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E-cigarettes - Thailand ban is "appropriate" says leading doctor


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I would let the many research papers released on the topic by doctors and scientists speak for themselves. With proper usage it's harmful effects is a fraction of the seemingly benign sesha that is still popular with smokers and non-smokers alike here.


  • The health industry does not want a healthier smoking alternative. The loss of revenue from smoking-related diseases, and smoking-cessation products that are the equivalent of the Atkins diet in the dieting world would be massive if everyone under the age of 40 switches, and it will just increase as the years go by.


  • The governments who oppose vaping have a problem with control. The liquid can be made with a few ingredients which are widely used for various applications, from cooking to smoke machines. The equipment are relatively small, and are easily smuggled in. And one can't tax what one can't control.


  • Tobacco companies may be the smallest factor in the drive to ban vaping in the countries that do. They have already developed disposable e-cigarettes that mimic their brand's taste, and as tobacco companies they have the ability to switch to manufacturing e-liquid with a brand that everyone knows. 


All excuses lead back to #1 and #2. The "impressionable kids" issue goes back to the lack of control. The "But it's not been proven" argument is an insult to the many doctors and scientists out there who did their research and published papers about the topic. 

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12 hours ago, Guitar God said:

Leading doctor or misleading doctor?


It's not the nicotine in cigarettes that kills people, it's all the other crap. E-cigs remove all the carcinogenic junk. 


E-cigs have nicotine and a carrier. As long as the carrier is safe, they're a hell of a lot safer than burning tobacco leaves. 


If the Thailand Tobacco company started making e-juice there wouldn't be any government-controlled doctors telling smokers they're better off just smoking the cigarettes. 


This is as bizarre an America's AG Jeff Sessions saying that cannabis is more dangerous than heroin.  


George Orwell wasn't wrong, he was just off by a few years. 

To back you up:



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20 hours ago, giddyup said:

Bribes never go out of fashion, neither do paid for opinions.


Im sure he means well!! and maybe the this article is just zooming in on half an opinion. Maybe he also want's to ban smoking??

Edited by Steps
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20 hours ago, davidstipek said:

What is the difference... If some members on Panel this Doctor Rebutts have a Vested Interest in E-cigarettes? Is it not also a proen fact that 100% of the Thai Cigarette Industry (Big Business, Thai Tobacco Industry)  has "Big" Ties to Thai Government, Hi-So's,? By making it offical to use in Thailand you would be taking money out of all these peoples pockets?


To say E-cigarettes are addictive? and bann them because of this fact? Cigarettes are also much more addictive but they are not Banned!!! Why? Oh because you would be taking an income source whether it be offically or by Bown Envelope method from Hi-So Thais!  This is a fact!!


You can Bet every dime in Government Couffer's that if just one Senator, Congressman/woman or even the P.M had any Vested interests here... The banning of this product would have never reached the table... This is also a Fact!


Another fact that even if it is ever proven Offically that E-cigarettes were in fact addictive or harmfull as their coharts Cigarettes are... It is a fact that there is no secondhand addiction!! This is a fact! Also I beg to differ again as any e-cigarette users getting Cancer from them? Flat... NO!!

Quote:  "Is it not also a proen fact that 100% of the Thai Cigarette Industry (Big Business, Thai Tobacco Industry)  has "Big" Ties to Thai Government, Hi-So's,?"


Prove it. Im interested.



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i'm nearly 70 and have smoked all my life, with no ill effects up to now. Smoking is detrimental to health and I wouldn't want my son to start but I have to my astonishment met many older non smokers and non drinkers who are 5 to 10 years younger than me who one can only describe as absolute wrecks, fat with man boobs, survivors of heart attacks or strokes, diabetes etc. I keep fit, weigh only 70 kg, walk/march 10 km a day, many older farang that I know have trouble bending down to put their shoes on let alone walk 2 km.I have lucky genes I suppose and no doubt smoking will get me in the end, but its always something that will get us. I don't drink alcohol these days, it just doesn't taste any more and I only eat frugally when I am hungry.

Ok so you told us how amazing you are but what has that to do with the millions dying globally due to the countless number of associated diseases and their complications due to smoking?
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I don't know why he is bothered about E- ciggy's apart from the tax money from the real thing of course, anybody living in Bangkok has already coked up their lungs from traffic exhaust and Chiang Mai is the the most air polluted city in Thailand. One government official in Chiang Mai put the high incidence of lung cancer in that city due to smoking, ( like nobody else in Thailand smokes)not air pollution of course otherwise they would have to do something about it.

