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Marriage to foreigners not all it's cracked up to be complains Isaan woman stuck in Farangland!


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1 minute ago, dunroaming said:

Well I am married to a Thai woman and we left Thailand (after nine years together) and moved to the UK.  She worked from the moment we arrived because she wanted to and I wasn't going to argue.  She earns her own money and does send money to her family for birthdays etc.  She did find it quite difficult to adjust initially and although she could speak and understand English perfectly well she couldn't read or write it.  So she set about learning.  Every year she returns to visit her family for a month or two but says that she has now become "too" westernised.  This is not only according to her family but also herself.  Thai soaps have been replaced by BBC dramas!  


I would say that she is the exception rather than the rule, after all people are all different and that includes Thais too. 

Great story and too bad we do not hear more positive stories like this in the news.

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A nonsensical OP article that threw red meat in the water with the inevitable feeding frenzy. 

We split our time between the US and Thailand. While in the US we socialize with a  number of other American/Thai families, In all of them the Thai wife works, one is a hairdresser, another one is a nail tech, and a third works at a veterinary clinic,All of them contribute to the family, some more than the husband. None of them expects a maid or the crap mentioned in the article..

 All the Thai women we know here are a credit to their family.

In our course of involvement in the Thai community  we had to help rescue several Thai girls that were brought here only to find out that her husband was a total piece of abusive  sh#& , one of them a lovely girl that was a Nurse in Thailand with a good living that gave it up to follow an A-Hole  to Alabama where he would could not hold a job, gave her litle money, and would not help her get her drivers licence, so she can go out and work , We helped her get a room at a friend's house, get a nail tech licence and drivers licence as is now working and putting her life together.

While there are a lot of good guys  with Thai wifes out there, (i've met many of them) there are also many that  ........

Well I said enough.

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8 hours ago, michaelj said:

And that comment says more about you and your Thai social circle than it does about "most Thai" anyone at all.

although i clicked "like" i must quote a thai lady friend that did a masters in england after undergrad at abac and who i consider high function g7 . (near native english)


"want fast and easy"


pertains to much of society albeit not everyone and it is a cultural thing.

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8 hours ago, Odysseus123 said:

Give her a break she is speaking honestly-and very much to the point-about the clash of cultures.I prefer  honesty to dishonesty,don't you?


I recall that about 2 years ago an honest Thai woman said the same things about her life in Germany with the usual ballyhoo from ThaiVisa posters.


Once again 5 stars for honesty.

Clash of cultures my posterior. She was expecting the streets to be paved with gold and, no doubt, her farang did not tell her any different. Clash of ignorance is more like it.

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A rather worn-out but still tolerable-looking dragon of the night liked young farangs; she married a young German and went back with him all smiles and expectations. She returned within six months. It seems she had to work to help make ends meet and the only work she could find was a waitress in a bar. So, she returned to her old game, was arrested and deported.

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This is life all over and people have to work ( even woman) these days,  but  in Thailand it is different gold and sabai sabai is the way but not in North America many of these young Thai lady found that out the hard way,

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11 minutes ago, smotherb said:

A rather worn-out but still tolerable-looking dragon of the night liked young farangs; she married a young German and went back with him all smiles and expectations. She returned within six months. It seems she had to work to help make ends meet and the only work she could find was a waitress in a bar. So, she returned to her old game, was arrested and deported.


Note: This is a rewording of OP. Not a translation.

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53 minutes ago, miamiman123 said:

The Thai woman meets the foreigner for first time: “where you come from?”.

foreigner replies: “puchi American”.

the Thai woman says: “oooh America...its so nice you take me there?”

No Idea at all!! Either one!

<deleted>, you are talking about ? no idea at all !

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6 hours ago, cat handler said:

And some idiot German married this trash, take her home for a holiday and leave her there.


If I get the drift, she's addressing the common Thai belief that you will be living a dream - educating people that it's not really the case

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aww  come on... but who has told this lady that there are maids etc...  is there a thai word for maid... If this is genuine then this lady has too much of a nonsense understanding of her Atm dream, probably watching old english soaps ?.. Most of the Issan ladies that i have met are hard working and expect to clean their house because its what they want.. Mothers usually become obsessive with protection of their new young.... this is a spoof  .. Would  Farangs who have backgrounds of servants bring their "thai wife " back home , or be allowed to.... reality check for all and readers.. 


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10 hours ago, Oziex1 said:

Sadly this is the price they pay for the almost complete lack of knowledge of the world beyond Thailand.



Hence, why I'm looking at the Ukraine for a better class of appreciative Peasant .......:sorry:

Edited by ScotBkk
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8 minutes ago, Jonmarleesco said:

Yep. Just as reality in LoS is oft different to the imagined. 


Wonder how many maids she had in Isaanland?

None. Only the ones from Chinese parents, beside the rich Thai upper class  have the luxury to have a couple of Laotian, or Burmese maids.


These girls can be extremely annoying and abusive the way how they treat their servants. But they'd never go to Farangland if he doesn't have a nice castle for the little princess. And the parents wouldn't let her. 


   Perhaps the poor one was a maid before and thought that the German prince would give her a wake up kiss....:shock1:

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My wife liked to go to the countryside in Spain and pick up different plants. She very soon figured out which ones are edible such as wild asparagus, borage, bladder campion, fennel. She made dishes using the unfamiliar leaves and they came out very good. One has to accept that looking at a new, unfamiliar environment through one's own cultural prism is not something to be mocked or made fun about.

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2 hours ago, bwpage3 said:

Thai women think ALL white men are rich.


The white man is the Thai woman's lottery win in their minds.

Only the hooking Pattaya bunch and other prosties think that. Not all Thai women think such crap. A huge chunk of foreign white men marry hookers/bar girls. 

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2 hours ago, talahtnut said:

I read in a UK paper that 95% Thai wives introduced into the UK end up in the divorce courts.  It doesn't seem wise to take a happy Thai to another country from which, even you, would like to escape from.

That's because 95% of Thai wives introduced into the UK were hooking in Pattaya or some such cesspit. White folk should stop marrying prosties. 

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