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Farang Female Con Artist In Bangkok


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I'm trying to brainstorm ways to con the con-artist. Nothing so far, but how sweet would it be to turn the tables? It may be immoral, but I'd donate the proceeds to charity or something. Any good ideas?

Yep. Round em up in a field and bomb the bastards! :o

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I was approached by one of those India Swami's telling I am a happy person but I think too much (which is true).

He told me that for 1000 Bath he would tell me the name of my mother.

I was very confused when he offered that.

Has my mother been lying to me all those years?

Am I an orphan?

Why did he offer this particular service, to proof what?

I know my mothers name so why do I have to pay to know what I already knew?

OK, go ahead I told him.

OK sir, gimme 1000 Bath.

No please say the name of my mother and if you are right I will give.

Please Sir you do not understand he told.

What I said.

As a sign of trust you give me 1000 Bath so I can trust you to believe me, I cannot do my work when I feel the other person does not trust me.

OK I told him when you are a real swamy you know where to find me as I am going to have a coffee, see you there mate.

You know my landlord tried to steal money from me by calling me and saying she missed the June, July and August rent of 2005. I went to check my reciepts and indeed those 3 months were missing.

I turned my whole condo upside down but no sign of those missing reciepts.

So I called and told her sorry but I guess I forgot or something, I really do not know what happened, I will pay those 3 months as soon as possible.

I could not sleep and kept thinking what possibly could went wrong and then suddenly I remembered.

My company paid those 3 months.

So I went to my finance guy and asked him to look for reciepts paid out to my landlord and soon after he found.

Then I called my landlord and told her I found the reciepts and explained they were payed by my company.

Oh sorry Alex I did not realise that money was for the rent she then replied (Yes whatever).

The funny thing is that Iwhen I started renting she refused to give her personal bank number and instead told me to transfer the money to her so called assistent.

I refused and so it took four months of discussing before she finaly gave her number.

I am sure when I agreed paying to her assistent she would have accused me for never paying rent to her.

Same my work, people try to get compensation for possible system faillure and I can proof every time it is not our product but their process.

Then my people ask me how to reply to the customer.

Then I tell: Tell them to be more clever in trying to fool me.


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If you're approached by a woman with a similar story, don't fall for it. I'm trying not to have fantasies of throwing hot coffee on her face, but I am, and I could have been scammed a lot worse (I'm more disappointedin humanity than the loss of 1,000 bath), but I'm sour and hope, at the least, that she doesn't take advantage of you.

Looking back, there were oh so many signs, I hope you see them if this ever happens to you.

*Apologies for nearly writing a novel over this here

good lord, it sounds to me like she earned every penny of the 1000 baht. She certainly put in the time.

sorry to hear you got burned.

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first off, thanks for sharing the scam, and don't feel bad.......

secondly, maybe you could post on more touristy sites such as Lonely Planet too? There's a tendency to flame there, but ultimately it would be good info for newbies to the city...

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Hi Cana,

good on you for being a good person. Try not to beat yourself up over it - don't let this stop you being a good natured person... there are not enough of your types around at the moment!


Once burned, never again! Too bad for someone truly in need, because I never give a farang begger any handout.

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I have handed back a farangs wallet which i found in malasia which was full of cash and i had not eaten for two days....i was waiting for my visa stamp but my dear wife underestimated the travel costs,....the chap and his friends i heared say "what a nice bloke"........i paid £200 to a british bloke at don muang in exchange for his gold chain who needed cash he told me he had lots of problems with his girls family and had spent the last two weeks living in her chicken shed!....got home and sold the gold for a profit!...but there has been people who have helped me once a nice young english lady helped me on kaoson rd although her friends did not beleive i had my passport and wallet knicked and as time went on i became desperate without wash or sleep so i must have looked like a bum!...thanks ...and thanks to the german man and his thai wife who were christians that helped me pay my train fare back from maylasia.........my only thought is its better to give than receive....

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:o That is dreadful. What you did was the opposite. Don't beat yourself up about being kind (and gullible) I am sure that most people would fall for it.

There is a French guy in Chiang Mai who has been pulling this stunt for years.

I hope that there is a special place in hel_l for those who take advantage of the kind-hearted! :D

I would like to have more details about this story.

Read the OP, CRC. Miss CANA detailed the whole story there.

I believe CRC is asking for details about the French guy in Chiang Mai.

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I assume there is a Thai law covering obtaining money by deception, these people are unlikely to be in date with their tourist visa exception 30 day stamps and as someone above says drugs may form part of the background story.

There seems to be many farang playing Volunteer Tourist Police (or is that tourist Volunteer Police) is this not an area that would suit their skills and be worthy of their time?

Druggie farang scam artists on overstay, nice target.

