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SURVEY: Do you want Trump to finish his first term?


SURVEY: Do you WANT Trump to finish his first term?  

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5 minutes ago, heybruce said:

So are the trillion dollar deficits, but I doubt Trump will pay his share.

The controversial, last-minute tax provision that personally benefits Donald Trump, explained

Republicans keep saying their tax bill helps job creators. This kickback to real estate investors does the opposite.


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10 hours ago, heybruce said:

You mean the flag hugging Commander Bone Spur?  You need to learn the difference between feigned patriotism and the real thing.

Yes he should have gone there torched a village and sprayed the people with napalm and agent Orange...There was no honour in serving in Nam. 

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2 hours ago, heybruce said:

That didn't count for much in the Presidential election, and with gerrymandered districts the Democrats will need a  huge majority to  be able to dislodge the subservient Republican Congress.


It seems to me the kind of things in this article are what people vote on. Whether or not they live in a gerrymandered district. 



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27 minutes ago, bushdoctor said:


It seems to me the kind of things in this article are what people vote on. Whether or not they live in a gerrymandered district. 



A bold assumption on what motivates people to vote that in no way addresses the post you replied to. 

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37 minutes ago, The manic said:

Yes he should have gone there torched a village and sprayed the people with napalm and agent Orange...There was no honour in serving in Nam. 

Does that mean you think getting a questionable medical deferment qualifies Trump as a patriot?

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2 hours ago, bristolboy said:

The direct effects of the TCJA will generally provide tax cuts to most households but much larger tax cuts by most metrics to the highest-income households than to others. Once the tax cuts are financed in a way that resembles recent Administration and congressional budget proposals, the effects of the TCJA become more regressive: low- and middle-income households will end up worse off than they would without the tax cuts in the first place.



The left’a resistance to the tax cuts and their promise to raise your taxes if elected are yet another reason people might want to vote for Trump. 

The tax dollars saved are pumped back into the economy. Not just once but many times over.

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5 minutes ago, bushdoctor said:


The left’a resistance to the tax cuts and their promise to raise your taxes if elected are yet another reason people might want to vote for Trump. 

The tax dollars saved are pumped back into the economy. Not just once but many times over.

The spending behavior of the super rich is another.
The money is then gladly used for the interest-generating rationalization and outsourcing of production workplaces.

You do not really believe that Trump has the normalo Jo and his well-being in mind.

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16 minutes ago, tomacht8 said:

The spending behavior of the super rich is another.
The money is then gladly used for the interest-generating rationalization and outsourcing of production workplaces.

You do not really believe that Trump has the normalo Jo and his well-being in mind.


Yes. I think he has the best interest of the country in mind. 

Here’s a video that explains the multiplier effect I was talking about...



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1 hour ago, bushdoctor said:


The left’a resistance to the tax cuts and their promise to raise your taxes if elected are yet another reason people might want to vote for Trump. 

The tax dollars saved are pumped back into the economy. Not just once but many times over.

And the trillion dollar deficits?

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1 hour ago, bushdoctor said:


Yes. I think he has the best interest of the country in mind. 

Here’s a video that explains the multiplier effect I was talking about...



Yeah, most of us understand the multiplier effect.  We also understand that it is inflationary when applied to an economy near full capacity, and that it does not prevent massive increases in the federal deficit when it is fueled by tax cuts with no corresponding cuts in federal spending.


Of course Republicans have historically been very happy to borrow and spend, driving up the federal deficit by massive amounts when they held the White House, then start screaming "The deficits too high" when a Democrat is President.

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38 minutes ago, heybruce said:

And the trillion dollar deficits?


34 minutes ago, heybruce said:

Yeah, most of us understand the multiplier effect.  We also understand that it is inflationary when applied to an economy near full capacity, and that it does not prevent massive increases in the federal deficit when it is fueled by tax cuts with no corresponding cuts in federal spending.


Of course Republicans have historically been very happy to borrow and spend, driving up the federal deficit by massive amounts when they held the White House, then start screaming "The deficits too high" when a Democrat is President.


I am actually against a huge national debt, but I don’t mind deficits if the money is used wisely. For instance infrastructure spending are you surprised? It can bring back much more. If you are against a high national debt as well, then I imagine you complained endlessly when Obama (a democrat) doubled the national debt during his 2 terms, which on a cash basis equates to his acquiring more debt as president than that of all previous presidents combined. 


That said, a booming economy will bring in more in more tax dollars, and things like real Fair Trade agreements, less government bureaucracy and waste, higher consumer confidence, more jobs and lower unemployment, etc all contribute to that. A rising tide floats all boats, and a larger GDP solves a lot of economic problems. The feds inflation target has finally just been met, and economists agree that some inflation would help. In particular wage growth, which should pick up as low unemployment continues to shatters records, and illegal immigrants are kept out of the workforce. 


You do do not have to agree, but we will all have to be spectators as the president is the president, and he will preside as he sees fit. He has a comprehensive plan that’s already well in motion. A patriot will do what they can to help him succeed.

I actually had high hopes for Obama, but he is finished now and things are worse off in the world because of his reign in my opinion. You’ll have another chance to elect a non republican at some point. Perhaps even a democratic socialist. 

