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FBI's No. 2 official McCabe, blasted by Trump, steps down

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4 hours ago, riclag said:

The rank and file FBI are not being accused here. 

Not so.  Trump and his shielders are acting Stalinesque in trying to get anyone kicked out of the FBI who ever showed support for HRC. 


The two agents joking about a calendar issue on their private email chatter, are now being hounded by the full force of Republican attack dogs because one mentioned (one time) the two words 'secret society' in jest.   It's below despicable.  I hope right wing voters wake up in time for November election.  Reasonable people are already aware of what anti-Americans (Republicans and rednecks) are doing to undermine basic freedoms in the US.

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How would any feel it their phone calls and email messages were tapped through a Federal Warrant based upon false information(allegedly)?  This is the heart of the issue. Let's see what happens.  

7 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:

Not so.  Trump and his shielders are acting Stalinesque in trying to get anyone kicked out of the FBI who ever showed support for HRC. 


The two agents joking about a calendar issue on their private email chatter, are now being hounded by the full force of Republican attack dogs because one mentioned (one time) the two words 'secret society' in jest.   It's below despicable.  I hope right wing voters wake up in time for November election.  Reasonable people are already aware of what anti-Americans (Republicans and rednecks) are doing to undermine basic freedoms in the US.


Do you know what an Inspector General is?  They are the unsung heroes of government. Non partisan, they are empowered to "combat fraud, abuse, and waste in the "programs and operations" of federal departments and agencies".  The FBI dude in question was informed of an upcoming IG report and his supervisor sought to reappoint him pending its release. The FBI dude saw that as a demotion and opted to retire instead. End of story.

5 hours ago, riclag said:

I don't want this guy taking a pension .The GOP Memo names actors.It's apparent he was involved,according to the txt recovered by the Inspector General Michael Horowitz where the FBI agents were conspiring to use a insurance policy to stop PT.


Comey and McCabe, then who's next?

This guy worked hard for and deserves his pension. This memo was written by the Republican chair of the intelligence committee for one purpose only. To smear those investigating Trump and his minions. They wrote the memo and then spent a month talking about how it should be released  with help from Russian bots even though they could have released it any time,. They also refused to show it to their own Justice Dept. and refused to release a Democratic version which points out the inaccuracies of the Republican memo. 

6 minutes ago, lannarebirth said:


Do you know what an Inspector General is?  They are the unsung heroes of government. Non partisan, they are empowered to "combat fraud, abuse, and waste in the "programs and operations" of federal departments and agencies".  The FBI dude in question was informed of an upcoming IG report and his supervisor sought to reappoint him pending its release. The FBI dude saw that as a demotion and opted to retire instead. End of story.

The "FBI" dude was retiring anyway. Already announced he would retire in March. He is still retiring in March but will take leave until then. This is a smear campaign.


Today was a dark day for American politics, and possibly the point when the GOP will never recover from.


In the past 24 hours:


  • Trump refused to punish Russia despite an overwhelming bipartisan vote asking him to do so many months ago that he ignored until today. This is the second time he has ignored deadlines to impose restrictions on Russia... Can it get any more obvious here? Republicans who voted for this to happen are mute on the topic.
  • Devin Nunes who was supposed to be refused from Russia matters decides against the intelligence community and Trump's own justice department's recommendations to release classified information. The information which will be released apparently shows that the FBI approved surveillance on Carter Page and that Rosenstein was one of the people who signed off on it and that this is somehow a conspiracy because they used information from the Dossier which democrats (and of course Republicans before them) funded. Republicans vote to release this in a party line vote.
  • Democrats claim that many important pieces of information are left out of this report, and they put forward a motion to release that as well if they are going to be releasing this information. Republicans (who have the majority) vote them down. 
  • Andrew McCabe steps down after repeated attacks amid reports of involvement from Christopher Wray. Trump has been trying to oust him for a while.

This comes on the heels of reports that Trump wanted to fire both McCabe and Mueller previously but threats to quit from staffers changed his mind. Trump needs Rosenstein to fire Mueller. Republicans have recently refused to make moves to ensure that Trump can't remove Mueller and Mueller has been under attack by many of the same republicans who previously supported him. 


So what comes next? It's very obvious that this is a hit job by the GOP to try to generate a conspiracy swirl that they hope will reduce the hit when Trump fires Rosenstein without just cause. He's going to fire Rosenstein and appoint someone who will fire Mueller before Trump's white house falls from the Russian scandal and the Republicans will be complicit in helping him to commit this treasonous act. 


