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Info On Rubber Trees


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Hi guys,

First of all, thank you for all the great information that you gathered here. Very helpful.

You seem to be in the deep of it, and i am just only beginnig to deal with rubber, so i have a few questions, that i am really struggling to get the answers to:

-What part of Thailand should i buy land for rubber trees?

-What price should i pay for the land per rai?

-What is the cost of preaparing the land for the new trees?

-Where do i get good, high yield clones, and for how much?

-Is it worth buying existing plantation?

-How do i find people i can trust (haha, i know...) to look after the trees? I am actively working in Europe, so can only visit few times a year for now...(can it actually be done like this?)

-What is the running cost of the plantation? I understand that it depends on the size, but maybe an average figure would be helpful. I read all about the fertilizers, etc, i meant labour, machinery...

Any recommendation on a lawyer or company to set me up in Thailand?

This is it for now, i`m sure i will have a thousand more.

Any info would be much appreciated. Thanks for your time.


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The best advise I can give you, is forget the whole idea. If you are not living in Thailand to keep an eye on things you may as well throw your money away.

Setting up a plantation is not cheap and you will not find anyone who is going to do the hard yards for an absentee landlord. Better just come over and have good holidays.


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Hi Jim,

Thanks for the advice.

I am working on getting out of the job, so will be able to move in the near future. This factor will delay things, but i don`t necessary have to forget the whole idea. I think.....

Until then, i thought i could pick the land at least and work on the whole plan.

So any info on that would be nice.



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