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Africa calls Trump racist after 'shithole' remark

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Africa calls Trump racist after 'shithole' remark

By Ed Stoddard and Chris Mfula



U.S. President Donald Trump holds a joint news conference with Norwegian Prime Minister Erna Solberg in the East Room of the White House in Washington, U.S., January 10, 2018. REUTERS/Jonathan Ernst


JOHANNESBURG/LUSAKA (Reuters) - African politicians and diplomats labelled U.S. President Donald Trump a racist on Friday after he was reported to have described some immigrants from Africa and Haiti as coming from "shithole" countries.


Trump reportedly made the remarks at a White House meeting on immigration on Thursday and a U.S. senator who attended the gathering said on Friday that the president used "vile, vulgar" language, including repeatedly using the word "shithole."


Trump denied on Friday using such derogatory language, but he was widely condemned in many African countries and in Haiti and El Salvador, and by international rights organisations.


"Ours is not a shithole country and neither is Haiti or any other country in distress," Jessie Duarte, the deputy secretary general of South Africa's ruling African National Congress told reporters at a news conference in East London.


"We would not deign to make comments as derogatory as that about any country that has any kind of socio-economic or other difficulties," Duarte said, adding that much like their African counterparts, millions of U.S. citizens were affected by problems such as unemployment.


Botswana's foreign ministry summoned the U.S. ambassador in protest and called the comments "highly irresponsible, reprehensible and racist."


In a statement it said it had asked the U.S. government, through its ambassador, to "clarify" if the derogatory remark also applied to Botswana given that there were Botswana nationals living in the United States and others who wished to go there.


Senegal's foreign ministry also called in the U.S. ambassador in Dakar to demonstrate its displeasure, a U.S. State Department official said.


The African Union (AU), an organisation which promotes cooperation on the continent, said it was alarmed by Trump's "very racist" comments.


"Given the historical reality of how African Americans arrived in the United States as slaves, and the United States being the biggest example of how a nation has been built by migration - for a statement like that to come is particularly upsetting," AU spokeswoman Ebba Kalondo said.


The AU's mission in Washington expressed its "infuriation, disappointment and outrage" at the comment and demanded a retraction as well as an apology.


In Haiti, on the eighth anniversary of a devastating earthquake that killed about 220,000 people, the government also summoned the top U.S. diplomat for an explanation, while the Haitian ambassador to Washington called for an apology.


"Haitians don't deserve such treatment," said Ambassador Paul Altidor. "Haitians should not be seen as a bunch of immigrants who come to the United States to exploit U.S. resources."


Special status given to about 59,000 Haitian immigrants, that has protected them from deportation following the 2010 earthquake, will end next year following a Trump administration ruling last month.


El Salvador, also facing an end to protected status for its 200,000 citizens living in the United States, sent a formal letter of protest to the U.S. government over the comments.


El Salvador's foreign ministry said the U.S. president had "implicitly" accepted the use of "harsh terms detrimental to the dignity of El Salvador and other countries."




Since taking office a year ago, Trump has pursued controversial policies aimed at curbing immigration into the United States as part of a hard-line "America First" agenda.


Trump said on Twitter on Friday he merely used "tough" language when discussing a new immigration bill with a group of U.S. senators.


He said the bill was a step backwards because it would force the United States "to take large numbers of people from high crime countries which are doing badly".


The Trump administration has spoken little about how it wants to engage with African countries, focusing its foreign policy instead on issues like North Korea and Islamic State.


On the streets of Lusaka, capital of the southern African country of Zambia, Trump's reported remark reinforced long-held views about the U.S. leader.


"Trump has always been a racist, only a racist can use such foul language," said Nancy Mulenga, a student at the University of Zambia.


Retired Ethiopian long-distance runner Haile Gebrselasse, who won his first 10,000 Olympic gold medal in the U.S. city of Atlanta in 1996, told Reuters Trump's comments did not reflect the views of all Americans.


The United Nations human rights office said it had no doubt Trump's remarks were "racist," while the Vatican newspaper branded them as "particularly harsh and offensive."


"You cannot dismiss entire countries and continents as 'shitholes', whose entire populations, who are not white, are therefore not welcome," said U.N. human rights spokesman Rupert Colville.


-- © Copyright Reuters 2018-01-13
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It appears to me that he was not saying anything derogatory about the people of certain African countries , only about the state of the countries they live in. As usual Trump speaks publicly about things that millions and millions of people agree with but only speak about in private. Including many people who are actually living in or lived in those countries he speaks of.


If he rattles the cages of the leaders of these s*h*le nations so be it.

