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Bangkok Bombings The Work Of Jemaah Islamiah


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Who really did it? This is the same tactic that G.W. Bush and his administration did after 9/11. Look now at the results. The U.S. government made it legal to go after Muslims from any country and the former PM followed suit.

From what I have heard from the local Thai population here and around Bangkok, they feel that is the new CNS government who planned it and did it, in order to raise some support for their failed cause to liberate Thailand from the "Evil Ways of Thaskin and his disciples".

Since it has been shown in the last decade, that to blame a religious organization such as Islam for these attacks, it's easy and a very old proprangda trick. Look at the U.S.

The new Thai government is losing control day by day and they will do anything to keep themselves in power.

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You need to look at this from the viewpoint of intent to know who was behind it.

If it is a group that planted the bombs they would take credit because it is very difficult to name the person. (Fear us and our cause)

If it was a bomb by a person then they would look to keep quite so as not be arrested or worse.

The fact that no group or person has taken responsibility it would suggest that the bombs were made to cause political instability and not to drive people out of an area.

I suspect some of the news stories are deliberate plants to alter the thinking of the public.

I have to agree with your arguement that it is not the work of an international terrorist group. Sure they would have taken responsibility and done a far more destructive job.

It is noticeable that the JI story broke in a single newspaper from unnamed "intelligence sources" on the day that the police took in for questioning some people, and now already the veracity of the police action is being questioned. Indeed it does seem that certain information/disinformation/misinformation is being fed to journos in what is looking like a political game, which is not good considering people died in the New Years Eve bomb attacks.

No political bombing in Thailand has ever been solved. Will this one be a first?

I know so little about this. Really, the only way any of us can be assured it wasn't international terrorists is if the bombings stop. Let's hope that is the case.

To date there hasnt been a bomb threat or at least one we have heard of since childrens day. Before this they were very common on a daily basis.

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It really does not matter who is responsible in order to condemn the actions of blatant cowards, is it?

On the contrary - it really does matter who is responsible in order NOT to condemn those who are innocent members of the same group. People should be judged on their actions, not their affiliations.

On one hand, I do agree that individuals should be judged by their actions, but... what would you say about those that are affiliated with Al Qaida or JI? Should they (the individuls affiliated in these extremist groups) be condemned?

Does it make sence, the "innocent members" of Al Qaida or JI ?!

'Affiliations' is probably the wrong word. I was reacting to the 'one is evil thus all are evil' remarks.

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To date there hasnt been a bomb threat or at least one we have heard of since childrens day. Before this they were very common on a daily basis.

Hammered, I live in Bangkok and have not heard anything about daily bomb threats. As a matter of personal interest only, is this based on hearsay or something you know about? Note, I am not asking you to reveal anything you shouldn't.

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Old Man River

Maybe I worded my last post badly. I was referring to the daily threats that luckliy turned out to be false alarms that were reported in the Thai and English Language media up to and including Children's day. Sure some of these were by nutters or kids. However, some areas were targetted in a way that implied organization. For example, on the day before Children's day Chonburi schools were heavily targetted. In several schools police found suspicious packages but luckily not bombs. Some of the suspicious packages also included threatening letters for the next day. Since Children's day nothing like that has happened again and I havent even read of one false alarm.

Why all this activity stop at this point in time is what interests me.

By the way, I added the proviso "not that we have heard of" in bomb alarts had become unnewsworthy, which I severely doubt.

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The Thai Police could fall into a bucket of tits and still come out sucking their thumbs.

The "bombs" were just fireworks by terrorist standards. Any terrorist organisation claiming responsibility for those would be laughed at.

Its just some recently disenfranchised members of the military / police / business groups spitting the dummy about not getting their slice of pie from the new new government carve-up.

I guess a few months back in the south of Thailand where a series of I believe 14 bombs set off in an almost simultaneously, injuring many and killing just two were fireworks also. They weren't powerful bombs and weren't made to take down an entire block but to cause damage, and more importantly "terror"

The whole purpose is to cause fear, injuries are certainly an effect of the bombs but not the main purpose. So will you laugh at those who set off those bombs?

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JI makes sense, they want to destabilise the SE Asian area and make a muslim dominated region.