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3 hours ago, toughlove said:

Ok so you told us how amazing you are but what has that to do with the millions dying globally due to the countless number of associated diseases and their complications due to smoking?

E Cigs is not smoking is it, but in Thai Cigs are preferred says it all its a mad house and no more

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Banning E-cigs must have a sub-plot, self righteous nonsense or money.

I have tried them when staying in the UK, but I found the experience  unsatisfactory.

The UK has introduced regulations on them now which I think are appropriate as the strength or amount of nicotine was not limited before. The plus of E-cigs is the lack of tar and other noxious chemicals found in real cigarettes.

Also the fact is it has not been proved that the secondary inhalation of the vapour is dangerous.


Regulate and allow, and tax no doubt.




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On 10/01/2018 at 5:56 PM, soalbundy said:

i'm nearly 70 and have smoked all my life, with no ill effects up to now. Smoking is detrimental to health and I wouldn't want my son to start but I have to my astonishment met many older non smokers and non drinkers who are 5 to 10 years younger than me who one can only describe as absolute wrecks, fat with man boobs, survivors of heart attacks or strokes, diabetes etc. I keep fit, weigh only 70 kg, walk/march 10 km a day, many older farang that I know have trouble bending down to put their shoes on let alone walk 2 km.I have lucky genes I suppose and no doubt smoking will get me in the end, but its always something that will get us. I don't drink alcohol these days, it just doesn't taste any more and I only eat frugally when I am hungry.

There's no doubt in my mind that, while cigs are unhealthy, one can protect oneself by keeping a good weight and exercising.  Yes, something always gets you in the end, and even if you are up together dementia happens.

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On 1/10/2018 at 1:20 PM, toughlove said:

Ok so you told us how amazing you are but what has that to do with the millions dying globally due to the countless number of associated diseases and their complications due to smoking?

You have to realise that those 'millions dying globally' from smoking are just theoretical numbers that are spat out of a computer model. They bear little relationship to reality. The computer model, called SAMMEC was designed by the anti-smoking industry (for industry it is, with huge amounts of money involved), and then the model is fed with data by that same anti-smoking industry (do I detect the potential for bias there?). Garbage In, Garbage Out (GIGO) as they say in computing. It takes no account of age (if you were a smoker and died at 95, you are another number added to the 'smoking related deaths' toll), nor any confounding factors, i.e. if you have a family history of heart disease, and you are a smoker who dies of a heart attack, it's classed as 'smoking related', whether smoking had anything to do with it or not. The numbers of 'smoking related' deaths are massively (and I do mean massively) exaggerated, and deliberately so. They've widened the net by attributing just about every disease known to man to smoking. They haven't got to ingrown toenails yet, but I'm sure they're working on it. We are also told that countless thousands die from exposure to 'second-hand' smoke, but there aren't actually any dead bodies. Use the power of the internet and try to find one, just ONE case in the world where a death has been shown to have been caused by exposure to 'second-hand' smoke. You will find nothing. Nada. Because it hasn't actually killed anyone, except in the fevered imaginations of the rabid anti-smoking lobby.


The anti-smoking industry is built on lies and deceit, and nothing they say can be trusted. You just have to look at their press releases screaming about the dangers of smoking; full of weasel words like 'could', 'may', 'might', 'it is thought', 'research suggests', 'is associated with', 'studies indicate' etc etc. Even the phrase 'smoking related disease' is designed to be a catch-all to boost the numbers. Far more non-smokers die of 'smoking-related disease' than smokers do, but you'll never read about that. And all those press releases invariably conclude with 'more research is needed', which is anti-smokerspeak for 'we want more funding so we can keep this gravy train rolling'.


I have seen so many examples of egregious interpretation of research emanating from the anti-tobacco industry that I don't believe anything they say any more. They twist and distort everything to support their agenda. Their credo is 'the ends justify the means'. And the anti-alcohol lobby is currently adopting and adapting the anti-smoking template for its own use, so successful has the misleading propaganda been. Expect disgusting pictures of diseased livers etc to appear on your beer bottles in the not too distant future. Welcome to the new age of puritanism, where the self-appointed 'experts' decide what is good for you.

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There is a mountain of quite convincing evidence.  Some tests carried out are irrefutable.



