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After year of bitter feuds, Trump urges bipartisan cooperation

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6 hours ago, yourauntbob said:

Then why do so many countries erect them?   Israel put one up and saw a plunge in terror attacks.   Mexico put one up and say illegal crossings go down.   Better yet,  tell that the the North Korean's who want to defect.   Walls work which is why they have been used since the stone ages.  The overall cost of the wall is a fraction of a percent of government spending.   If spending is the concern there are plenty of ways to cut it. 

So you're comparing the wall between SK and NK, with no other traffic at all between those countries, with the wall between Mexico and the USA.


Can't compare them. Oh, and how did most illegals enter the USA?

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Hilariously depressing take on the speech.

Worth a read even for "trump supporters" because the writing is so good.

Unlike his speech. 





I Watched a Ghoulish Masquerade in Washington

President* Trump's first State of the Union laid bare a government in delusion.


All involved had to pretend that Donald Trump makes sense as a president, that his administration makes sense as a government, and that his first State of the Union address made sense as either a description of national policy, or as a rhetorical summons to national unity. All involved had to pretend that his thoughts were coherent, that his words made sense, and that the complete and universal collapse of civic responsibility that propelled him onto the podium was not the most singularly destructive event in the history of American democracy since the Civil War. Everyone had to pretend that a freak show was Shakespeare, and that a rumbling, stumbling geek was Lincoln, and that the whole tableau unfolding before the Congress was somehow made noble despite the obvious fact that the whole event was an endless procession of lies and half-truths, and that the only truly remarkable thing about the speech was that it was such a perfectly round and complete crock of shit.





17 hours ago, yourauntbob said:

Reading the comments is funny.  Not one comment about an actual policy, just more bashing from "the tolerant" left.  He is made out to be this evil creature.  Racist, homophobic, xenophobic, etc.  Which is funny because he is further to the left on many of these issues than Obama was when he took office.  







Trump was a Democrat for most of his adult life.  So get over it and stop making him out to be a boogie man.  Hillary was a seriously flawed candidate and lost.  


And what were the dates of those respective interviews?

That interview took place before he became president.  More importantly, what has Trump done since he became President? For one thing, he appointed a  Supreme Court Justice who given his past record would almost certainly vote to overthrow the decision establishing the right of gay people to marry. And he has nominated lots of candidates for the federal bench who are virulently anti-gay rights including the right to marry.

No wonder you support Trump. Just like so many others, you prefer focusing on his talk rather than on his actions.


Trump's credibility quotient is so low, ....if he said there is a water faucet in the WH kitchen, most Americans wouldn't believe him.


Here's what dominating the news right now:  Devin Nunes (remember him? The guy who recused himself for being such a blatant Trump-ass-kisser last summer), ....is getting ready to step in a big steaming pile of shit.  There is talk of him being a co-conspirator in the Russia-Trump thing - not just because he worked closely with the Trump team before the inauguration, but also because he's unabashedly trying to shield the president in all sorts of despicable ways.  In a crowd of ugly Republicans, Nunes is vying to be the ugliest.

2 hours ago, ilostmypassword said:

And what were the dates of those respective interviews?

That interview took place before he became president.  More importantly, what has Trump done since he became President? For one thing, he appointed a  Supreme Court Justice who given his past record would almost certainly vote to overthrow the decision establishing the right of gay people to marry. And he has nominated lots of candidates for the federal bench who are virulently anti-gay rights including the right to marry.

No wonder you support Trump. Just like so many others, you prefer focusing on his talk rather than on his actions.

Missed the point.  For being a "homophobic bigot" he sure has a tolerant stance to gay marriage.  Both interviews were prior to them taking office which is to back up my point that:


He is more liberal on this issue than even Barak Obama when taking office.


If anything, the left should be happy Trump is in office and not Cruz, Jeb, or any of the other candidates who ran.   They were all well right of Trump on social issues.

9 hours ago, stevenl said:

So you're comparing the wall between SK and NK, with no other traffic at all between those countries, with the wall between Mexico and the USA.


I am not comparing situations, I am saying that physical barriers between boards reduce illegal crossings between said boarders.

14 hours ago, simple1 said:

"There is no continuous wall on the border, although there are sections of fence "


So your own source says a fence is there but does not stretch the whole way across.  


If DT is Dracula, Nunes is Renfield.


No matter what DT says about anything, he'll contradict himself soon enough.


The real question is: is it possible for anyone to act any more guilty?  We may not know exactly what he did, but he is definitely scared of getting caught.

My bet is that what brings him down in money laundering he did before he got elected.

Melania may become the hero of this story....



5 hours ago, yourauntbob said:

I am not comparing situations, I am saying that physical barriers between boards reduce illegal crossings between said boarders.

Ok, so you're not comparing, and in the same sentence making a comparison.



6 hours ago, yourauntbob said:

"There is no continuous wall on the border, although there are sections of fence "


So your own source says a fence is there but does not stretch the whole way across.  

Correct, there is not a contiguous Wall on the Mexican Southern border as inferred by the hard right and the numerous false photos posted on social media. BTW as has been highlighted many times, 600k plus p.a. enter the US by air and became illegal migrants, makes a mockery of Trump's propaganda.

2 hours ago, stevenl said:

Ok, so you're not comparing, and in the same sentence making a comparison.



And don't forget to answer the latter part of my question, for your convenience you left it out when you quoted my post: how do most illegals enter the USA?

On 1/31/2018 at 2:00 PM, Samui Bodoh said:

I watched the speech, and am curious as to comments by TVF members. I have to say that... 



...just flies in the face of two years of extreme, endless partisanship. How can you expect to work in non-partisan manner after "Little Marco" and "Low Energy Jeb" and "Lyin Ted" and "Crooked Hillary" and "Cryin Chuck", etc. etc. etc. I get that there is such a thing as partisan politics and that sometimes it is quite a difficult, intensely personal game. I also get that sometimes in campaigns things are said that make life difficult after the campaign. However, in Trump's case, the name-calling has never stopped and I don't see how or why people would be willing to work with him now. What Republican House member would ever vote again on a health care bill after Trump called their last version, which he supported and campaigned for, "mean"? If he is going to stab his own party members in the back, why would a Democrat trust him?


I watched those words this morning, but honestly all I heard were the petty insults above.


I feel a bit of sadness for Americans after watching that speech; who would trust Trump not to do you in as soon as he is done with you? Who would be willing to work with him? And if that is the case, what hope is there for problem-solving?


Sad times in the USA


The state of the uniom is covfefe.

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