Exactly Bronco,

I've been saying this for months .... They are trying to make the whole of SE Asia muslim. Trouble in the Phillipines too. But in Thailand it is getting worse ... from the coup leader right up (yes, up) to JI ...

It won't be long before they're teaching it in the schools.

Virgil, Out!

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Who really did it? This is the same tactic that G.W. Bush and his administration did after 9/11. Look now at the results. The U.S. government made it legal to go after Muslims from any country and the former PM followed suit.

From what I have heard from the local Thai population here and around Bangkok, they feel that is the new CNS government who planned it and did it, in order to raise some support for their failed cause to liberate Thailand from the "Evil Ways of Thaskin and his disciples".

Since it has been shown in the last decade, that to blame a religious organization such as Islam for these attacks, it's easy and a very old proprangda trick. Look at the U.S.

The new Thai government is losing control day by day and they will do anything to keep themselves in power.


Lets note the US made it legal to hunt down terrorists whom have acted against the US. There is no provision to hunt down Islamics, just to hunt those who commit terrorist acts against the US. It is not a license to hunt down specifically Muslims as you suggest.

I'll not comment on the present Thai gov't

Its pretty easy to blame Islam for attacks of terror for the last forty years as mostly a few Muslims are committing these acts. If it raining you don't blame sunlight for causing rust.

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Exactly Thye don't have a clue and nobody will ever know the truth same old story fro this JUNTA GOVERNMENT terrible Police work.

call the FBI

The FBI :o

The FBI did a great job in preventing 9/11.

They were warned before hand about Atta & friends but failed to do anything about it.

Just like Pearl harbour.

Winston Churchill told them that a Japanese attack was imminent.

"What Japan attack the US.......Never !"

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The options about the bombings are limited to a couple of possibilities:

1. The Military/police--they have the knowledge, resources and expertise to do it. They also have the logistics to do it without getting caught. It's also in their area of expertise and how they function.

2. Terrorist Organization--they have the knowledge but logistics is a real problem for them. In BKK it is hard not to be noticed while doing things like this, especially on the number of bombs that were set off. They may have foregone a large explosion for a number of small ones, however. Terrorists might just want to put BKK on notice and get the focus off the south so that they gain more support.

Politicians are the least likely to do this. It's not part of their way of operating and most don't have the ability to set up such a plan--without someone getting caught and talking. Military and Terrorists can do it without anyone talking.

I have little faith that the gov't will arrest the right people. I have more faith in unbiased intelligence sources. Right now, the fact that so much information is being censored is of concern in this regard.

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The Thai Police could fall into a bucket of tits and still come out sucking their thumbs.

The "bombs" were just fireworks by terrorist standards. Any terrorist organisation claiming responsibility for those would be laughed at.

Its just some recently disenfranchised members of the military / police / business groups spitting the dummy about not getting their slice of pie from the new new government carve-up.

I guess a few months back in the south of Thailand where a series of I believe 14 bombs set off in an almost simultaneously, injuring many and killing just two were fireworks also. They weren't powerful bombs and weren't made to take down an entire block but to cause damage, and more importantly "terror"

The whole purpose is to cause fear, injuries are certainly an effect of the bombs but not the main purpose. So will you laugh at those who set off those bombs?

Probably. So who is your money on then, Sherlock?

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Hold it a sec. Didn't Thaksin employ some lobby group in the USA? I wonder if their tentacles of power reach all the way to Australia. It certainly seems to have conveniently redirected some heat off Thaksin. And the timing is impeccable.

here is a quote from BKK post that gives weight to this theory, the keywords here being "monitor news"

Mr Thaksin's legal adviser, Noppadon Pattama, said Mr Thaksin hired American consultants Barbour Griffith and Rogers to monitor news in the foreign media about him after the coup on Sept 19."
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wow now that is not a surprise ......................!

just take a look around the rest of the world the are everywhere bombing anything and everything. i think they need to be punished harshly, and made an example of ( Jemaah Islamiah )

Edited by pheonix
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The options about the bombings are limited to a couple of possibilities:

1. The Military/police--they have the knowledge, resources and expertise to do it. They also have the logistics to do it without getting caught. It's also in their area of expertise and how they function.

