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Israel criticises bill banning statements implicating Poland in Holocaust


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9 hours ago, wwest5829 said:

"when a resolution was introduced in the Senate in January 1934 asking the Senate and the President to express "surprise and pain" at what the Germans were doing to the Jews, and to ask restoration of Jewish rights, the State Department "caused this resolution to be buried in committee," according to Arnold Offher (American Appeasement).” I do not take it as my responsibility to plan policy further than that this presented action could have been taken and was not taken, thus the complicitness, same as your condemnation (rightly IMHO) of the Catholic Church inaction on this and other matters that you cite in another post..

It is ridiculous to say a resolution that was Not passef in 1934 in one legislative body can lead to you claiming the US planned and engaged in (the definition of complicit) the Holocaust.  A resolution does NOTHING.  Hitler would probably never even read it never mind change policy because of it.  Your cause and effect logic is absurd.  And actually causes a deflection of blame for the most perverse example of barbaric systematic and inhumane treatment of a group of people in the history of mankind.  Absurd   


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1 hour ago, Marknreston said:

It is ridiculous to say a resolution that was Not passef in 1934 in one legislative body can lead to you claiming the US planned and engaged in (the definition of complicit) the Holocaust.  A resolution does NOTHING.  Hitler would probably never even read it never mind change policy because of it.  Your cause and effect logic is absurd.  And actually causes a deflection of blame for the most perverse example of barbaric systematic and inhumane treatment of a group of people in the history of mankind.  Absurd   


involved in or knowing about a crime or some activity that is wrong:  complict, I did not say collaborating. Currently, the Congress of the United States is complicit in the activity of the Trump administration if it does not condemn , for example, his characterization of African nations. A statement by a representaive body or words spoken by the POTUS carries weight. I do not dismiss the holocaust nor do I dismiss the US turning away Jewish refugees as early as 1939. So, feel free to cross me off your Christmas Card list.

Edited by metisdead
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