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Whilst in the Night Bazzar last night I could not help but notice that every fourth stall which used to sell DVD's and CD's were gone.

Has anyone else noticed this?

Another clampdown perhaps??


I haven't noticed as I stick to the one in front of Starbucks. He is honest about prices and the quality of each individual video.

I haven't been there for a week. I hope that he is still around! :o


The one in front of Starbucks was there a few nights ago as I exchanged some DVD's and bought some new ones. If there is a "purge" on, I'm sure it will not last...


Related topic: where are the vendors of Western classic rock and roll CD's? Not the DVD concert material. I would pay 300 baht for a Lynnrd Skynnrd album that includes "Free Bird," but nobody has it, here or in the night bazaar in Patpong in Bangkok. There was one booth on the first floor of Bangkok Panthip center that copied albums for me, but that's so illegal I almost didn't do it (but for 100 baht to get 8 full albums, I sinned).


The one opposite Starbucks, the one outside McDonalds..the one on the corner of Loi Khro....none there last night !!

Maybee they are having some kinda "Pirate CD Seminar" !!!


Lost had me totally addicted, but it seemed to fizzle out at the end of last season.

I found out later that - for some reason - the DVD stalls didn't include the last few shows in the "box set" and totally ruined the whole second season. If you buy the second season now, you get it all, but who wants to buy the whole thing over again for just a few episodes? :o


U can legally download episodes of Lost if you have a US i-tunes account - it is about 100 baht per episode.

There other ways to get them too - but we can't talk about that here. Suffice to say I just watched last Sundays episode of Desperate Housewives.

The best place to buy the DVDs is in Mae Sai in that little market just to the left of the border (approaching from LOS).

Everything there is completely up to date.

EDIT: I have since learned the best thing to do is a little research on the internet into how many episodes a series has - since they seem to spread the episodes over the same amount of DVDs, regardless of how many episodes have been shown.


Well apparently Lost packaged Fall/Spring Seasons. I bought 2nd season, thinking it was all episodes, but only first 9 episodes. I ended up having to buy it again to get last 13 episodes. :o

Well apparently Lost packaged Fall/Spring Seasons. I bought 2nd season, thinking it was all episodes, but only first 9 episodes. I ended up having to buy it again to get last 13 episodes. :o

I hate that when that happens

its better to question the stall on the amount of episodes the season has. Also check the info on the sleeve for clues on number of episodes.

Been watching Entourage, totally hooked but they only have 2 seasons, also will buy weeds soon as I heard its hillarious.


I got Borat from the stall in front of Starbucks about 2 weeks ago and it seemed perfect to me.

Bear in mind that it is shot documentary style and Borat has a heavy accent that is difficult to make out sometimes.

If you like Borat and haven't seen them, check out his Ali G DVDs.

I LOVE this guy! :o

thats because he's BRITISH UG...our humour is the best in the world without a doubt

Just look at my Avitar

John Cleese

Tommy Cooper

Spike Milligan

Peter Sellers

Harry Enfield

Paul Whitehouse

Eric Morecombe

Ronnie Barker

Ricky Gervais

to name but a few...there is something we Brits have in the humour department that is not available in the rest of the world :D

edited due to the fact that I cannot be sure they are all English...so I substitued English with British

God save the Queen

If you like Borat and haven't seen them, check out his Ali G DVDs.

I LOVE this guy! :o

thats because he's BRITISH UG...our humour is the best in the world without a doubt

I love British humor I must admit, but when I tried to remember the last comedian to make me laugh as hard as Cohen, the name that I came up with was Eddie Murphy. :D

thats because he's BRITISH UG...our humour is the best in the world without a doubt

Excellent humour indeed -- but no match at all for your self-satisfaction, which is unquestionably second to none!!! :o

If you like Borat and haven't seen them, check out his Ali G DVDs.

I LOVE this guy! :o

thats because he's BRITISH UG...our humour is the best in the world without a doubt

I love British humor I must admit, but when I tried to remember the last comedian to make me laugh as hard as Cohen, the name that I came up with was Eddie Murphy. :D

Have to agree...he is a very funny guy...there are several other American comedians/actors that I like...I suppose we share the same taste in humour along with the Kiwis and Ozzies.

I got Borat from the stall in front of Starbucks about 2 weeks ago and it seemed perfect to me.

Bear in mind that it is shot documentary style and Borat has a heavy accent that is difficult to make out sometimes.

which one? there are 2 outside Starbucks? Theres one selling DVD/Cds and one selling DVDs only.

Personally, I like the one with just DVDs only, they have the most range and they seem nicer.

If you like Borat and haven't seen them, check out his Ali G DVDs.

I LOVE this guy! :o

thats because he's BRITISH UG...our humour is the best in the world without a doubt

I love British humor I must admit, but when I tried to remember the last comedian to make me laugh as hard as Cohen, the name that I came up with was Eddie Murphy. :D

Have to agree...he is a very funny guy...there are several other American comedians/actors that I like...I suppose we share the same taste in humour along with the Kiwis and Ozzies.

Tend to agree as well, also Robin Williams is a laugh. Best comedian with impressions I rekon.

I got Borat from the stall in front of Starbucks about 2 weeks ago and it seemed perfect to me.

Bear in mind that it is shot documentary style and Borat has a heavy accent that is difficult to make out sometimes.

which one? there are 2 outside Starbucks? Theres one selling DVD/Cds and one selling DVDs only.

Personally, I like the one with just DVDs only, they have the most range and they seem nicer.

Yes, I meant the one that only sells DVDs. :o

If you like Borat and haven't seen them, check out his Ali G DVDs.

I LOVE this guy! :o

thats because he's BRITISH UG...our humour is the best in the world without a doubt

I love British humor I must admit, but when I tried to remember the last comedian to make me laugh as hard as Cohen, the name that I came up with was Eddie Murphy. :D

Have to agree...he is a very funny guy...there are several other American comedians/actors that I like...I suppose we share the same taste in humour along with the Kiwis and Ozzies.

Tend to agree as well, also Robin Williams is a laugh. Best comedian with impressions I rekon.

Not forgetting Billy Conolly and of course, the great late Mr. Richard Pryor

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