2. Terrorist Organization--they have the knowledge but logistics is a real problem for them. In BKK it is hard not to be noticed while doing things like this, especially on the number of bombs that were set off. They may have foregone a large explosion for a number of small ones, however. Terrorists might just want to put BKK on notice and get the focus off the south so that they gain more support.

Politicians are the least likely to do this. It's not part of their way of operating and most don't have the ability to set up such a plan--without someone getting caught and talking. Military and Terrorists can do it without anyone talking.

I have little faith that the gov't will arrest the right people. I have more faith in unbiased intelligence sources. Right now, the fact that so much information is being censored is of concern in this regard.

Politicians from all sides and parties have links in the military and police by the way. Thailand has a long history of political bombings too, so I wouldnt rule out politicians being involved in initiating the bombings. Political bombings in Thailand send a message, and I am sure whoever the message is aimed at gets it. No mastermind of a Thai political bombing has ever been caught.

Pulo's denials are also well worth a read. In their first denial they seemed to be quite politcally aware. Up to now the pointing of the finger at southern seperatists has been the political aim of only one group. Most including international groups seem to either exclude this or rate it as an outside chance. Note the complete lack of coment on this possibility by any western intelligence organization and usually they are quite quick to "identify" and label the work of islamic terrorists.

It does seem there are possibly some doubts about the recent arrests and Gen. Sonthi's statement re no scapegoats has to be applauded as enough evidence should be required in this case which could involve the death penalty.

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The options about the bombings are limited to a couple of possibilities:

1. The Military/police--they have the knowledge, resources and expertise to do it. They also have the logistics to do it without getting caught. It's also in their area of expertise and how they function.

2. Terrorist Organization--they have the knowledge but logistics is a real problem for them. In BKK it is hard not to be noticed while doing things like this, especially on the number of bombs that were set off. They may have foregone a large explosion for a number of small ones, however. Terrorists might just want to put BKK on notice and get the focus off the south so that they gain more support.

Politicians are the least likely to do this. It's not part of their way of operating and most don't have the ability to set up such a plan--without someone getting caught and talking. Military and Terrorists can do it without anyone talking.

I have little faith that the gov't will arrest the right people. I have more faith in unbiased intelligence sources. Right now, the fact that so much information is being censored is of concern in this regard.

Politicians from all sides and parties have links in the military and police by the way. Thailand has a long history of political bombings too, so I wouldnt rule out politicians being involved in initiating the bombings. Political bombings in Thailand send a message, and I am sure whoever the message is aimed at gets it. No mastermind of a Thai political bombing has ever been caught.

Pulo's denials are also well worth a read. In their first denial they seemed to be quite politcally aware. Up to now the pointing of the finger at southern seperatists has been the political aim of only one group. Most including international groups seem to either exclude this or rate it as an outside chance. Note the complete lack of coment on this possibility by any western intelligence organization and usually they are quite quick to "identify" and label the work of islamic terrorists.

It does seem there are possibly some doubts about the recent arrests and Gen. Sonthi's statement re no scapegoats has to be applauded as enough evidence should be required in this case which could involve the death penalty.

Maybe its not an international terrorist group, but just the "normal" soutern muslims.......why do they say its not them , when they already have killed nearly 2000 innosent people, and are VERY active right now............hmmm, could it be because the leader of Thailand is a muslim too ????

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my, my, my... I just love these new news mass emailings... they invariably provide such an opportunity for first time posters :o to voice their enlightened opinions. :D

I did notice one positive aspect on this particular thread and that was to see an ajarn post (around 1,324 posts ago) weighing in. That's always a welcome sight. :D

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my, my, my... I just love these new news mass emailings... they invariably provide such an opportunity for first time posters :o to voice their enlightened opinions. :D

I did notice one positive aspect on this particular thread and that was to see an ajarn post (around 1,324 posts ago) weighing in. That's always a welcome sight. :D

Don't scare them off SJ... new members are always welcome to comment as are seasoned vets like yourself and Ajarn.

Edited by Jai Dee
typo corrected
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If indeed the sources are correct and this was the work of JI, then this is NOT a good sign. Around May/June of last year, I was in the local Black Canyon coffee shop in the Big C complex where I live and overheard a conversation between two 'farangs'.

