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Obtain a further re-entry permit possible?

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I will be departing Thailand this weekend with a single entry re-entry permit (retirement extension until Nov 2018) and towards the middle of this year, I anticipate a further single re-entry permit will be required.


My question is, will I be able to obtain a further single re-entry permit this weekend (DM) considering I already have a valid permit in my passport which will of course be used when I return to Thailand in about a week?



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You can apply for the re-entry permit at DM on departure from the country.

You can only have one re-entry permit at a time. You could get a multiple re-entry permit for a fee of 3800 baht that would be valid for entry until the date your extension ends.

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29 minutes ago, ubonjoe said:

You can apply for the re-entry permit at DM on departure from the country.

You can only have one re-entry permit at a time. You could get a multiple re-entry permit for a fee of 3800 baht that would be valid for entry until the date your extension ends.

@ubonjoe If my take on this is correct and to clarify for the OP, then as he seemingly already has a valid single re-entry permit in his passport, then his options are??

1. Depart the country this time without applying for any further re-entry permit, upon his return use the one he already has in his passport, then upon his departure the next time apply for a new re-entry permit.

2. Apply for a multiple re-entry permit whilst departing the country this time, which would cancel the one that he has in his passport, but he can use this for his arrival and the following departure / arrival.

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7 minutes ago, Mattd said:

@ubonjoe If my take on this is correct and to clarify for the OP, then as he seemingly already has a valid single re-entry permit in his passport, then his options are??

1. Depart the country this time without applying for any further re-entry permit, upon his return use the one he already has in his passport, then upon his departure the next time apply for a new re-entry permit.

2. Apply for a multiple re-entry permit whilst departing the country this time, which would cancel the one that he has in his passport, but he can use this for his arrival and the following departure / arrival.

number 2 is a waste of money, if he already has a single, with  no advantage

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5 minutes ago, steve187 said:

number 2 is a waste of money, if he already has a single, with  no advantage

Agreed, I just want to clarify to the OP that he CANNOT do as he proposes, i.e. get another single re-entry permit on his way out this time, because he already has a valid single re-entry permit, if he does, one negates the other, so his only cheap option is to do number 1, unless he cannot, for whatever reason, get another single re-entry permit between his arrival and the next departure.

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17 minutes ago, hathairat2711 said:

Rather than complicate matters, I will use the current stamped single re-entry permit when I return to Thailand next week and obtain either a single or multi re-entry permit at either DM or immigration later this year.


Thanks all for the feedback.


This is the best solution.

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I have now returned from my trip and used my single entry permit.


Having just made my travel plans for the rest of this year, I will be applying for a multi entry permit at DM on my next departure from Thailand.


As I wont be in Thailand for 90+ consecutive days, am I correct in saying that a Form TM47 'Notification of staying in the Kingdom over 90 days' will not be required?


Silly question I know, but just want to be sure as this is my initial 12 months retirement extension.



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4 minutes ago, hathairat2711 said:

As I wont be in Thailand for 90+ consecutive days, am I correct in saying that a Form TM47 'Notification of staying in the Kingdom over 90 days' will not be required?


No need to do a report of staying longer 90 consecutive days in the country unless you stay that long.

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