13 minutes ago, punchjudy said:

Trump has managed to expose these crooks 


Which crooks are you referring to? What crimes have been committed?


1 hour ago, kamahele said:

The "FBI" dude was retiring anyway. Already announced he would retire in March. He is still retiring in March but will take leave until then. This is a smear campaign.


51 minutes ago, jcsmith said:

Mueller has been under attack by many of the same republicans who previously supported him. 


Hmm, why would that be?


Could it be that they discovered that the whole investigation is a conspiracy and witch hunt?


It impossibly can't be because Trump has improved in their opinion, because according to the Trump haters on this forum, it get worse everyday.

5 hours ago, Trouble said:

He just decided that hanging on for 6 weeks was not worth it and goes on terminal leave

Which actually cost McCabe.

He's using accrued leave (you can roll over up to two years worth) to meet his retirement date. So no lost salary but any unused leave would otherwise had been cashed out as a lump sum payment.

The average salary for FBI Deputy Director is $150K per year. https://www.paysa.com/salaries/fbi--deputy-director

So McCabe loses roughly (because salary is computed in 80 hour per bi-weekly pay periods) $25k assuming two months. But I suspect he'll get that back and more in a tell-all book advance.

The cost to democracy - priceless.

3 hours ago, janclaes47 said:

Could it be that they discovered that the whole investigation is a conspiracy and witch hunt?


It impossibly can't be because Trump has improved in their opinion, because according to the Trump haters on this forum, it get worse everyday.

It's already resulted in multiple guilty pleas and indictments. It's also almost certainly leading to an obstruction of justice charge on Trump at the very least. How is that a witch hunt? Why is he covering it up at every stage?

No far more likely they know that Mueller has already requested an interview with Trump. The only way for them to hold onto power and not face a democratic landslide in the mid-terms is to get rid of Mueller. But at what cost? 

After years of preaching family values, the republican party and christian leaders have somehow latched onto Trump. He's about as far from family values as it gets. After years of protecting sacred institutions they are now attacking them. If this congress had been in charge in 1974 Nixon would never have stepped down. They have shown themselves to be completely spineless in hopes of furthering their agenda. And in the process they have lost a lot of respect.

1 hour ago, jcsmith said:

It's already resulted in multiple guilty pleas and indictments. It's also almost certainly leading to an obstruction of justice charge on Trump at the very least. How is that a witch hunt? Why is he covering it up at every stage?

Another Trump hater that know already the outcome of an investigation that probably will take another year to complete.


1 hour ago, jcsmith said:

No far more likely they know that Mueller has already requested an interview with Trump.


How strange that you don't know that Trump himself has requested to be interviewed under oath by Mueller.



5 hours ago, janclaes47 said:

Hmm, why would that be? Could it be that they discovered that the whole investigation is a conspiracy and witch hunt? It impossibly can't be because Trump has improved in their opinion, because according to the Trump haters on this forum, it get worse everyday.

You want it to be labelled 'a conspiracy and witch hunt.'  ....similar to how the mother of a mass murderer would want her sweet little Johnny to be let free with no charges. "You would know he's such a nice boy, if you only knew him like I do."


49 minutes ago, janclaes47 said:

How strange that you don't know that Trump himself has requested to be interviewed under oath by Mueller.

Trump changes hour by hour.  Here's one of his hundreds of flip flops, "I would love to release my tax statements, believe me."   If I listed all his flip flops and lies, it would hog many pages of this blog, ....and that's if I used smallest font.


Oh, and another, from an interview during the campaign: 

“Do you believe in punishment for abortion – yes or no – as a principle,” asked the newsman.

“The answer is there has to be some form of punishment,” said Trump.

“For the woman?” 

“Yeah, there has to be some form,” Trump replied.


Later, after talking with his handlers, Trump vacillated on that topic.  70 years old, and still doesn't have any core beliefs?!  That's who rednecks voted for.

1 hour ago, janclaes47 said:

How strange that you don't know that Trump himself has requested to be interviewed under oath by Mueller.

Know this:

Donald Trump's attorney, John Dowd, told CNN that he is the one to decide if the President will sit down for an interview with special counsel Robert Mueller's team.

