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Over 1 million Thai children suffer from ADHD


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7 hours ago, Ossy said:

An excellent post. Your observations so closely mirror mine that I have to share your skepticism re the validity of the ADHD figures. Though not an expert in the child mental health field, as an ex teacher and parent, I have developed an almost-intuitive eye for spotting any sort of abnormality in child behaviour; in adult behaviour, too, for that matter, especially since coming to Thailand.

Re your 'inbred' comment, that supports my suspicion that the incidence of inbreeding, especially in the more isolated villages in Thailand's rural regions, is worryingly high. The number of kids who exhibit ADHD-typical behaviours and inability to respond to normal parent-child conversation is enough to cause me to make a strong link between ADHD and inbreeding. And, if this suspicion is justified, how on earth do you even start to draw up a programme of remedial action? . . . how does the Mental Health Department set about the task of educating the rural population that bonking your cousin is not a good idea?

If there is any substance in the MHD's findings, I can't see the situation improving much . . . this century, at least. 


I have only seen one case of real ADHD. My work was in D&A. 


When you see it you know. Very testing time for the parents and child. Heavy duty medication is given but it does work.


I also see misdiagnosis for the sake of a diagnosis. That is cruel but eases someone's pain.


I don't know what causes it, but it appears more prevalent in the last 40-50 years.

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3 hours ago, TunnelRat69 said:

Thats a good one Dave  -  in Vietnam, my Lady has rules in our house, kids come from school,  

  • Change Clothes 
  • Snack - Homework,    No TV
  • Drive to Karate training for Boy,  Kung Foo for Girl  (defense for bullies)
  • Dinner  
  • TV or Badminton, walk to market  whatever they want to do  -  Bed by 2100
  • Weekends is a free for all - but No TV during the mornings, get your ass outside & play!!  (Unless of course its raining secretly they pray for rain).  Sunday is Church - either morning or afternoon - then sit down family dinner.  Her rules not mine.
  • In Vietnam too many kids, not enough teachers, kids either go in the morning or afternoon.


God, your kids life sounds like they are in prison.  Apart from the brain washing and potential child molesters at the church, teaching them violent sports every week day, sending them to bed at 8pm every night is weird.   When you bring up children in such a regimented way with no flexibility and freedom they very well might grow up in to resentful and troublesome teenagers and messed up adults.







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16 minutes ago, mok199 said:

the average thai childs diet is very very bad...sugar ,carbs...

So what do you want to feed the children.... chunks of raw organic meat and bones?


The sugar and hyperactivity is a complete myth!   You can look this up if you want... and many many more research comes to the same conclusion. 

An analysis of the results of all these studies was published in the November 22, 1995 issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association. The researchers' conclusions? Sugar in the diet did not affect the children's behavior.


Some on the stupid comments on this thread show the ignorance and raciest stupidity of many people.  From saying the Thai kids are inbred, to the Thai males are the worst 'species'!!!!








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Once again the isolation and disdain of the elite ruling classes seeps through into everyday Thai life.


Eventually there simply must come a day when they understand they are running a nation and not simply an exclusive club for their educated-abroad sons and daughters.


Sooner or later it will start to sink in that - university educated or not - they and their children will be smiled at politely and passed over as a misguided and out of touch (eccentric and superior?) minority which represents a troubled and backwards nation.

And by the time that the 1% of the ruling classes realise that the other 99% of their country need to be addressed, attended to and educated, there will be 200 years of social development, growth, and progress to catch up on.

Hardly worth bothering, is it :smile:

Edited by robsamui
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15 minutes ago, jak2002003 said:

So what do you want to feed the children.... chunks of raw organic meat and bones?


The sugar and hyperactivity is a complete myth!   You can look this up if you want... and many many more research comes to the same conclusion. 

An analysis of the results of all these studies was published in the November 22, 1995 issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association. The researchers' conclusions? Sugar in the diet did not affect the children's behavior.


Some on the stupid comments on this thread show the ignorance and raciest stupidity of many people.  From saying the Thai kids are inbred, to the Thai males are the worst 'species'!!!!








chunks  of blah blah blah....wow that's a stretch from less sugar and carbs...try some vegetables and no MSG...for starters...

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When 6 year olds are staying up until 10 or 11 o'clock at night because they sleep with their parents there are serious effects. 

Can't focus, can't sit still, don't learn or absorb information, cry a lot and suffer from depression. 

It's called lack of sleep. 

If you want to call it adhd. 


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1 hour ago, jak2002003 said:

God, your kids life sounds like they are in prison.  Apart from the brain washing and potential child molesters at the church, teaching them violent sports every week day, sending them to bed at 8pm every night is weird.   When you bring up children in such a regimented way with no flexibility and freedom they very well might grow up in to resentful and troublesome teenagers and messed up adults.

