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Farang Female Con Artist In Bangkok


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I once had the manager of a well know go-go in Pattaya who I had known for perhaps 6 months (and he did work there as I drank there sometimes) come into one of my bars with some facial abrasions. He asked to borrow Bt500 to get his bike back off the police or some other "reasonable" story. Never saw him again.

Scammed ? probably but the guy was not a stranger and the monetary amount was insignificant to me and I thought insignificant to him with his salary and position. Perhaps he really had reached the end of the road and had been thumped. If he had I would have helped him more than Bt500.

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I'm trying to brainstorm ways to con the con-artist. Nothing so far, but how sweet would it be to turn the tables? It may be immoral, but I'd donate the proceeds to charity or something. Any good ideas? I'd actually do it.

Here is an Idea to get revenge on scammers.

Buy a cheap wallet and put some fake Thai money in it.

About 20 x 1000 Baht notes should do it.

You can make a stack with a colour photocopier.

Just don't get caught yourself though.

Just ad some fake ID and old business cards or some things that could never connect you with the fake money.

Don't leave your fingerprints on anything - use rubber gloves.

The scammer approaches you and says he (or she) needs money.

You give them 20 Baht out of you own wallet to make them think you are a real sucker.

Then tell them that you have just found this other wallet and you were on your way to a police station or the lost property office of a department store to hand it in. Tell the scammer that you're in a hurry and you don't really have time to go to the police because you have a dental appointment or something. Let him get a glimpse of the contents first.

When he offers to take the wallet to the police for you, relucantly hand it over and ask him to promise to hand it in and not use any of the money. You apologise that you have to run because you are late. See how fast he disappears.

He will either discover very soon that he has been scammed, or he will try to use some of the fake money and get busted well and truly.

The only fingerprints found on the money will be his own!

If they were not scammers and really honest, they will hand in the wallet to the lost property office and no harm is done.

Best tried on scammers just before you leave the country - just in case they try to find you and get even!

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I'm trying to brainstorm ways to con the con-artist. Nothing so far, but how sweet would it be to turn the tables? It may be immoral, but I'd donate the proceeds to charity or something. Any good ideas? I'd actually do it.

Here is an Idea to get revenge on scammers.

Buy a cheap wallet and put some fake Thai money in it.

About 20 x 1000 Baht notes should do it.

You can make a stack with a colour photocopier.

Just don't get caught yourself though.

Just ad some fake ID and old business cards or some things that could never connect you with the fake money.

Don't leave your fingerprints on anything - use rubber gloves.

The scammer approaches you and says he (or she) needs money.

You give them 20 Baht out of you own wallet to make them think you are a real sucker.

Then tell them that you have just found this other wallet and you were on your way to a police station or the lost property office of a department store to hand it in. Tell the scammer that you're in a hurry and you don't really have time to go to the police because you have a dental appointment or something. Let him get a glimpse of the contents first.

When he offers to take the wallet to the police for you, relucantly hand it over and ask him to promise to hand it in and not use any of the money. You apologise that you have to run because you are late. See how fast he disappears.

He will either discover very soon that he has been scammed, or he will try to use some of the fake money and get busted well and truly.

The only fingerprints found on the money will be his own!

If they were not scammers and really honest, they will hand in the wallet to the lost property office and no harm is done.

Best tried on scammers just before you leave the country - just in case they try to find you and get even!

Good one and would probably work apart from the fact that when the scammer see's you put on your rubber gloves to handle the dodgy wallet they're gonna know something is sus!?! I think the best thing to do is to take a photo on your mobile and expose the sleeze balls on T.VISA! :o

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You can cover the wallet with fingerprints -yours and anyone elses for that matter

because you found the wallet in a phonebox, right?

Just don't put your fingerprints on the bank notes!

I Know it's highly illegal to make copies of bank notes.

So this idea was only meant for those desperate for revenge and

brave enough to take the risk.

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I met a lady at the Canadian embassy who had all her belongings stolen from her hotel room in Samui while she slept. It was on a Friday so she had nothing to get her by and her replacement passport wouldn't be ready until Monday. She didn't ask for anything but I gave her the last 2000 Baht in my pocket. She was very grateful and promised to pay me back I gave her my fathers address in the same province she claimed to live and 3 months later she sent a very nice letter to my father in Canada with the 2000 baht. My father was very proud of me for helping a stranger that alone was worth it.

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I'm trying to brainstorm ways to con the con-artist. Nothing so far, but how sweet would it be to turn the tables? It may be immoral, but I'd donate the proceeds to charity or something. Any good ideas? I'd actually do it.

Here is an Idea to get revenge on scammers.

Buy a cheap wallet and put some fake Thai money in it.

About 20 x 1000 Baht notes should do it.

You can make a stack with a colour photocopier.


You'd be crazy to try something like this in Thailand.

Sitting at my regular on Cowboy, seen this black dude pegging it down the soi being chased by a Thai copper and gang of Thai guys. They eventually got him pinned down at that outdoor bar at the Asok side (pretty sure he received bit of a kicking in there also, but the view was blocked).

Turned out the copper had chased him all the way from Nana - He was carrying a sports bag full of counterfeit baht and got caught red-handed.

Perhaps the most effective way of beating scammers is to get wise and avoid them all together.

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Sitting at my regular on Cowboy, seen this black dude pegging it down the soi being chased by a Thai copper and gang of Thai guys. They eventually got him pinned down at that outdoor bar at the Asok side (pretty sure he received bit of a kicking in there also, but the view was blocked).

Turned out the copper had chased him all the way from Nana - He was carrying a sports bag full of counterfeit baht and got caught red-handed.

Perhaps the most effective way of beating scammers is to get wise and avoid them all together.

I'm just amazed that a Thai copper can catch up with a black guy...

Anyway, my twopenceworth: if you don't believe the request for money is genuine then tell them you will take their photo just in case they are lying, as you've been had before. If they pose with a smile, they're probably either genuine or know that they're leaving tonight and never coming back. If they make some excuse, take the photo anyway and show it to the Embassy or tourist police! No money lost. We've all got moby cameras now haven't we?

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I work in Nigeria and have been approached over the years with almost all the scams there are. Sadly now I dont believe anyone and am a real cynical bastard.

This website really made my day. Some of the reverse scams are quite long winded but very good.


For all those that have fallen for a scam, have a look and enjoy.

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