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Dual pricing: What happened when a Thai was charged the ‘farang price’


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1 hour ago, Daveyh said:

I've been here 15yrs witnessing all this behaviour knowing full well it will never change. I've also tried on occasions to politely discuss & reason with the perpetrators of this common trend here in Thailand. All that resulted in, was anger, indignant that they were wrong,  "you make problem you go home" rants etc ..... that basically told me to f##k off & if I did'nt like it f##k off again! The dark side of Thailand is always in the background & very little needs to be said before it raises it's ugly head ..... sad. I have very few Thai friends here since arriving in 2003 ;-( ............. I wonder why this is? 


People don't like you...??

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1 hour ago, outsider said:

"Yesterday, the Ministry of Commerce responded that it would investigate the matter. If the vendor is found guilty..." 


Idiots. There is NOTHING to investigate. Not when you idiots practice dual-pricing OFFICIALLY and openly at places like national parks and temples, complete with a properly printed price list and tickets to boot. Just admit you guys are fleecing and scamming tourists. No amount of face-saving exercises is going to save any faces here. She's just following a (bad) example set by you gits.




But Thailand isnt the only country that does this .... I don't know why us expats get so upset about paying an extra dollar or 2.  Are folks that broke or is this just some silly farang pride thing?  (not poking at you, just asking)

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14 hours ago, 4MyEgo said:

Shame shame shame, I never pay more than 30 baht as a farang to eat the same stuff from a street food vendor, my wife makes sure of that before she orders, good to have a wife with balls when it comes to the old mighty baht and dual pricing...lol

You have a wife with balls? Well you certainly came to the right country - plenty of choice!

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6 hours ago, balo said:

Just avoid tourist places , problem solved . I have never been cheated here, 40 baht for most dishes at my local street stall . 

I have never been cheated too in six years, but of course, I know the double pricing exist, so I do not understand why some people have experienced the problem many times, you said just avoid the tourist places, I am in Samui! I just come back from 3 weeks in Isaan, I went sometimes eating alone I always paid the Thai price, I speak Thai enough to make myself understood in most situation but I do not think it has anything to do.

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If the prices aren't marked, I ask.  If the prices are marked, I read Thai.  I'd pay the listed price.  If that created threats, I'd call the cops, wait till them come, point out the price, video it all, and put it on social media if I had to paid and inflated price not listed.
However, one restaurant that I've been eating at for years in Chiang Mai openly lists one set of prices in Thai and another higher set in English and Chinese.  If you only read English and or Chinese, hey, the prices is listed!  If you don't like the price, walk. But to be honest, even with the slight bump in prices, they're still probably the least expensive restaurant on Thapae.  I've known the owner for years - I get the Thai price, plus I can read the Thai menus, but in this case it doesn't matter. 

Caveat Emptor:  ask prices first or read prices first. If you read and speak Thai, even better.  If you're "different people" as Thais like to call foreigners, it's food for thought.  <pun intended>. :thumbsup:

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I don't understand the people complaining about Thailand and Thai people, yet they still spend time complaining here in Thai Visa?


As far as I am concerned, If prices are not posted,  I ask first, then if I don't like the price I go elsewhere. But I usually enjoy cooking for myself at home. 

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11 minutes ago, hullmonkee said:

Maybe he is gloating and full of smug satisfaction that he made the correct decision and voted with his feet, because that's how I feel when I read stuff like this. I have plenty of good memories but to quote POTUS the place is a shithole. The main reason I left is because I was fed up with the fact all foreigners are pretty much second class citizens. I don't haunt this forum but am still a member and get updates because my wife still has Thai citizenship and some of the updates may contain pertinent info.   

With 15 posts, yes you certainly do not haunt the forum for sure, as far as the second class citizen are concern, I do not know one single expat personally, not one.

maybe because I do not go to the same places being not a drinker :smile:

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14 hours ago, 4MyEgo said:

Shame shame shame, I never pay more than 30 baht as a farang to eat the same stuff from a street food vendor, my wife makes sure of that before she orders, good to have a wife with balls when it comes to the old mighty baht and dual pricing...lol

Did you marry a ladyboy?

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14 hours ago, Bluespunk said:

''Since Suthaporn is Thai, she should have paid THB80 (US$2.5). Manee explained that she typically charged Chinese tourists and farangs THB120 – 150 (US$3.7 – 4.7).

“I told her I’d give her discount. She refused, saying she already posted about this on Facebook,” Manee said.

“You know how expensive the rent is here. I don’t wanna talk about it,” she said.

Manee added that her stall doesn’t have a Thai price menu, but they would always tell customers there’s a Thai price available.''


Ah, the logic that lies behind dual pricing...welcome to the asylum.

I always try to avoid any food vendor that does not display prices or provide a priced menu.

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52 minutes ago, Tchooptip said:

I am glad I left Thailand what a country to live in (quote)

You answered me too but you still haunt a forum where everyone only talks about your bad memories, maybe you are a masochist? :ermm:

These people are strange, like they're trying to prove they've made a good choice.