I had free reign and that was great for drinking, smoking dope and shop lifting at a young age.  Not so good for later life though. 


Spent a period of time in my teen years until finishing school, with a crazy step-mother, jack-mormon, who kept me on a regimented schedule.  It sucked!  But.... among other things, I learned a second language that served me well later, learned how to type, which served me well later, and developed a work ethic doing chores, which flourished and served me very well later on.   Nothing fancy, she just kept me focused on what I was supposed to be focused on - school and developing some useful life skills.  Religion wasn't a factor.  Still isn't and never will be.


Meanwhile, over in cloud koo koo land, kids are suing their parents and others with purple hair and nose rings claim they gender identify with a giraffe. 


Nah, no problem with TunnelRat and his Mrs giving their kids some structure. 

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1 hour ago, jak2002003 said:

So what do you want to feed the children.... chunks of raw organic meat and bones?


The sugar and hyperactivity is a complete myth!   You can look this up if you want... and many many more research comes to the same conclusion. 

An analysis of the results of all these studies was published in the November 22, 1995 issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association. The researchers' conclusions? Sugar in the diet did not affect the children's behavior.


Some on the stupid comments on this thread show the ignorance and raciest stupidity of many people.  From saying the Thai kids are inbred, to the Thai males are the worst 'species'!!!!

respectfully, what nonsense! quoting an article from 1995 when diets were a lot different from what they are today and high fructose sugars were not used like they are now, I suggest for your own good you educate yourself rather than believe what the sugar industry were trying to get people to believe 23 years ago!

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The current system consists of allowing teachers to beat the tar out of the students. They kick them, punch them and beat them with sticks. Watch Thai news, bruised and beaten students, parents complaining about the abuse and teachers getting off free as a bird. I believe that sends a message, it is ok to settle differences by hitting them, and it is only reinforced when teachers are allowed to get away with it.

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About 12 percent of Thai boys are inflicted with ADHD compared to the world’s average 10 percent


Far as I'm aware, global figures, inasmuch as they exist and are accurate, are somewhat lower - perhaps 7%(?). Could be higher for boys, but 10% average still seems exaggerated. Then there are issues of correct diagnosis, somehow doubt Thailand is at the forefront when it comes to this.

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A few years back I watched a very good document on ADHD in Vietnam, blaming dioxin in agent orange during Vietnam war for the much increased ADHD observations in Vietnamese children. If I remember correctly it was stated that dioxin can change the genes, and these genes could be inherited to next generations. Would not be much surprised if part of that stuff was used in its neighboring countries as well, or people were made in contact with it during the crazy US war.

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52 minutes ago, CGW said:

respectfully, what nonsense! quoting an article from 1995 when diets were a lot different from what they are today and high fructose sugars were not used like they are now, I suggest for your own good you educate yourself rather than believe what the sugar industry were trying to get people to believe 23 years ago!

Educate yourself mate.  Just because the article is from 1995 does not mean its out of date.  Did you even read it?  You want me to quote studies more recent?  Just take a look yourself on the net.


I don't need to educate myself about food science either, as that was what I studied at degree level at university back in the UK, which included chemistry and biology.  The fact is there has been ZERO scientific evidence that sugar makes children hyperactive.  In fact, there is ZERO evidence that diet...old or modern, affects behaviour.  


If you think you know better please feel free to post the SCIENTIFIC studies that prove sugar makes children hyperactive.  


Sugar is harmful to health... because of diabetes, tooth decay, obesity, etc... but is not the cause of ADHD or hyperactivity... this is a fact.



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1 hour ago, greenchair said:

When 6 year olds are staying up until 10 or 11 o'clock at night because they sleep with their parents there are serious effects. 

Can't focus, can't sit still, don't learn or absorb information, cry a lot and suffer from depression. 

It's called lack of sleep. 

If you want to call it adhd. 


I agree with you.  A tired child is not a child suffering from ADHD. 


I like how they look after the babies and young children here better than in the UK.  Its more natural.  In your example though the 6 year olds will sleep when they need sleep.  If they are tired they will sleep on the sofa, floor, parents lap, in front of the TV, then be taken to bed.  Even if outside the house, the kids can sleep about, and the next day, if they did not get a good nights rest, they will sleep in the afternoon or earlier the next evening.


They will be less likely to suffer depression, because they will have close contact and attention from their parents and family, feel very secure sleeping in the same bed as their mother too.  


Back in the UK babies are locked in barred cages (they call cots) shut in solitary confinement in a different room from their parents.. and are left to cry and cry themselves to sleep with no one coming to reassure them or show them love or physical contact, as the 'experts' say that is the right think to do.. because the baby is demanding attention... like its got a mind to plan things out!  


