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Thank goodness we have Trump as US president

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Thank goodness we have Trump as US president

By Tulsathit Taptim


You are the sheriff. A madman (or at least, a man you have convinced the whole town is mad) barricades himself inside his house. He claims to have planted explosives around his home which are ready to explode at the push of a button. You have his house surrounded – but what should you do next? 


Option A: Maintain the siege but don’t go any further. He hasn’t hit the button, which is a good sign, as the damned thing would have been pushed already if the man really was crazy. The important thing is not to provoke him, since “mad” in this case means unpredictable. And you have enough manpower to prolong the stakeout indefinitely.


Option B: Shout a warning to the man: you can bomb his house – and your bombs are far more powerful than his. Throw in a few insults. You can call his house a pigsty, for example. 


Option C: Anything but B.


If you chose A or C, you are in disagreement with the president of the United States. Donald Trump, in dealing with North Korea, has picked B.


And his tweets are louder than any shout, given his staggering number of “followers” and the world-media megaphone that amplifies his every his message.


Here’s that recent tweet again: “North Korean leader Kim Jong Un just stated that the ‘Nuclear Button is on his desk at all times’. Will someone from his depleted and food starved regime please inform him that I too have a Nuclear Button, but it is a much bigger & more powerful one than his, and my Button works!”


I don’t know about you, but for me it’s probably time to run for cover. 


But perhaps we should first place ourselves in the shoes of the “madman”. What should we do now, after planting explosives all over the place and being taunted by the sheriff? 


A: Push the button.


B: Light a cigar and ponder the injustice of a world that allows the sheriff to have big bombs but screams about your (in the sheriff’s own words) “little bombs”.


C: Roll on the floor and laugh your head off, kicking yourself for thinking that you were the maddest person in the world.


Mind you, if Kim chooses C, he might suddenly stop writhing with laughter when he recalls what happened to Saddam Hussein. The US didn’t even have to prove the Iraqi leader was hiding weapons of mass destruction. In other words, the sheriff didn’t have to show the townspeople that the surrounded man had a bomb before proceeding to bomb his house. 


Trump’s aggression may have something to do with his new presidential role, because in 2013 he sounded quite peace-loving and cautious.


Reacting to then-president Barack Obama’s announcement that he was ready to order a limited strike on Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s forces, Trump tweeted a warning and called for prudence. “Be prepared. Our horrendous leadership could unknowingly lead us into World War III,” he declared.


Commenting on moves to resume dialogue between North and South Korea, Trump hardly helped matters by using his derisive nickname for Kim. “Rocket man now wants to talk to South Korea for the first time. Perhaps that is good news, perhaps not,” he said.


Check online forums in Thailand and you find that Trump scares some netizens and charms others. 


“Two complete and utter madmen playing a game of one-upmanship that could cost millions of innocent lives in a war that nobody wants,” one poster writes. “OMG!! This man is a narcissistic psychopath,” says another. On the same forum  someone marvels at the “leadership and backbone” shown by the United States under Trump. Another admirer lauds Trump’s “courage” for playing a “silly game” in order to “make light of an otherwise dangerous situation”.


I agree with the last poster that the situation is “dangerous”, but I seriously doubt that Trump’s tweets “make light” of it. I don’t think you can “make light” of nuclear tension by saying you have a bigger nuclear button.


Of course, I know about “reverse psychology” and all, but that technique is designed to work on “normal” people, right? If Kim is a lunatic, as the Trump administration would have us believe, is challenging him to push the button the right thing to do?


What other options does Trump have? It’s up to the US government’s international security advisers to answer that question. As for me, I’m just grateful we have Trump as president of the United States and Kim Jong-un as leader of North Korea, and not vice versa.


For others there is nothing to be grateful about, as two complete and utter madmen play a game of one-upmanship that could cost millions of innocent lives in a war that no one wants. 


Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/detail/opinion/30335853

-- © Copyright The Nation 2018-01-10



every one is watching the dancing monkey, no one is watching the organ grinder. the top 1% get obscenely richer and the average man can t afford health insurance. maga?  How about Make America Just Again?   Make  America Educated Again? 


