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U.S. senator says FBI lost crucial texts tied to Clinton probe


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Well now, all those people crying for a collision charge and conspiracy charges will finally be happy. Just too bad it was Obama, his AG, Clinton and the FBI that were doing all the conspiring and colluding against President Trump. Nice to see they failed miserably, again.

The DNC needs to be disbanded and Schumer and Pelosi need to be tarred and feathered and run out of town. What a mockery of the judicial system at the highest levels.

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They should have used the messaging app, Confide, which the Trump WH/admin uses. It erases messages as soon as they are read.


Seems like it's time for another Benghazi investigation? 



It is probably obvious to most that there is no real intent to "lock her up", and the goals of these sorts of obfuscations (Devin Nunes "memo", "tapping" Trump Tower, missing texts, email servier, Uranium One, etc) are to shift attention, soothe the savage base and cast doubt on any Russia-China influence investigations.

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1 hour ago, mtls2005 said:

It is probably obvious to most that there is no real intent to "lock her up", and the goals of these sorts of obfuscations (Devin Nunes "memo", "tapping" Trump Tower, missing texts, email servier, Uranium One, etc) are to shift attention, soothe the savage base and cast doubt on any Russia-China influence investigations.

No, what it's doing is forcing the focus back to where the true crimes were committed and off the red herring witch hunt. Keep digging Mueller, you're shaking more skeletons out of the closets than Hoover ever did.

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17 hours ago, impulse said:


Ask the NSA.  They still have them.  Along with every text everyone in the world has sent since they strung them wires along the Pecos Trail.


Edit:  And if the NSA won't give 'em up, call the Ecuador Embassy in London and make a deal...



Well I agree, everything should be release on both sides then to be fair. 

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11 hours ago, mike324 said:

Well I agree, everything should be release on both sides then to be fair. 

Yes that's happening ! The Secret Society of FBI Investigators  are being investigated.

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17 hours ago, lannarebirth said:

Well, I figured this text thing was much ado about nothing or some kind of misdirection but I think I was wrong and maybe there's something there after all. Time will tell.



I read this article,it is very informative and  raises a lot of concerns about the possibility of FBI and DOJ top officials conspiring to do in PTrump .  I was wondering if you had consider the possibility that Rosenstein ,Mueller and or Comey were complicit . It would be shocking if Mueller had something to do  with the Secret  Society in some way

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3 minutes ago, riclag said:

I read this article,it is very informative and  raises a lot of concerns about the possibility of FBI and DOJ top officials conspiring to do in PTrump .  I was wondering if you had consider the possibility that Rosenstein ,Mueller and or Comey were complicit . It would be shocking if Mueller had something to do  with the Secret  Society in some way


Well, I'm not a conspiracy theorist who gives much thought to secret societies. I DO believe however that government, whether it be Republican led or Democrat led mostly exists to serve its own interests and those of its benefactors. 


I don't know how much of that article is true, but if any of it is, it is shocking in the extreme. If all of it is true, which I doubt, it is evidence of an attempt to thwart the democratic process and would be one of the greatest scandals in US history. Let's just wait and see what develops.

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2 minutes ago, lannarebirth said:

I haven't done the math on this but is it even possible for two people to exchange 50,000 texts in 5 months time? That's more than a 1,000x more than I've sent in my entire lifetime.

It is if they don't do any actual work. 

I saw on the tv earlier that some of the supposedly lost texts have been recovered, so that will be interesting to see what was in them.

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27 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

It is if they don't do any actual work. 

I saw on the tv earlier that some of the supposedly lost texts have been recovered, so that will be interesting to see what was in them.

Thats like an average of 333 text message per day between the two!  must be lovers or something to text so much

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On 1/21/2018 at 9:33 PM, Silurian said:


Yep, time to start the FBI agent witch hunts. They need to scour out all those damn Clinton loving FBI agents. Republican members of Congress are now suggesting that all FBI agents that have a positive opinion of Clinton to be investigated in detail and to also make sure they are not included in any Russian investigations. Funny though, FBI agents that have a positive opinion of the current POTUS are okay to be on the Russian investigation. Sure, no potential bias there. 


FBI agents are just like any US citizen. They have political views. They vote. But they are held to rigid standards of conduct when they are operating as a FBI agent. Let them do their job and not have them worry about some crazed Republican witch hunt. If there are FBI agents with an agenda, it should be handled internally. Is there some reason that Christopher Wray (FBI director appointed by the current POTUS) is not trustworthy? Is he not responsible for the agents under his care? If Republicans don't believe Wray can do his job, then maybe they should think about replacing him.



Just for the record, I am talking about one high ranking FBI agent and his paramour, who definitely was not following there oath.

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Conservative conspiracy theory about FBI texts is bull, according to Fox News:


Gibson writes, citing “federal law enforcement officials,” that the messages were deleted by a technical error, not malice — one that had affected not just Strzok and Page’s phones, but “thousands” of Bureau-issued devices between the dates of December 14, 2016, and May 17, 2017.

This is ridiculous. It's like reporting one of your tires has disappeared under suspicious circumstances, but when police arrive they inform you that this is because your car was stolen.

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4 minutes ago, attrayant said:

Conservative conspiracy theory about FBI texts is bull, according to Fox News:




This is ridiculous. It's like reporting one of your tires has disappeared under suspicious circumstances, but when police arrive they inform you that this is because your car was stolen.




Or like blowing up a whole wedding party because one suspected terrorist is in attendence. As if!  Anhow, I'm sure they'll get it sorted.

