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Passport for Thai child with absent father

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Anyone know the procedure for obtaining a Thai passport for a Thai child with no father? I understand from the MFO that normally the father would at least have to sign a form, but if he is not available the Amphur office can issue some kind of guarantee letter if 2 witnesses who know the child go along with the mother. I wonder if it is that simple, or there are more hoops to jump through?


In this case the child has the father's surname but mother and father were never married. Initially, we just want the passport for convenience when boarding domestic flights, but later there may be trips overseas.

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If the mother can prove the child's father has abandoned her she can get sole custody so the father does not need to sign for her to get the passport. A few witnesses may be all that is needed. She should check with an Amphoe to find out what is needed.

The child is 7 years or older they can get a Thai ID card she could use for identification.

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44 minutes ago, ubonjoe said:

If the mother can prove the child's father has abandoned her she can get sole custody so the father does not need to sign for her to get the passport. A few witnesses may be all that is needed. She should check with an Amphoe to find out what is needed.

The child is 7 years or older they can get a Thai ID card she could use for identification.


As I understand it (this is actually my gf's granddaughter, so the story is second-hand), after the girl was born the mother and father argued about who would move in with who, and the result was they ended all contact. So the father did not abandon the child - and is not really unreachable - and may well be disgruntled about the whole thing. The kid is now 5, so good to know she can get some ID in two years time.

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35 minutes ago, TCA said:

The certificate you refer to from the amphur is Por Kor 14, which effectively says that one parent has sole responsibility for the child. My wife obtained this for her daughter with her mum and the village headman as witnesses to the fact of the absent father. The amphur check that the parents were never married and that the father hasn't registered any court documents in relation to the child.


I am wondering if an unmarried father who's had nothing to do with the child can object to single-parent custody?


37 minutes ago, TCA said:

My stepdaughter also had her father's surname, so we got that changed to my wife's surname (which is still her maiden name) and so the daughter's passport was issued in that name. I'd recommend doing this to avoid future potential problems at airports (especially overseas) and it should make it easier if you're ever applying for visas for the child. 


Thanks. I advised the mother to do this but she won't do anything unless there's an imminent crisis.

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Whether the father could raise an objection I don't know. I would imagine that he'd have to go to court. Either way I'd be getting the surname changed and the sole custody certificate without alerting the father to it. If the amphur issues them then they can be used for the passport. The way things work in Thailand I think it would be a long road back to reverse that process. And besides, the onus would then be on the father to provide proof of his role as father or at least sharing parental responsibility, which sounds like it would be impossible anyway.            

Edited by TCA
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23 hours ago, TCA said:

The surname change is also done at the amphur - document Chor 5. We did this before getting the above Por Kor 14. It's worth getting your wife to give the amphur a call just to confirm everything and which order to do things in, just in case it makes a difference.


Do you recall what was required for the name change? 

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11 minutes ago, orientalist said:


Do you recall what was required for the name change? 


It was several years ago so not really. Child's birth certificate definitely. Tabien baan showing the child's name and mother's name at the same address, plus i.d. cards of everyone who has one including the witnesses. Maybe even their tabien baans to prove they live in the same village. If the village headman is going (would lend a lot of weight to the position), then maybe something proving his position. To be honest it's best to call the amphur. Doesn't even need to be your wife. Anyone who can speak Thai can ask the question. 


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Thanks. Good to know. The child was not on any tabien baan until a year ago, the address registered is on the other side of town from where she lives and the jao baan is not related to anyone in the family. The mother is on an entirely different tabien baan somewhere. So I can see problems ahead.

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Yes, sounds like at the very least it could be problematic. I wouldn't bother going near an amphur without first making a call to see what they say. It might be worth getting your ducks in a row by getting some tabien baan changes done first just to reinforce the case. 

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On 2/6/2018 at 6:54 PM, ubonjoe said:

If the mother can prove the child's father has abandoned her she can get sole custody so the father does not need to sign for her to get the passport. A few witnesses may be all that is needed. She should check with an Amphoe to find out what is needed.

The child is 7 years or older they can get a Thai ID card she could use for identification.

That is right. My step daughter's father as absence. Her mother has requested for a "guardian" letter from Amphoe. All she have to see is the "right" officer to deal. Then he asked a couple of questions as informal interview plus a few witnesses for signatures. The requirement was based on her situation. It took about 1 week to gain the approval.   

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On 2/6/2018 at 7:51 PM, orientalist said:

I am wondering if an unmarried father who's had nothing to do with the child can object to single-parent custody?

According to Thai law, if the father is not married to the mother, even if he is the biological father, he has no legal claims on any matter concerning the child, and no responsibilities.

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