Sounds like North And South Korea have started talking again - perhaps they have a different opinion on who the madman is?

3 hours ago, webfact said:

As for me, I’m just grateful we have Trump as president of the United States and Kim Jong-un as leader of North Korea, and not vice versa.


Those are the two choices? This guy needs to think a little bigger than this. He ruins his whole opinion piece with this ignorant statement. What a joke.



In this "brilliant" ed piece the author fails to address why the man is barricaded in his house, which a thinking person might consider somewhat important. It takes time and resources to build the barricade and plant explosives, doesn't it?

His house is surrounded by hostiles, the good guys we are told. Why are the police there? What would motivate the man to blow up his house? Perhaps the police storming his house? Maybe back off and negotiate?

 Kim has a very good gig going being absolute ruler and all. He does not want that to end, similar to Saddam or Ghadaffi.

He is not a madman, and neither were they. But he also knows what happened to them: they both stopped program to build nukes and they both were overthrown with western help.

Kim also knows what happens when a country unilaterally disarms: in 94 Ukraine did that and a treaty was signed by major powers (including Russia) guaranteeing borders. Didn't have the big stick to stop Russia from taking Crimea and parts of Ukraine.

Major powers worked out a treaty with Iran to shut down their nuke program and Iran is complying. Trump wants out of the deal on Trumped up charges and non nuke related issues. This sends a strong message that the West (specifically the USA) can't be expected to keep their treaties, so why go down that path?

Kim is not a madman. He is acting in the most rational manner, given his circumstances


I thought this was THAI Visa?  If I chose to, I could spend all day reading 'opinions' of Trump from other accredited and non-accredited sources.  I come here to see items DIRECTLY related to Thailand.


keep aggressively doing yearly military maneuvers on a dictators doorstep and then wondering why he wants nuclear weapons sounds unhinged to me. Kim should have been completely ignored years ago,when the audience leaves the show stops.

6 minutes ago, silverhawk_usa said:

I thought this was THAI Visa?  If I chose to, I could spend all day reading 'opinions' of Trump from other accredited and non-accredited sources.  I come here to see items DIRECTLY related to Thailand.



Just don't read the "World News" section then......................problem solved.

12 minutes ago, silverhawk_usa said:

I thought this was THAI Visa?  If I chose to, I could spend all day reading 'opinions' of Trump from other accredited and non-accredited sources.  I come here to see items DIRECTLY related to Thailand.

A nuclear war wouldn't affect Thailand then? good to know

6 hours ago, silverhawk_usa said:

I thought this was THAI Visa?  If I chose to, I could spend all day reading 'opinions' of Trump from other accredited and non-accredited sources.  I come here to see items DIRECTLY related to Thailand.

Well I'm sorry old chap, but I enjoy these 'world' bits!  I like to hear the opinions of others about 'world' things.  It makes TVF all that more interesting.

2 hours ago, Jiggyfly said:

What a load of opinionated c..p without foundation.  Get over yourself!

Yes, how strange a piece with OPINION in capital, bold, red lettering at the beginning would be... wait for it... opinion. Very weird.


Thank goodness indeed - Trump is brilliant.

26168770_10156013359438695_2020453519354445493_n.pngOutcomes my chicken little OP - worry about the outcomes - not the rhetoric.  

Cant do that??  Then try this when reading the next Trump provocative tweet - think 'satire' and think 'trigger liberals'.  Trump is 'playing the game' differently - and it aint ever going back to the old MSM controlled and edited information flow.  Hey - we all knew Hollywood was full of corrupt and perverted people, and we all knew the media were a pack of lying xxxxs. 


Things have changed - big time.  And yes thank God for Trump.






i love trump.

he is the only president to stand up to the cia and the military industrial complex that america has become.

he wants to restore democracy and the constitution to america.

i wish him all the luck.

if he succeeds america will once again become the seat of freedom and the envy of the world.

unfortunately the cia are out to stop him.


2 hours ago, silverhawk_usa said:

I thought this was THAI Visa?  If I chose to, I could spend all day reading 'opinions' of Trump from other accredited and non-accredited sources.  I come here to see items DIRECTLY related to Thailand.