"I will make the decision on whether the President talks to the special counsel," Dowd said. "I have not made any decision yet. "



1 hour ago, janclaes47 said:

Another Trump hater that know already the outcome of an investigation that probably will take another year to complete.

How strange that you don't know that Trump himself has requested to be interviewed under oath by Mueller.

Obstruction of justice is obvious at this point. He fired Comey, tried to fire McCabe and harassed him until he quit. Wanted to fire Mueller but his counsel refused to. Rumored now to want to fire Rosenstein. Had to do with his son's doctored story about the Russia meeting. Has admitted himself that he fired Comey over the Russia investigation. Has steamed in public about Sessions recusing himself. That's obstruction. The question is whether or not there is more. 


Trump said he would talk to Mueller under oath and within hours his lawyers backtracked on that. Trump says a lot of things. He often says he's going to do something next week and never does it. That interview request is now a week old. No dates have been set for it. 

16 hours ago, Samui Bodoh said:

It is a sad, sad thing when a President of the US weakens the US' defenses to benefit himself politically.

The fraud living in the white house weakens the US defenses for one reason, to make him and his friends MONEY. He cares less about politics, except for how it can line his pockets

17 hours ago, simple1 said:

"President Trump will not address the ongoing investigation into collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia because no Americans care about the issue".

This fat cow is so brainwashed she will buy anything her boss tells her. 

But this statement that no Americans care is total BS. But we must place the comment in context, the white house crowd only consider their wealthy backers as the only Americans. 

3 hours ago, jcsmith said:

Obstruction of justice is obvious at this point. He fired Comey, tried to fire McCabe and harassed him until he quit. Wanted to fire Mueller but his counsel refused to. Rumored now to want to fire Rosenstein. Had to do with his son's doctored story about the Russia meeting. Has admitted himself that he fired Comey over the Russia investigation. Has steamed in public about Sessions recusing himself. That's obstruction. The question is whether or not there is more. 


Trump said he would talk to Mueller under oath and within hours his lawyers backtracked on that. Trump says a lot of things. He often says he's going to do something next week and never does it. That interview request is now a week old. No dates have been set for it. 

Anything coming out of that things mouth must be considered a lie. Such as "building a wall Mexico will pay for"  yes he may be getting his stupid ineffective wall but our tax dollars are paying for it and Mexico is now buying billions of dollars in corn from Argentina, a big loss to American farmers. 

18 hours ago, Srikcir said:

Know this:

Donald Trump's attorney, John Dowd, told CNN that he is the one to decide if the President will sit down for an interview with special counsel Robert Mueller's team.

"I will make the decision on whether the President talks to the special counsel," Dowd said. "I have not made any decision yet. "



Trump himself said he would speak with Mueller's team as long as it was OK with his attorney, which means he will unless his attorney says not to.

I hope his attorney OKs Trump to speak under the same conditions as HRC did for her interview with the FBI.

1 hour ago, thaibeachlovers said:

I hope his attorney OKs Trump to speak under the same conditions as HRC did for her interview with the FBI.

Hillary was interviewed by the FBI about her use of a private email server while Secretary of State.  How does that have any reference to an interview of Trump for (presumably) Obstruction of Justice as POTUS, a possible impeachable offense? Furthermore, Trump's interview may involve criminal conspiracy, money laundering and income tax evasion. Compare to Hillary's "extremely careless" use of a private server.

I expect if Mueller wants an interview with Trump, it will be no less than the same conditions allowed POTUS William Clinton.

4 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Trump himself said he would speak with Mueller's team as long as it was OK with his attorney, which means he will unless his attorney says not to.

I hope his attorney OKs Trump to speak under the same conditions as HRC did for her interview with the FBI.

If the establishment  wants to impeach a President they better have a 99.9 % clear cut case of obstruction of justice in their articles.It must be certain. It all comes down to truth and liberty.

"The power to arrest - to deprive a citizen of liberty - must be used fairly, responsibly, and without bias". Loretta Lynch-Obama AG

2 hours ago, riclag said:

If the establishment  wants to impeach a President they better have a 99.9 % clear cut case of obstruction of justice in their articles.It must be certain. It all comes down to truth and liberty.

"The power to arrest - to deprive a citizen of liberty - must be used fairly, responsibly, and without bias". Loretta Lynch-Obama AG

Except of course, that impeachment in the House and a conviction in the Senate will not deprive Trump of his liberty - unless you mean the self serving liberties he has taken with the office he has assumed.

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