15 minutes ago, rooster59 said:

"Given the historical reality of how African Americans arrived in the United States as slaves, and the United States being the biggest example of how a nation has been built by migration - for a statement like that to come is particularly upsetting," AU spokeswoman Ebba Kalondo said

Well said. 


Thoughtful, considered, humane and intelligent. 


Everything trump is not. 


How many countries in africa would people like to live.


Not many a kid from south Africa that lives next door told me it ia dangerous so his family moved to Canada and he had to leave canada for some immigration deal and then return in 4 months soubt he will het more than 2 tourist visas here he is about 25 years old   

3 minutes ago, Bluespunk said:

Well said. 


Thoughtful, considered, humane and intelligent. 


Everything trump is not. 

 slaves were captured enemies of tribes then sold to the European white man.


Like living in america is worse than most of the countries in Africa..  


Want to talk about slaves it is the american tax payer that is a slave to everyone on some government program.

2 minutes ago, USPatriot said:

 slaves were captured enemies of tribes then sold to the European white man.


Like living in america is worse than most of the countries in Africa..  


Want to talk about slaves it is the american tax payer that is a slave to everyone on some government program.

I am well aware of the roots of slavery and the industrial scale it was raised to due to the demand caused by the indefensible use of slave labour in colonial America. 


As to the rest of your post...sigh. 

10 minutes ago, USPatriot said:

How many countries in africa would people like to live.


Not many a kid from south Africa that lives next door told me it ia dangerous so his family moved to Canada and he had to leave canada for some immigration deal and then return in 4 months soubt he will het more than 2 tourist visas here he is about 25 years old   

Worked as a VSO in Ghana for two years. 


Absolutely loved it.  

7 minutes ago, Bluespunk said:

Worked as a VSO in Ghana for two years. 


Absolutely loved it.  

Had a feiend from ghana super nice guy his thai firlfriend got pregnant ao he was trying to get into wurop with her to get on the social programs 

1 minute ago, USPatriot said:

Had a feiend from ghana super nice guy his thai firlfriend got pregnant ao he was trying to get into wurop with her to get on the social programs 

Yeah right...that was his motivation to get into Europe (I assume that’s where you meant). 

35 minutes ago, Maverell said:

It appears to me that he was not saying anything derogatory about the people of certain African countries , only about the state of the countries they live in. As usual Trump speaks publicly about things that millions and millions of people agree with but only speak about in private. Including many people who are actually living in or lived in those countries he speaks of.


If he rattles the cages of the leaders of these s*h*le nations so be it.

Wrong. He was saying don't allow any people in from those countries and even sometimes KICK THEM OUT wholesale as he's doing now to so many thousands of SALVADORIANS. 

29 minutes ago, USPatriot said:

How many countries in africa would people like to live.


Not many a kid from south Africa that lives next door told me it ia dangerous so his family moved to Canada and he had to leave canada for some immigration deal and then return in 4 months soubt he will het more than 2 tourist visas here he is about 25 years old   


12 minutes ago, USPatriot said:

Had a feiend from ghana super nice guy his thai firlfriend got pregnant ao he was trying to get into wurop with her to get on the social programs 


I new a US veteran that had a boyfriend that died of AIDS.  He was a super nice guy too.   I 'm not sure if it meant that all veterans are gay, what do you think?


Regardless of all the spin from a constantly spinning WH, ....the message stuck.


Perhaps Trump's handlers are now planning a public show, where Trump makes a speech, surrounded by black folks, saying things like, "nobody is more respectful of black people, believe me."  ....alongside Jared and Ivanka in blackface, holding hands and smiling, while singing Sam Cooke's 'A Change is Gonna Come'   

first line of that song: 
I was born by the river in a little tent, and just like the river I've been running ever since 


....it won't put the toothpaste back in the tube.


It's almost sad, but certainly quixotic, to always have Trumpsters piping up - after Trump sticks his stinky foot in his mouth, which he does daily.   ...sometimes several times/day.


Not one Republican politician at that meeting had the cojones to speak up and say, "yes, he said that, and it's wrong for many reasons."  


Instead, the best the Republicans could muster is something like, "maybe he said that. I can't recall"  (all suffering from Sessions mononucleosischickenshit flu).

2 hours ago, Maverell said:

It appears to me that he was not saying anything derogatory about the people of certain African countries , only about the state of the countries they live in. As usual Trump speaks publicly about things that millions and millions of people agree with but only speak about in private. Including many people who are actually living in or lived in those countries he speaks of.


If he rattles the cages of the leaders of these s*h*le nations so be it.


However, his stated preference for members of the highest of Aryan races, the Norwegians, demonstrates his belief in a Master Race, and hopefully he will meet the same end as his nazi heroes.