Second-hand tobacco smoke exposure has immediate and substantial effects on blood and blood vessels in a way that increases the risk of a heart attack, particularly in people already at risk. Exposure to tobacco smoke for 30 minutes significantly reduces coronary flow velocity reserve in healthy nonsmokers. Second-hand smoke is also associated with impaired vasodilation among adult nonsmokers.[115] Second-hand smoke exposure also affects platelet function, vascular endothelium, and myocardial exercise tolerance at levels commonly found in the workplace.[116]

source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Passive_smoking#Risk_level


This is just one reference but there are a million more.  It can't all be hogwash.

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On 1/9/2018 at 12:41 PM, ezflip said:

Obviously sponsored by Thailand Tobacco Company.

Do you know who own the biggest share in the Thailand tobacco company? Just make a research and you all will get the answer, that’s the reason and making tons of tons money!

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  • 11 months later...
On 1/12/2018 at 10:33 PM, mommysboy said:

I have just accepted I can't vape and likely never will in Thailand.  It's complete madness but there you go.

There's no need to accept that at all, there's an online store in Thailand where you can buy all the associated devices and liquids.

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On 1/13/2018 at 4:51 PM, nisakiman said:

You see this is a classic example of how they work. They tell you that exposure to SHS "... has immediate and substantial effects on blood and blood vessels in a way that increases the risk of a heart attack, particularly in people already at risk ". Which is probably true. However, what they don't mention is that eating a meal has exactly the same effect on your heart and vascular system.

Sometimes I run up the stairs in the house, occasionally both floors one after the other. I'm sure that changes my blood pressure and heart rate as well and a lot more than an E-Cig but I don't stop exercising or move to a single storey house due to this.


The sad thing is people tend to believe everything these idiot Doctors tell them.


I was once sitting in a bar listening to some guy telling me how bad cigarettes are and explaining how they killed his wife. She had smoked about ten a day for a short amount of time (months) decades before and he 100% believed that it was those cigarettes from half a lifetime previously that killed her because they told him so.


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On 1/12/2018 at 10:33 PM, mommysboy said:

I have just accepted I can't vape and likely never will in Thailand.  It's complete madness but there you go.

It's as illegal as corruption and prostitution or driving without a helmet...


You can buy them everywhere at night anyway...

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  • 3 months later...

I'm not a smoker but I totally agree that Thailand's ban on E-cigs makes no sense from a health perspective.  


Dr Wanchai Suphajaturat's remarks are disingenuous and highly suspect considering that the government does nothing to curtail conventional cigarette sales.  They are openly sold everywhere and taxed at such a low rate that they are incredibly cheap which just encourages their use.


It doesn't take a genius to realize that the only motive behind the ban is to protect the the government's taxed income from cigarette sales, not the health of the people.  And if I am not mistaken, the government owns the plantations that produce tobacco!


What a bunch of BS!  Now if they really had health concerns they would ban ALL  products containing nicotine, not just e-cigarettes which are clearly less dangerous to health than conventional products since they are the ones that contain tars and addictive additives which are the primary carcinogens that end up killing most smokers.

Edited by WaveHunter
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Please remember the following statement:


Dr Wanchai Suphajaturat, a member of an anti-smoking panel, told Thai Rath in a feature about e-cigarettes that in his opinion the Thai government's measures were appropriate.


No studies show or mentioned just one man's opinion. In today's World, we must deal with facts and proofs not speculation by uninformed mouthpieces for the tobacco lobby.

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OP is old/bumped. But it still pisses me off when I see it. 


It really is a childish attempt at fear mongering, and deflecting from the actual point using a straw man argument.  They trot out a "Doctor", which the average Thai won't have the temerity to challenge his authority or question his motivation(s).


The point isn't whether vaping itself is "safe".  Rather, that it's not as harmful as smoking cigarettes; commercial ones in particular.  They skip right over that elephant in the room intentionally, ignoring 10 years of study confirming the position that vaping is, in fact, less harmful than smoking commercial, tobacco cigarettes.  Have to ask why they would do that.


More time will obviously result in more data.  At the moment though, apart from gear malfunctions, including user-error, not aware of anyone who's died as a result of vaping. 


And no, it's not the end-all-be-all solution to cigarette smoking.  It's an alternative, and one where the user can select the amount of nicotine, ranging from high % all the way down to Zero % -  where you just like vaping, and the flavors, without the Nicotine.   Does the commercial, state backed cigarette monopoly here offer that?  No. 


As far as using vape to quit tobacco cigarettes, there are miles of anecdotal evidence from thousands of people across the world, me included.   The OP meekly offers weak advice that Thais should call the government's 1600 "help line".   Can anyone direct me to blogs/websites with success stories about tapering off/quitting cigarettes using the 1600 method?


<Insert the sound of crickets here>

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