One was a unifromed Tourist cop and the other dressed in plain clothes. They obviously didn't know a farang (me) was on the other side of the partition and hence mustn't have felt compelled to keep their voices low.

I distinctly recall the cop saying to the other that 'something is happening'. He didn't elaborate, except to say that it was 'serious' and that the AFP (Australian Federal Police) and other agencies were establishing offices in smaller regional centres and also in Chinagmai.

Could this be partly what he was alluding to?....I have no idea.

But I can tell you one thing (which I'm sure you know already); these bustards are as dangerous as hel_l. I will never forget the carnage of Bali and the loss of so many innocent locals, tourists and fellow Aussies.

I will never condone unwarranted violence, but I do condone justice, in what ever judicial form is appropriate.

Personally I would take care of the problem (JI), head on.....ie...annihilation. I will NEVER forget how the Spiritual leader (Abu Bak sheet head) recieved such a lenient sentence when it was proven he was complicit in the bombings. And on the other hand you have Schapelle Corby who is spending Christ knows how long in jail for the purported importation of 4kgs of weed into Bali.

If this really is the work of JI, and they have the cross-hairs on Thailand and the popular tourist destinations, then Christ help us.

New Years eves bombings whilst lethal, were comparatively miniscule. If they get their act together and detonate a 'REAL' mutha bomb, then we can expect indescribable carnage to locals and tourist alike.

Anyway, keep on Livin La Vida LOS and to hel_l with them. Run now and we will just have to keep running.

I am not going to let some half baked <deleted> brain extremists dictate the terms of my life.

Good luck and good living to all.

Big Paulee.

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If indeed the sources are correct and this was the work of JI, then this is NOT a good sign. Around May/June of last year, I was in the local Black Canyon coffee shop in the Big C complex where I live and overheard a conversation between two 'farangs'.

One was a unifromed Tourist cop and the other dressed in plain clothes. They obviously didn't know a farang (me) was on the other side of the partition and hence mustn't have felt compelled to keep their voices low.

I distinctly recall the cop saying to the other that 'something is happening'. He didn't elaborate, except to say that it was 'serious' and that the AFP (Australian Federal Police) and other agencies were establishing offices in smaller regional centres and also in Chinagmai.

Could this be partly what he was alluding to?....I have no idea.

But I can tell you one thing (which I'm sure you know already); these bustards are as dangerous as hel_l. I will never forget the carnage of Bali and the loss of so many innocent locals, tourists and fellow Aussies.

I will never condone unwarranted violence, but I do condone justice, in what ever judicial form is appropriate.

Personally I would take care of the problem (JI), head on.....ie...annihilation. I will NEVER forget how the Spiritual leader (Abu Bak sheet head) recieved such a lenient sentence when it was proven he was complicit in the bombings. And on the other hand you have Schapelle Corby who is spending Christ knows how long in jail for the purported importation of 4kgs of weed into Bali.

If this really is the work of JI, and they have the cross-hairs on Thailand and the popular tourist destinations, then Christ help us.

New Years eves bombings whilst lethal, were comparatively miniscule. If they get their act together and detonate a 'REAL' mutha bomb, then we can expect indescribable carnage to locals and tourist alike.

Anyway, keep on Livin La Vida LOS and to hel_l with them. Run now and we will just have to keep running.

I am not going to let some half baked <deleted> brain extremists dictate the terms of my life.

Good luck and good living to all.

Big Paulee.

Why was a foreigner dressed as a Thai tourist cop? I realise that some have weird uniform fetishes but impersonating a cop is an offence. I guess he could have been one of those foreign police assistants or whatever they were called that used to be seen in Pattaya, and who were largely drawn from the ranks of those too poor or too clueless to set up a business and too uneducated to teach English but who wished to stay in the country to sample its delights.

I also wonder why Thailand would tolerate the setting up of offices by foreign police forces on its sovereign territory.

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The Thai Police could fall into a bucket of tits and still come out sucking their thumbs.

The "bombs" were just fireworks by terrorist standards. Any terrorist organisation claiming responsibility for those would be laughed at.

