence and rape for which he is an absconding criminal. Just a minor and inadmissable indication for the forum defence team.

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