1 hour ago, Jingthing said:

Wrong. He was saying don't allow any people in from those countries and even sometimes KICK THEM OUT wholesale as he's doing now to so many thousands of SALVADORIANS. 

He did not say that.The comment is being taken out of context by media who did not attend. President Trump was made his comment on the need for a merit based system, similar to Canada's. This has been a long standing position of his.


In respect to the Salvadorans, what part of TEMPORARY do you not understand? 

They were granted temporary residency permits after the 2001 earthquakes. The TRPs were supposed to be for under a year. The Salvadorans gamed the system  obtaining  extension after extension after extension. If they have been in the country for so long after they were only supposed to stay 6 months, they should count their  blessings and  uphold their end of the agreement and leave.  This is what happens when  people from dysfunctional countries are allowed in. Hence, the Trump comment on the dysfunctional screwed up countries not being the best source of immigrants.



How many countries in africa would people like to live.


Not many a kid from south Africa that lives next door told me it ia dangerous so his family moved to Canada and he had to leave canada for some immigration deal and then return in 4 months soubt he will het more than 2 tourist visas here he is about 25 years old   


  • Aaaah another one was TOLD by someone its dangerous. Until you have been in a number of African countries you have no argument, FAKE NEWS!   And how many Yanks kill others each year because of loony gun laws??? Give me a break. I have lived in 3 West African countries  less road deaths, less killings than most western countries.
3 hours ago, USPatriot said:

How many countries in africa would people like to live.


Not many a kid from south Africa that lives next door told me it ia dangerous so his family moved to Canada and he had to leave canada for some immigration deal and then return in 4 months soubt he will het more than 2 tourist visas here he is about 25 years old   

Dear US Patriot: Each country in Africa is just another country. Norway is just another country. Haiti is just another country. As are Thailand and the United States and 190 other places. They are all filled with people who are basically the same and want the same things out of life. If your South African neighbor had a bad experience there or thought the crime rate was too high and wanted to move elsewhere, I think that’s great and I wish him well, but that does not give you, or the bigot cretin who currently occupies the White House, any justification to dismiss an entire continent of people as a shithole. In fact, the past few days I’ve seen various references to statistics showing that immigrants to the US from developing countries (“brown people”) are more highly educated and entrepreneurial on average than white people who have lived in the US for generations, and thus contribute at least their fair share to the US economy.

23 minutes ago, RichardColeman said:

I think Trumps right. And it's not racist.


Name me one country run by Blacks in Africa that any American black person (or white  or Asian for that matter) would willingly relocate to ? 

I think that most people would be happy to move to most any country in Africa if they had a purpose for doing so, related to work or family or whatever. Granted, a few places would be troublesome, like the CAR, South Sudan, swathes of the Sahel, parts of Nigeria. I wouldn’t move with my family to Maiduguri, or certainly not Mogadishu. Most other places would be fine!

But this is so off the point. The issue is, immigrants coming to the United States, and here Trump clearly indicated that he prefers white people to black people. He is a despicable racist who shames his office and the country he so inadequately tries to represent.

3 hours ago, boomerangutang said:

It's almost sad, but certainly quixotic, to always have Trumpsters piping up - after Trump sticks his stinky foot in his mouth, which he does daily.   ...sometimes several times/day.


Not one Republican politician at that meeting had the cojones to speak up and say, "yes, he said that, and it's wrong for many reasons."  


Instead, the best the Republicans could muster is something like, "maybe he said that. I can't recall"  (all suffering from Sessions mononucleosischickenshit flu).

The snowflakes have had their feelings shattered by a remark thought by many,but which a real presidents has the balls to say outloud. So the hell what????   Get over it. A few hours in your little safe place will make you all feel better. our pink hats will protect you from such "nasty language"....LOL

Just now, jackh said:

The snowflakes have had their feelings shattered by a remark thought by many,but which a real presidents has the balls to say outloud. So the hell what????   Get over it. A few hours in your little safe place will make you all feel better. our pink hats will protect you from such "nasty language"....LOL

Better check your information, dude.

He had balls you say?
He denies saying it now even though it's very well documented that he did say it.

That doesn't show balls at all. 

It's more like red meat for his racist base but trying to provide cover in view of the massive international pushback.

The trouble is though for him and his deplorable supporters, almost nobody believes his LIES anymore, and most people get that almost everything out of his mouth is LIES, and even his base mostly realizes the extent of his lying, but they don't care because they enjoy that he upsets so many people that they hate. 

This is a disgusting situation now.

Where this leads the nation is purely unknown territory. 

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