Its just some recently disenfranchised members of the military / police / business groups spitting the dummy about not getting their slice of pie from the new new government carve-up.

I guess a few months back in the south of Thailand where a series of I believe 14 bombs set off in an almost simultaneously, injuring many and killing just two were fireworks also. They weren't powerful bombs and weren't made to take down an entire block but to cause damage, and more importantly "terror"

The whole purpose is to cause fear, injuries are certainly an effect of the bombs but not the main purpose. So will you laugh at those who set off those bombs?

Probably. So who is your money on then, Sherlock?

You'll "probably" laugh at people who caused death and injury due to the placement of small bombs that you consider puny because they dont cause massive amounts of destruction and death. The people injured aren't laughing because of the bombs size. Have you ever seen up close what a hand grenade does to the human body (One report of a hand grenade being used)

As for the whom set off these devices I do have an opinion, but will wait for more evidence.

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If indeed the sources are correct and this was the work of JI, then this is NOT a good sign. Around May/June of last year, I was in the local Black Canyon coffee shop in the Big C complex where I live and overheard a conversation between two 'farangs'.

One was a unifromed Tourist cop and the other dressed in plain clothes. They obviously didn't know a farang (me) was on the other side of the partition and hence mustn't have felt compelled to keep their voices low.

I distinctly recall the cop saying to the other that 'something is happening'. He didn't elaborate, except to say that it was 'serious' and that the AFP (Australian Federal Police) and other agencies were establishing offices in smaller regional centres and also in Chinagmai.

Could this be partly what he was alluding to?....I have no idea.

But I can tell you one thing (which I'm sure you know already); these bustards are as dangerous as hel_l. I will never forget the carnage of Bali and the loss of so many innocent locals, tourists and fellow Aussies.

I will never condone unwarranted violence, but I do condone justice, in what ever judicial form is appropriate.

Personally I would take care of the problem (JI), head on.....ie...annihilation. I will NEVER forget how the Spiritual leader (Abu Bak sheet head) recieved such a lenient sentence when it was proven he was complicit in the bombings. And on the other hand you have Schapelle Corby who is spending Christ knows how long in jail for the purported importation of 4kgs of weed into Bali.

If this really is the work of JI, and they have the cross-hairs on Thailand and the popular tourist destinations, then Christ help us.

New Years eves bombings whilst lethal, were comparatively miniscule. If they get their act together and detonate a 'REAL' mutha bomb, then we can expect indescribable carnage to locals and tourist alike.

Anyway, keep on Livin La Vida LOS and to hel_l with them. Run now and we will just have to keep running.

I am not going to let some half baked <deleted> brain extremists dictate the terms of my life.

Good luck and good living to all.

Big Paulee.

Why was a foreigner dressed as a Thai tourist cop? I realise that some have weird uniform fetishes but impersonating a cop is an offence. I guess he could have been one of those foreign police assistants or whatever they were called that used to be seen in Pattaya, and who were largely drawn from the ranks of those too poor or too clueless to set up a business and too uneducated to teach English but who wished to stay in the country to sample its delights.

I also wonder why Thailand would tolerate the setting up of offices by foreign police forces on its sovereign territory.

The foreigner was NOT impersonating anyone. He is legitimately employed by the Thai Government as a Tourist Police officer. I have met him personally and spoken with him briefly. I know his name and have also had his position confirmed by some of my students. IE...they have told me that they are taught (part time) by a 'farang' Police Officer. He is the only one (visibly) within this town and hence I have always presumed they were alluding to this particular man.

I have seen him on active duty and a colleague of mine was pulled over by him and after having produced appropriate papers they had a chat about Thailand and home. His home being the USA.

Thailand not only tolerates but has encouraged the 'assistance' of foreign police services, just as Indonesia, Fiji, The Phillipines, Papua New Guinea, and Singapore have, just to name a few others.

From the stand point of Australia, I personally can attest to the fact that Thailand, Singapore and other ASEAN nations are invited to participate in military and 'other' training operations within Australia.

The ASEAN nations seem to have a moratorium of understanding and co-operation in matters that relate to national security.

For obvious reasons, each sovereign country will ONLY permit interaction to a certain level.