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:o That is dreadful. What you did was the opposite. Don't beat yourself up about being kind (and gullible) I am sure that most people would fall for it.

There is a French guy in Chiang Mai who has been pulling this stunt for years.

I hope that there is a special place in hel_l for those who take advantage of the kind-hearted! :D

I would like to have more details about this story.

There is a greying, conservative looking Frenchman in his fifties who goes up to travelers in the Thapae Gate area and always asks, Do you speak French"? If you say no, he leaves you alone, but if you speak French he tells you that all his money has been stolen and asks for some help.

He has been doing this for many years although I haven't run into him lately. :D

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Canadians are the best! :o

Paid 1000 Baht for a great story and a good lesson, not too bad I would say.

I know it hurts because you kind of trust these people especially after spending so much time, and then there is a feeling of betrayal.

But then - it's your good karma and her bad karma...

In general I respond to sob-stories of all sorts with a little bit of cash, like 40 baht. I don't care if I lose it and I figure anyone asking for it needs it. Did the same in other places, beggars always get some money off me - but not a lot. I figure if they really need 1000 Baht, they just have to keep doing it for a while and they will have all they need, if everyone gives them a little. Simple. No damage done.

Although.. I did offer 1000 baht to a farang guy I met at the police station who had just had all his stuff stolen. He refused though - he was very insistent, I tried to talk him into taking the cash for like 10 minutes and he wouldn't take it.

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There is a greying, conservative looking Frenchman in his fifties who goes up to travelers in the Thapae Gate area and always asks, Do you speak French"? If you say no, he leaves you alone, but if you speak French he tells you that all his money has been stolen and asks for some help.

He has been doing this for many years although I haven't run into him lately. :o

I think this is the same man who, on learning of the provisions of the new visa regs, tried to book a Tiger air flight to Singapore. Tiger Air? The Thais who told me this were immensely relieved that this very smelly man had finally left the precinct. He had demolished all their preconceptions of how a falang ought to be....

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No one would even think about scamming me

is that because your girlfriend has all the money?

No, its because im so good looking that they would be trying to pick me up then scam me.

Being with the Donz is like winning the lotto

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Was actaully approached by 2 Indian swarmies the other day.

1st one in front of Amari Watergate said I will get double happiness this year, that whatever I wish for most this year will happen, he guaranteed it. Even showed me a picture of himself all kitted out. Then he asked me to go somewher with him, but I said since he had already seen and guaranteeed it, there no need for me to go anywhere..heheh then the taxi and massage guys in front of the Amari ran him off...then those guys warnmed me the indian was "no good, cheat you, gangster"

The 2nd started with "Heloo I am a student of astrology" well if you're a student then you're not very good, so bugger off. He didnt take that very well....oh well.

I wonder what scam he wouldve pulled if I had gone along.....


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Here is how I try to handle these panhandlers:

When they first approach beat them to the greetings by asking them for money. You have to be on your toes for this method. Have your own story etc.

Another method is to tell them you have no money. You might point to your pockets etc. When they ask to see in your pockets you have them. You then ask to see all their stuff in their pockets and bags. If they are legit then they will not have money etc.

Hope this helps,


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Spotted a farang con-artist on the express boats a while ago, to the untrained ear his Thai would have sounded impressive. Myself and some surrounding local folk just couldn't believe this gibberish. When he made his move on two tourists I quickily let them know what had just happened. He ran off at Taksin Bridge pier.

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If you're approached by a woman with a similar story, don't fall for it.

aah, thanks for the tip but I really didn't think there was anyone so gullible still left in the world. You're a gem. Please tell us of the next scam you fall for :D

What you need is your fortune told so it doesn't happen again. There's a couple of Indian fortune tellers that hang around early Suk Rd who do a good job. They're only a few thousand baht but I think for you well worth it.

A bit unneccassary, dont you think :o

You've got to admit Jack, she was good, and worked hard for the 1000. I wonder how much she can make in a month?

I can't believe people here are suggesting the police should be contacted over a lousy 1000 baht.

Only 1000 Baht granted but she tried for 5000, and how many 1000 Bahts does she get in a day?

No, scammers Thai or Farang need to be taken out of circulation and the police are the correct agency to do so. If not the most effective in the case of Thailand. These people make it more difficult, if not impossible, for genuine cases to get help. Also these people target not only the newbies (hate that elitist term) and tourists but those people with a kind trusting personality, just the people we need more of.

1000 Baht may not be much to most of us but it can be a signficant sum to those not so financially secure so I would not describe it as "a lousy 1000 Baht".

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No one would even think about scamming me

is that because your girlfriend has all the money?

No, its because im so good looking that they would be trying to pick me up then scam me.