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1 hour ago, attrayant said:

Conservative conspiracy theory about FBI texts is bull, according to Fox News:




This is ridiculous. It's like reporting one of your tires has disappeared under suspicious circumstances, but when police arrive they inform you that this is because your car was stolen.



I don't understand the point you are trying to make, but the "missing" texts are being recovered, so someone was telling porkies when they claimed they couldn't be handed over to congress.

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31 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

I don't understand the point you are trying to make, but the "missing" texts are being recovered, so someone was telling porkies when they claimed they couldn't be handed over to congress.

The point is the raving conspiracy loonies were wrong, including a number of members on this forum. FBI will be able to point to an IT audit trail that created the glitch as data recovered using IT forensic tools. It's the same as members on this forum instantly crying cover up when first reports of an incident don't meet their expectations.

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3 hours ago, johndudorn said:

Just for the record, I am talking about one high ranking FBI agent and his paramour, who definitely was not following there oath.


If there is foul play with this particular FBI agent, then it should be handled by FBI internal affairs. Is there some reason not to trust the FBI to investigate their own? Why the need to have congress involved? Was it also determined that FBI internal affairs is not reliable and also subject to bias? 


No this blown out of proportion deal with publicly implicating the FBI by the Republican congress is to discredit the whole of the FBI and thus undermine the Mueller investigation. If this would just be about one FBI agent and some texts, then this story would never have reached the newsworthiness it has. It would have been handled internally and the appropriate discipline would have taken place.

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41 minutes ago, simple1 said:

The point is the raving conspiracy loonies were wrong, including a number of members on this forum. FBI will be able to point to an IT audit trail that created the glitch as data recovered using IT forensic tools. It's the same as members on this forum instantly crying cover up when first reports of an incident don't meet their expectations.

Seems someone is not correct. Recovered by the inspector general, NOT the FBI.



The FBI had told the Justice Department that “many FBI-provided Samsung 5 mobile devices did not capture or store text messages due to misconfiguration issues related to rollouts, provisioning and software upgrades that conflicted with the FBI’s collection capabilities,” a Justice Department official told lawmakers in a letter earlier this month.

As a result, the letter said, “data that should have been automatically collected and retained for long-term storage and retrieval was not collected.’’

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57 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Seems someone is not correct. Recovered by the inspector general, NOT the FBI.



The FBI had told the Justice Department that “many FBI-provided Samsung 5 mobile devices did not capture or store text messages due to misconfiguration issues related to rollouts, provisioning and software upgrades that conflicted with the FBI’s collection capabilities,” a Justice Department official told lawmakers in a letter earlier this month.

As a result, the letter said, “data that should have been automatically collected and retained for long-term storage and retrieval was not collected.’’

No response re conspiracy loonies. However, whatever, FBI is under the jurisdiction of DoJ.

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19 minutes ago, simple1 said:

No response re conspiracy loonies. However, whatever, FBI is under the jurisdiction of DoJ.


Ad hominem

Cleverly played sir.


& DoJ is under jurisdiction of the POTUS.

[Trump the Strong, as the Chinese call him]

Predicting State of the Union Address will be a doozy.


My bet:

Swamp-critters [HRC ++] ==> Gitmo.


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Sick and tired of the ongoing BS and travesty of justice whenever Hillary is involved, President Trump is now issuing a dire warning to Jeff Sessions and the entire Justice Department. Unless Sessions steps in and prosecutes Hillary,
Trump says he will be forced to step in
and take drastic measures. “A lot of people are disappointed in the Justice Department, including me,”Trump told reporters.
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Personally cannot comprehend why some US citizens and non citizens wish to see the destruction of US Institutions, applaud Trump's actions eroding protection of the habitat, feeds the swamp dwellers  and other numerous backward steps by Trump seemingly just to spite Obama. Why 25% of the US population eligible to vote supports a President who is a proven liar and uses deception every day in the public domain is weird. 


Long-standing protocol dictates that the FBI and Justice Department operate free of political influence or meddling from the White House. That's one reason that the FBI director serves a 10-year term and does not turn over the reins as presidential administrations come and go. It also means that presidents are not supposed to supervise, initiate or stop law enforcement investigations.



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12 hours ago, simple1 said:

The point is the raving conspiracy loonies were wrong, including a number of members on this forum. FBI will be able to point to an IT audit trail that created the glitch as data recovered using IT forensic tools. It's the same as members on this forum instantly crying cover up when first reports of an incident don't meet their expectations.


Whichever side one takes in all these controveries it is pretty clear that people will embrace whatever argument, however weak it is, that supports their core belief system. It's also pretty obvious when people respond to these articles their responses are about themselves and not the subject of the article. You don't even need to read the post to be able to predict with startling accuracy what you are about to read.

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On 1/26/2018 at 5:22 PM, papa al said:
Sick and tired of the ongoing BS and travesty of justice whenever Hillary is involved,President Trump is now issuing a dire warning to Jeff Sessions and the entire Justice Department. Unless Sessions steps in and prosecutes Hillary,
Trump says he will be forced to step in
and take drastic measures. “A lot of people are disappointed in the Justice Department, including me,” Trump told reporters.

It is absolutely clear that Trump erred in putting Sessions in the position. He should have been fired as soon as he recused himself. I'm sure Trump regrets every time the Justice department comes up in conversation.  Had he been fired, his seat in congress would not now be held by a Democrat.


Whatever, it is obvious that Sessions won't even do the part of the job that he isn't recused from.  Unless he is keeping some big secret about what he is doing, he is, IMO, a waste of space.  Pity it's politically impossible to sack him at the moment, but I'm pickin' as soon as the Muller inquiry is over he's toast. He's also under attack from many quarters so I doubt a future in politics is an option.

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