Edited by bushdoctor
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Trump's Personal Driver for 25 Years Sues for Unpaid Overtime

Donald Trump’s personal driver for more than 25 years says the billionaire real estate developer didn’t pay him overtime and raised his salary twice in 15 years, clawing back the second raise by cutting off his health benefits.

Noel Cintron, who is listed in public records as a registered Republican, sued the Trump Organization for about 3,300 of overtime that he says he worked in the past six years. He’s not allowed to sue for overtime prior to that due to the statute of limitations.

“In an utterly callous display of unwarranted privilege and entitlement and without even a minimal sense of noblesse oblige,” Trump and his businesses exploited the driver, Cintron says in the complaint.




And cancelling his health insurance.   


If he wins his case, I wonder how Trump will get the taxpayers to pay him off.   



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1 hour ago, bristolboy said:

Here's something about Trump's tax cut bill:

In the first six months after the Trump tax cuts were passed, corporate investment in  equipment declined, America’s projected long-term deficit swelled by nearly $2 trillion, and wages for the vast majority of American workers fell on an inflation-adjusted basis.


And there is no sign that reality will start comporting with the GOP’s predictions any time soon. As the Washington Post’s Heather Long notes, Morgan Stanley reported last month that America’s businesses are planning less future capital spending now than they were a few months ago. And that finding is bolstered by a recent survey of 393 businesses from the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and the audit firm RSM, which found that only 38 percent of those firms plan to increase investment over the next three years.



Investors Business Daily:


It's Official: Trump Tax Cuts Are Boosting Growth And Mostly Paying For Themselves



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9 hours ago, heybruce said:

Does that mean you think getting a questionable medical deferment qualifies Trump as a patriot?

No. But certainly not a self deluded fool. The only patriots were the peace movement organisers.  It was a shameful, ill judged war.

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The reality with the tax cuts is...it really is too early to tell what impact they’ll have.  A few months isn’t nearly enough time to asses it. It’s going to take a few years to fully impact the economy. 

I think we can all agree that a lower and much more competitive US corporate tax rate gives businesses a very good reason to come to the US, or return to the US, but it doesn’t happen overnight. 

New jobs will add to the economy, which increases consumer spending, and as we know, consumer spending is a large driver of GDP. 

That said, the tax cut by itself isn’t hardly the entire MAGA plan. Trump is not trying for a quick fix, but for a long term solution. All the pieces need to come together. He’s working on them as well.

Getting rid of certain job killing regulations and opening up our enormous energy supplies that were previously locked up by regulations will create a very large amount of income, but it also takes time. There is also huge potential to cut wasteful or unnecessary spending. The US wastes plenty in a lot of different areas. Unfortunately we will have to wait and see how things unfold there as well. 

A little help from Democrats would go a long way, but unfortunately it seems that since Obama’s era there’s less bi-partisan progress than I can remember in my lifetime. That could be a coincidence, but it’s certainly not helping things. 

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7 hours ago, bushdoctor said:



I am actually against a huge national debt, but I don’t mind deficits if the money is used wisely. For instance infrastructure spending are you surprised? It can bring back much more. If you are against a high national debt as well, then I imagine you complained endlessly when Obama (a democrat) doubled the national debt during his 2 terms, which on a cash basis equates to his acquiring more debt as president than that of all previous presidents combined. 


That said, a booming economy will bring in more in more tax dollars, and things like real Fair Trade agreements, less government bureaucracy and waste, higher consumer confidence, more jobs and lower unemployment, etc all contribute to that. A rising tide floats all boats, and a larger GDP solves a lot of economic problems. The feds inflation target has finally just been met, and economists agree that some inflation would help. In particular wage growth, which should pick up as low unemployment continues to shatters records, and illegal immigrants are kept out of the workforce. 


You do do not have to agree, but we will all have to be spectators as the president is the president, and he will preside as he sees fit. He has a comprehensive plan that’s already well in motion. A patriot will do what they can to help him succeed.

I actually had high hopes for Obama, but he is finished now and things are worse off in the world because of his reign in my opinion. You’ll have another chance to elect a non republican at some point. Perhaps even a democratic socialist. 

I see.  So I assume you supported Obama's attempt to increase infrastructure spending, which the Republicans opposed.


Obama inherited an economy in freefall.  Bush's last budget for FY 2009, led to a $1.3 trillion dollar deficit, the country's largest by far and the first deficit over one trillion in US history.  Obama reduced that significantly.  Trump has doubled the federal deficit with his first FY budget, and is set to cause deficits over $1 for the foreseeable future.


The economy was near full capacity at the end of Obama's term, it was as close to full capacity as economists can measure before any of Trump's policies took effect.  All of the wonderful things you attribute to a booming economy were happening before Trump added his reckless, unnecessary, inflationary, deficit creating tax cuts.


Republicans have predicted tax cuts will reduce the deficit by "growing" the economy since Reagan; at least during Reagan's terms they were willing to quietly acknowledge it wasn't working and increase taxes when the deficit got out of control.  Now, as noted, Republicans simply ignore the deficits they create while a Republican is in the White House and scream about it as soon as a Democrat is elected.