LOL needed a good laugh.  this is the "WORLD" news forum...:cheesy:

39 minutes ago, ELVIS123456 said:

Thank goodness indeed - Trump is brilliant.

26168770_10156013359438695_2020453519354445493_n.pngOutcomes my chicken little OP - worry about the outcomes - not the rhetoric.  

Cant do that??  Then try this when reading the next Trump provocative tweet - think 'satire' and think 'trigger liberals'.  Trump is 'playing the game' differently - and it aint ever going back to the old MSM controlled and edited information flow.  Hey - we all knew Hollywood was full of corrupt and perverted people, and we all knew the media were a pack of lying xxxxs. 


Things have changed - big time.  And yes thank God for Trump.









2 hours ago, silverhawk_usa said:

I thought this was THAI Visa?  If I chose to, I could spend all day reading 'opinions' of Trump from other accredited and non-accredited sources.  I come here to see items DIRECTLY related to Thailand.


You are correct that this is Thai Visa.


However if you look at the first post it is under World News, which is also a forum on Thai Visa. There are plenty of other Thai related topics for you to choose from.


I choose Thunder Dome, two men enter, one man leaves. To be frank I don't really

care which one. :coffee1:

1 hour ago, ELVIS123456 said:

Yep - Trump is a winner and liberals are the losers - thank goodness





Wow. I have to admit that the caricatures pandering to the deplorables have so much more finesse and refinement than e.g. this silly thing...





The thread has degenerated to a political meme contest so I will attempt to bring it back to a rational discussion on why Trump insists on baiting Kim.


I think his tweets and statements are his reactions to briefings and advice from H. R. McMaster, his  National Security Adviser.


McMaster appears to be a believer in the theory that N. Korea can be given a "bloody nose" without it escalating into a major conflict and will swearoff nuclear weapons that can hit the US. 


This is truly scary to many, including people that know McMaster well.



The World According to H.R. McMaster

Why is he so worried about North Korea?

Yuri Gripas / Reuters / The Atlantic

Why is H.R. McMaster so alarmed by North Korea? Why does Donald Trump’s national-security adviser insist—more vigorously than any administration official except the president himself—that Kim Jong Un must be denied the capability to place a nuclear warhead on a missile that can reach the United States, even if this requires initiating a military conflict with the North that could devolve into a cataclysmic war?





South Korea's Moon says Trump deserves 'big' credit for North Korea talks

SEOUL (Reuters) - South Korean President Moon Jae-in credited U.S. President Donald Trump on Wednesday for helping to spark the first inter-Korean talks in more than two years, and warned that Pyongyang would face stronger sanctions if provocations continued.


“I think President Trump deserves big credit for bringing about the inter-Korean talks, I want to show my gratitude,” Moon told reporters at his New Year’s news conference. “It could be a resulting work of the U.S.-led sanctions and pressure.”





35 minutes ago, ELVIS123456 said:

South Korea's Moon says Trump deserves 'big' credit for North Korea talks

SEOUL (Reuters) - South Korean President Moon Jae-in credited U.S. President Donald Trump on Wednesday for helping to spark the first inter-Korean talks in more than two years, and warned that Pyongyang would face stronger sanctions if provocations continued.


“I think President Trump deserves big credit for bringing about the inter-Korean talks, I want to show my gratitude,” Moon told reporters at his New Year’s news conference. “It could be a resulting work of the U.S.-led sanctions and pressure.”





Well given Trump's limitless appetite for praise, praising Trump is a nearly surefire way to appease him. Pretty much all world leaders are aware of this and act accordingly.

On 1/10/2018 at 12:04 PM, billd766 said:


You are correct that this is Thai Visa.


However if you look at the first post it is under World News, which is also a forum on Thai Visa. There are plenty of other Thai related topics for you to choose from.

:) OK, all of you who commented got me on this one.  I saw this in the Thailand News/Thailand Live section as I do not look at the World News here.  Apologies.  I guess I just got caught up in my frustration, exasperation, and embarrassment at having this man represent my country.

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