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1 minute ago, SunsetT said:

I always try to avoid any food vendor that does not display prices or provide a priced menu.

Why? I find speaking Thai, there is never a problem, even in tourist areas. Got discount from a taxi driver last week, by speaking to him in Isarn dialect.

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I am surprised that people are surprised about dual prices ( unless first time tourist ) 

its been going on for years and nothing will change Thailand are not the only ones practising this happens around  the world 

the Chinese are the new tourists on the block and will have to get used to it

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I wonder if the lady buying the food ever questioned street vendors charging silly prices to farang before she was mistaken for one. I also had no idea of secret Thai prices that are different from those quoted on the menu. 


Dual pricing by vendors is easy to avoid, ask the price then don't purchase if the price is clearly too high. The tourism sites are frustrating when you're charged a lot more, even with a WP and paying tax in my case, but they're also very often poorly maintained and presented. 

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14 hours ago, ChiangMaiLightning2143 said:

By that logic  Thais who drive Ferraris and wear Rolex Daytona watches should pay more then too.

Why  are they not fleeced also?

They are sometimes, but not often.


I know an actress who went to visit the Indian Temple on Silom. She couldn't park her Mercedes near, so she parked between Silom and Sathon.


She decided to take a motorcycle from the temple back to her car and was quoted 10 baht. When the guy saw her car he demanded 30 Baht.

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14 hours ago, ezflip said:

“I don’t understand. Who started this? Take advantage of them? Foreigners pay one price. Thais pay another price. We’re their hosts. We should impress them so they can tell their friends about the good experience in Thailand. The government should look into this,” user Boy Neverdies said.


Finally, a few Thais agree with the rest of the world. But I doubt it will change anything.

Dual pricing is nothinhg less than Total Racism and should be abolished but evening tbe authoritues are same charging 10 times the Thai price fot national parks i used to often visit them now I don't go anymore.

But Thais are so thick they don't see charging a reasonable price would attract more custom.

I wish they would charge 10 times more for Thais in the UK, i would love to here what they got to say.

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11 minutes ago, petedk said:

They are sometimes, but not often.


I know an actress who went to visit the Indian Temple on Silom. She couldn't park her Mercedes near, so she parked between Silom and Sathon.


She decided to take a motorcycle from the temple back to her car and was quoted 10 baht. When the guy saw her car he demanded 30 Baht.

Triple HiSo price!

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38 minutes ago, kurtmartens said:

But Thailand isnt the only country that does this .... I don't know why us expats get so upset about paying an extra dollar or 2.  Are folks that broke or is this just some silly farang pride thing?  (not poking at you, just asking)


It isn't really a question of an extra dollar or two. (Actually I never pay in dollars... I always pay in Thai baht), but I have noticed that more and more people are trying to charge more for foreigners. If everyone charged me 30 to 100% more than they charge Thais, I wouldn't be able to live here.


I used to spend about 100 Baht a day in a little mom and pop store near Silom. One day, the owner was in the back and she saw I bought a bottle of water (7 Thai Baht!) and she shouted out to the young girl in Thai " Farang 20 Baht". Needless to say, I said no thanks and walked out. Now I do my small shopping in 7/11 and support the massive monopoly of CP instead of the local people.


Yesterday, I took a motorcycle home from the main soi (been paying 10 baht for years), but yesterday was told "farang 20 baht"


Where will it stop?

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Its the pot calling the Kettle Black , If the Government Fine her for overcharging they should look at them selves .

At all Government places  the ' Farang ' gets charged a different price higher than the Thai .

Every other country people are charged the same Price , Just another Scam to get more Money from the Tourist ,

Who by the way the country relies on.

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36 minutes ago, oldcarguy said:

Disneyland lets locals buy a yearly pass , and on the slow times maybe a discount , 

but not all of California , just the local area , hoping to fill an empty park , 


But I do not think there is a Locals price for Disneyland in the middle of Summer , 


Locals regardless of race or colour of skin.

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13 minutes ago, Neeranam said:

Why? I find speaking Thai, there is never a problem, even in tourist areas. Got discount from a taxi driver last week, by speaking to him in Isarn dialect.

:clap2:It's an absolute nonsense to say Thai people hate when farangs speak Thai. 

When they give me the price in English sometimes I answer in Thai, why do you speak English, I do not understand this language, with a big smile of course, so they understand I'm joking, and they laugh, we follow in Thai ,where are you from, I was born in London... more laughing. It was always a good experience. 

So I still work learning more Thai every day.

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12 hours ago, chrisandsu said:

Hua Hin tends to be triple the price of most places in Thailand anyway ... to triple again you may need to sell your booty to get some gapow...

You're not well informed apparantly. I'm talking about simple Thai restaurants, big and small, not on the piers and not in the centre. And even in the centre there are enough restaurants that are cheap and don't discriminate. And anyway restaurants have menus, there are prices in there.

40 baht for pad kapao, for me, for anyone else. You should come here sometime!

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