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Travel medical insurance


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My dad lives here in Thailand with me. He is 73 years old and will leave this month for a trip back to the US to visit friends and family and travel a bit. I would like him to have emergency medical insurance that would cover him while en route to the US and later coming back to Thailand. He has insurance here in Thailand, but it does not pay outside of Thailand, and he has Medicare once his feet are planted in the US. So I'm basically looking for about 30 hours each way of emergency medical coverage should some problem arise either on the way or coming back; so two days of risk for an insurance company. He has not bought his return ticket yet as he's not sure how long he will want to stay.


He exercises a lot is in good shape for 73. He caught pneumonia in China a few years ago and was hospitalized there for a few weeks, but other than that he's healthy as a horse. I mention the China incident as I know how ticky (tricky?) insurance companies can be about pre-existing conditions.  


Can anyone offer some advice on where to buy this type of coverage?

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You've had no responses as obviously not an easy one. If he is living in Thailand you're not going to be able to blag 2 single policies from the thai end because on the return journey the question would arise is he resident in the USA and obviously he's not.

You'll need to take a single policy out from the thai end to cover the entire trip even if dad is already covered by medicare whilst in usa. That will be by the book no problems if any claim arose.

I cant see any other way of doing it. You might get some specialist broker who could help but i bet the cost would be even more

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Im ditto'ing Chivas on this one. Can't imagine any other way to do it. Before my Dad died he travelled a lot, but the premiums started to rise exponentially at 65, then a whopper after 70, plus the various exclusions for pre existing conditions.
It's just the price of getting old I guess, but better that than risk something happening during travel, which without insurance, Murphy's law will ensure that an 'event' occurs.

Safe travels for your Dad

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