I found the conversation that I overheard to be rather interesting. But was not concerned given my distance from the big smoke.

I still hope this naive view point holds true and I am safe as I also hope everyone else is.

Stay well.

Big Paulee.

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When I was inpattaya over the xmas festivities (crawling with Russian hookers btw absolutely gorgeous 5th columnists) we were offered the usual selection of devestating chinese fireworks - supposedly illegal. For 500 baht you could easily get one of those earsplitting airburst fireworks. The thunderclap is fearful even when it is projected a couple of hundred feet into the air - youi all know the type. Some drunken aerosols think its funny to lob them into a beer bar thus creating premature deafness amongst the customers. think how easy it would be to modify one of these , fit it with a timer and toss it into a waste bin. The panic would be appalling though direct injury (apart from permanent deafness) would be slight)

So it doesnt take rocket science HA HA to cause havoc. Its a pretty scary thought isnt it. :D

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Wouldn't JI have claimed responsibility?

No, if it was in indonesia, yes, in another country, no, they are so fickle anyway.

JI makes sense, working thru malasia, simple bombs.

I think it makes no sense! Simple bombs = home made from the internet made by Thais. Malaysia follows the practice of "lock up first, forget the lawyers" or "just dissapear after being arrested" if any suspicion of terrorism. Maybe not very democratic BUT keeps things relatively peaceful and terror free.

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Ok - what is the point of planting a bomb and not admitting to it?

If you are a seperatist, you would want everyone to know that Bkk is within the reach of your men and that you can achieve your aims of disruption.

If you are a muslim extremist, again similar rules apply.

If you are a Thai politician and want to send a message to an opponent, the need to admit it is much reduced.

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good point WILKO. One thing for sure, no need to alter my choice of night entertainment venues yet if all they can do is successfully co-ordinate the destruction of garbage bins. Really too subtle for JI. There was nothing subtle about the bombing of Bali, or other JI targets.

Sounds more like a scapegoat to me, one that is unlikely to cause as many ripples as other scapegoats who could be blamed. Don't think the CNS will be blaming Thaksin any time soon since they got their fingers burned by the CNN interview in retaliation.

JI may not take kindly to being blamed for something they probably didn't do and go about setting the record straight. If you're going to be blamed, better to be blamed for something you did do, right ?

Maybe I will rethink those night time venues after all.

Edited by sibeymai
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good point WILKO. One thing for sure, no need to alter my choice of night entertainment venues yet if all they can do is successfully co-ordinate the destruction of garbage bins. Really too subtle for JI. There was nothing subtle about the bombing of Bali, or other JI targets.

Sounds more like a scapegoat to me, one that is unlikely to cause as many ripples as other scapegoats who could be blamed. Don't think the CNS will be blaming Thaksin any time soon since they got their fingers burned by the CNN interview in retaliation.

JI may not take kindly to being blamed for something they probably didn't do and go about setting the record straight. If you're going to be blamed, better to be blamed for something you did do, right ?

Maybe I will rethink those night time venues after all.

If someone is falsely blaming an international terrorist group they are running the risk of creating a future self fulfilling prophecy.

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So inteligence agencies say it was southerners/islamists

while intelligence sources say it was Thaksin cronies.

Anybody else got any theories ?


Could be the work of the tooth fairy.

What a crock of absolute and utter b*llocks.

The words "Thai"; "intelligence" and "report" do not belong in the same sentence.

Unlike say, "pissup" and "brewery?"

Quite true... its a bit weird seeing those three words together in a sentence, but none the less they always do seem to solve the problem...one way or another.

On the other hand this does not look like JI work, as I've had firecrackers that did more damage... unless it was JI 101 class... It could also just be local JI believers, who acted on their own. From the size of the "bombs" (such a big word) it really seemed as though the main JI group was not supplying anything.



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This is really confusing. If it was really JI, how did they find their way around BKK? They must have had maps to prevent getting lost.

You have got to be joking.... :o

Look at previous events in BKK and you have you main culprits. JI or religion has NOTHING to do with the New Year's bombings, same as last year's bombs. The police know but won't say. Thaksin was also very quick at pointing the finger to Muslims :D

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