Things are worse off because of Obama?  You, riclag, and many others have short memories.  Do a little simple research and check the state of the US economy when Obama took office to when he left. 

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13 minutes ago, heybruce said:

I see.  So I assume you supported Obama's attempt to increase infrastructure spending, which the Republicans opposed. 


Of course I did. 

And as much as I wanted to find other things,  there just weren’t many more. 


I disagree with several of the points in your post, but to be honest the amount of time it would take to explain is more than I’m willing to invest on this forum right now. 

The main one being Obama’s deficits. Please look it up if you’re interested. 

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9 minutes ago, bushdoctor said:

The reality with the tax cuts is...it really is too early to tell what impact they’ll have.  A few months isn’t nearly enough time to asses it. It’s going to take a few years to fully impact the economy. 

I think we can all agree that a lower and much more competitive US corporate tax rate gives businesses a very good reason to come to the US, or return to the US, but it doesn’t happen overnight. 

New jobs will add to the economy, which increases consumer spending, and as we know, consumer spending is a large driver of GDP. 

That said, the tax cut by itself isn’t hardly the entire MAGA plan. Trump is not trying for a quick fix, but for a long term solution. All the pieces need to come together. He’s working on them as well.

Getting rid of certain job killing regulations and opening up our enormous energy supplies that were previously locked up by regulations will create a very large amount of income, but it also takes time. There is also huge potential to cut wasteful or unnecessary spending. The US wastes plenty in a lot of different areas. Unfortunately we will have to wait and see how things unfold there as well. 

A little help from Democrats would go a long way, but unfortunately it seems that since Obama’s era there’s less bi-partisan progress than I can remember in my lifetime. That could be a coincidence, but it’s certainly not helping things. 

As noted repeatedly, history has shown the tax cuts increase the deficit, they don't decrease it.


His elimination of job killing regulation consists largely in removing restrictions on people killing pollution of the air and water:


" All told, the Trump administration’s environmental rollbacks could lead to at least 80,000 extra deaths per decade and cause respiratory problems for more than one million people, according to a recent analysis conducted by researchers from Harvard University. That number, however, is likely to be “a major underestimate of the global public health impact,” said Francesca Dominici, a professor of biostatistics at the Harvard School of Public Health."   https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2017/10/05/climate/trump-environment-rules-reversed.html


" Multiple scientific studies have demonstrated that coal ash—which contains carcinogenic substances like arsenic, lead, and selenium—has a demonstrable adverse effect on surrounding communities and the environment. An EPA study from 2010 showed that "people living within one mile of unlined coal ash ponds can have a 1 in 50 risk of cancer—more than 2,000 times higher than what the EPA considers acceptable," as cited by Sierra Club. The study also shows that living within a mile of a wet coal ash storage pond is as hazardous as smoking a pack of cigarettes a day. "   http://www.newsweek.com/trump-administration-epa-scott-pruitt-clean-water-coal-ash-829776


The US energy production industry was doing great before Trump took office.  Trump has done little to change that other than attempts to prop out the uneconomic coal industry.


I agree the US wastes a lot of money; health care in the US makes up over 18% of GDP, in other developed countries it is less than 10%, and they get better results.  If the US modeled our healthcare on these "socialist" systems the benefits to the economy would be far greater the Trump's deficit funded tax cuts, and would reduce the deficit.  The Affordable Care Act didn't do enough to change this, primarily because of Republican opposition, but Trump has done nothing.

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9 minutes ago, bushdoctor said:


Of course I did. 

And as much as I wanted to find other things,  there just weren’t many more. 


I disagree with several of the points in your post, but to be honest the amount of time it would take to explain is more than I’m willing to invest on this forum right now. 

The main one being Obama’s deficits. Please look it up if you’re interested. 

It is profoundly hypocritical for a person to be against Obama's deficits and in support of Trump's much larger deficits.


I did look it up.  Did you?





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27 minutes ago, Lampang2 said:

The full 2 terms please.
As is customary.

If we got a reality TV blowhard to claim that Donald Trump, family name Drumpf, was born in Germany, could we change the minds of some of these people?

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11 hours ago, bushdoctor said:


The left’a resistance to the tax cuts and their promise to raise your taxes if elected are yet another reason people might want to vote for Trump. 

The tax dollars saved are pumped back into the economy. Not just once but many times over.

I'm saving almost $1300 a year because of the "Tax Cut and Jobs Act. A income  tax savings and a the affordable heath care mandate tax/fee

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If we got a reality TV blowhard to claim that Donald Trump, family name Drumpf, was born in Germany, could we change the minds of some of these people?

Most "gringos" steem from Europe.


They only forgotten it and think they go way back.


But only native Americans do that.


Check it up with mister Schwarzenegger.


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57 minutes ago, heybruce said:

As noted repeatedly, history has shown the tax cuts increase the deficit, they don't decrease it.


Let me try to clarify this a bit. The difference in the Trump tax rate cut is.....it has taken the US from having the 

highest corporate tax rate among advanced economies, (not competitive) to one of the lowest (very competitive). 

That’s why businesses will be incentivized to move to the US.

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