The baby wakes up during the night and cries many times, for feeding or reassurance, the parents have to get out of bed.. go into the other room, pick up the baby and feed it, settle it back down.. go back to their room and into bed.  The parents are tired from lack of sleep, irritable and can get depressed from LACK OF SLEEP.


If the baby of young child is in their bed it will get to sleep faster.  When it needs feeding the mother can just roll over and feed it without having to get up and walk to another room.  The baby will feel comfort and safe from the parents next to it.  This is a better situation all round surely.  

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Not to disagree with all the resident doctors posting in this thread but.....


ADHD tends to run in families and, in most cases, it's thought the genes you inherit from your parents are a significant factor in developing the condition.


Various other causes have also been suggested as playing a role in the development of ADHD, including:

  • being born prematurely (before the 37th week of pregnancy)
  • having a low birthweight
  • brain damage either in the womb or in the first few years of life
  • drinking alcohol, smoking or misusing drugs while pregnant
  • exposure to high levels of toxic lead at a young age



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3 hours ago, 55Jay said:

I had free reign and that was great for drinking, smoking dope and shop lifting at a young age.  Not so good for later life though. 


Spent a period of time in my teen years until finishing school, with a crazy step-mother, jack-mormon, who kept me on a regimented schedule.  It sucked!  But.... among other things, I learned a second language that served me well later, learned how to type, which served me well later, and developed a work ethic doing chores, which flourished and served me very well later on.   Nothing fancy, she just kept me focused on what I was supposed to be focused on - school and developing some useful life skills.  Religion wasn't a factor.  Still isn't and never will be.


Meanwhile, over in cloud koo koo land, kids are suing their parents and others with purple hair and nose rings claim they gender identify with a giraffe. 


Nah, no problem with TunnelRat and his Mrs giving their kids some structure. 

Thanx Our kids are 9 & 10, and appear to well adjusted, look forward to the Karate & Wing Chung, as well as the normal things kids do..........



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3 hours ago, 55Jay said:

I had free reign and that was great for drinking, smoking dope and shop lifting at a young age.  Not so good for later life though. 


Spent a period of time in my teen years until finishing school, with a crazy step-mother, jack-mormon, who kept me on a regimented schedule.  It sucked!  But.... among other things, I learned a second language that served me well later, learned how to type, which served me well later, and developed a work ethic doing chores, which flourished and served me very well later on.   Nothing fancy, she just kept me focused on what I was supposed to be focused on - school and developing some useful life skills.  Religion wasn't a factor.  Still isn't and never will be.


Meanwhile, over in cloud koo koo land, kids are suing their parents and others with purple hair and nose rings claim they gender identify with a giraffe. 


Nah, no problem with TunnelRat and his Mrs giving their kids some structure. 

deleted as duplicate.

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5 hours ago, jak2002003 said:

God, your kids life sounds like they are in prison.  Apart from the brain washing and potential child molesters at the church, teaching them violent sports every week day, sending them to bed at 8pm every night is weird.   When you bring up children in such a regimented way with no flexibility and freedom they very well might grow up in to resentful and troublesome teenagers and messed up adults.







For Jack2002003  -   - Prison??, man if you have never been in prison you don't kow what you are talking about.  Violent sports??  They don't play Soccer or American Football, martial arts builds character, confidence and focus - they are also taught how to apply that to everyday life.   also teaches them how to kick a bully in the balls, or break his/her nose.  but not violent.

Crawl back into your cocoon, or go to our 'safe place' 

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2 minutes ago, TunnelRat69 said:

For Jack2002003  -   - Prison??, man if you have never been in prison you don't kow what you are talking about.  Violent sports??  They don't play Soccer or American Football, martial arts builds character, confidence and focus - they are also taught how to apply that to everyday life.  

also teaches them how to kick a bully in the balls, or break his/her nose.  but not violent.

Crawl back into your cocoon, or go to our 'safe place' 

LOL  kicking someone in the balls and breaking their noise is not violent?


I have no cocoon or safe space to crawl back into.


Soccer or American football are not violent sports.  But you kids might enjoy real football or other team sports better than martial 'arts'.  


I have never been in prison, because my upbringing was good and I had freedom and love from my parents.  I was not forced to do stuff on some ridged schedule which took all my time from away from being a child and being able to go out and play with my friends, explore nature, build tree houses, learn how to stand up to bullies myself without the need to break their bones, and just have a fun childhood.  



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Almost none will get a PET scan confirming the condition, almost all will be given pills that will make them as toxic as a car battery, and take years off their lives.  Read THE WAR ON BOYS, or look at the NUEROPHYSIOLOGY OF ADD-HD.  Cut that goddamn tax on athletic shoes and make runners out of them.  

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