Being with the Donz is like winning the lotto

Gee Donz I thought you were one in a million,

But i'm glad to hear you were Won in a lotto.. :o

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  • 3 weeks later...

As soon as anyone says they need money to get somewhere I completely switch off and walk on. This is a really common scam in England. I thought begging in Thailand was more honest and direct, until an old (Thai) geezer approached my girlfriend and came out with a variation on theme - lost his wallet and needed 100 baht to get back to Mahachai!!

On the flip side, I was once stuck in Laos for a night with only an ATM card and the border to Thailand closed. Some kindly Israelis obviously were more trusting than I would have been and gave me 500 baht for a guesthouse, food and a Beer Lao.

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[On the flip side, I was once stuck in Laos for a night with only an ATM card and the border to Thailand closed. Some kindly Israelis obviously were more trusting than I would have been and gave me 500 baht for a guesthouse, food and a Beer Lao.

Indeed; been stuck too. Had a credit card that only the expensive hotels would accept, on the way back to a big city with an ATM.

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  • 2 months later...
If you're approached by a woman with a similar story, don't fall for it.

aah, thanks for the tip but I really didn't think there was anyone so gullible still left in the world. You're a gem. Please tell us of the next scam you fall for :D

What you need is your fortune told so it doesn't happen again. There's a couple of Indian fortune tellers that hang around early Suk Rd who do a good job. They're only a few thousand baht but I think for you well worth it.

A bit unneccassary, dont you think :o

You've got to admit Jack, she was good, and worked hard for the 1000. I wonder how much she can make in a month?

I can't believe people here are suggesting the police should be contacted over a lousy 1000 baht.

Only 1000 Baht granted but she tried for 5000, and how many 1000 Bahts does she get in a day?

No, scammers Thai or Farang need to be taken out of circulation and the police are the correct agency to do so. If not the most effective in the case of Thailand. These people make it more difficult, if not impossible, for genuine cases to get help. Also these people target not only the newbies (hate that elitist term) and tourists but those people with a kind trusting personality, just the people we need more of.

1000 Baht may not be much to most of us but it can be a signficant sum to those not so financially secure so I would not describe it as "a lousy 1000 Baht".

Wow! She must make a fortune. If she just scams only 2 people a day for the 5000 then she's laughing. Not a bad income. I agree this scum bag will get what she deserves one day. Her luck will run out in the end.

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OK I told him when you are a real swamy you know where to find me as I am going to have a coffee, see you there mate.

That's a good one! :o

It is a good one. I had one of those chaps stop me and my training (the longer you listen the sweeter the pitch) somehow went out the window... Off I wandered down some back soin (yeah, out of the way so nobody you;'ve scammed already can see you and warn me) and he give me the gubbins about give me some money and I'll tell you something you already now. startes small with 20 bht... I think I might have fallen for that...loads of vague rubbish they the good stuff is gonna cost me a couple of grand. I think... THe future is gonna happen anyway so however good it is I will be better equiped for it with the 2k in my pocket.. I excuse myself and go look at fake watches before sodding off home...

I didn't buy one, but I'd rather spend 1000bht on a fake watch that lasted 2 weeks than 2k on a bearded wonder talking <deleted>... I can get that in the street for free.

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just thought Id add another story.....cant quite say whether u'd call it a scam or not...since I kinda knew the woman....

she even hired me for a job one day :o (she didnt pay herself...but the company she did the job for paid)

a while after she called on the phone crying with some story about her husband abusing her.......saying she had been thrown out and had no money.....asked if she could borrow 5000baht.....and i thought to myself.....oh well, looks like she wants some of my paycheck....maybe her way of commission? LOL......

I said ok...how do i give it to you...she had her bank account number readily available :D worse......before the conversation ends I guess seeing that I HAD agreed she decided to try her luck and said ohh, can u make that 7000 HAHHAA

i knew i was never gonna see that money again, but dont ask me why I did it.....but yeh i transferred the money to her.....I guess I just thought....oh well just give her the money she helped me earn and just think I worked for free :D

and since then? never heard from her again. I suppose if I wanted to I could trace her......or should have told our mutual employer about her little stunt :D hadnt thought of this in a while

who knows...maybe shes reading this post and will know Im talking about her :D

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No one would even think about scamming me

is that because your girlfriend has all the money?

No, its because im so good looking that they would be trying to pick me up then scam me.

Being with the Donz is like winning the lotto

The Farang I came o here to teach for told me he had an encounter with a wise old sage of this typwe. told me he heard so much that just could not have been known it was scary. Told me it was awsome and that he he had been lucky. I sat there and thought... I'm glad you are paying for these drinks cos time with you is just spending brain cells I could have used on something meaningful.

I guess these con artists find soime people that are "deserving" of the experience... not often enough to justify doing it, I agree but take some solace in it...

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