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Some more pics of the F.C. Cats.

Wow! isn't it loveeeeerrrrly here?


And here.........but please no pictures


Thank you for looking after me when I was sick


Come on............it's gone four. Where's our food?


Oh.......what a life


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lovely photos...if I could domesticate the cats that shit on my terrece rather than shoo them away it would be a wonderful world, but they are feral and besides, the poodle dog and the pup wouldn't want to share their patch widdem...

on second view, that black an' white one looks like my beloved and departed Delphi...lampard, you brute!!! :o

The black & white one has a totally orignal and hard thought out name.......................Puss

The white one is yet another masterpiece of naming........Kitty

The black one is called.....wait for it............................Blackie

The tortoiseshell is Tiger

The little kitten is Bambi of course. She has great big legs and still can't walk properly.

One of the Tabbies is squeaky.........cause she sqeaks instead of miows, the other is Bendy because her tail is bent.

The Tabby and white pretty one is Stinker.

The Black & white one at the end is the father of most of them.

on second view, that black an' white one looks like my beloved and departed Delphi...lampard, you brute!!! :o

The black & white one has a totally orignal and hard thought out name.......................Puss

The white one is yet another masterpiece of naming........Kitty

The black one is called.....wait for it............................Blackie

The tortoiseshell is Tiger

The little kitten is Bambi of course. She has great big legs and still can't walk properly.

One of the Tabbies is squeaky.........cause she sqeaks instead of miows, the other is Bendy because her tail is bent.

The Tabby and white pretty one is Stinker.

The Black & white one at the end is the father of most of them.

Lovely names, one and all. And very fitting. :D



just had an idea...

maybe put a sandbox for the cats to use and then they wont crap all over your terrace, just in the box... put some of their crap in the box and wash the rest of the area with vinegar and water (this is your patio? cement not dirt right??)...

if u cant beat them, join them, and train them to certain areas, feeding, etc.


just had an idea...

maybe put a sandbox for the cats to use and then they wont crap all over your terrace, just in the box... put some of their crap in the box and wash the rest of the area with vinegar and water (this is your patio? cement not dirt right??)...

if u cant beat them, join them, and train them to certain areas, feeding, etc.

I've thought about a sandbox but then that would mean that I lose...an' I hate losin'...especially to sum tomcats struttin' around wid their balls hangin' out all ober de place...I'm gonna get me a pellet gun instead...

'take that, that an' that ye fascist defilin' bastids!!!... :o

  • 1 month later...

Sadly, we lost Kitty last night. She was most definately the loveliest cat I have ever owned, but we were only a year with her. She started to get a fat belly, and we took her for a X-ray in the main hospital to see what was wrong with her. They found she had a stomach full of water, which the vet syrynged out. When we got her home she had breathing difficulties, but the vets was shut last night, so we was going to wait until this morning. She went at 23.30 last night. There was a lot of blood coming from her mouth this morning, when we took her to bury her.

This is how I remember her.


Sadly, we lost Kitty last night. She was most definately the loveliest cat I have ever owned, but we were only a year with her. She started to get a fat belly, and we took her for a X-ray in the main hospital to see what was wrong with her. They found she had a stomach full of water, which the vet syrynged out. When we got her home she had breathing difficulties, but the vets was shut last night, so we was going to wait until this morning. She went at 23.30 last night. There was a lot of blood coming from her mouth this morning, when we took her to bury her.

This is how I remember her.


So sorry to hear, Lampard. You must be in shock still; took me a few days to recover every time. Hope you found a shady spot for her to rest. Off to Rainbow Bridge Kitty is; she will be perfect, healthy and playful forever.


Just had a thought................................any vets out there maybe can answer me.

Yesterday our vet gave us a signed paper to go to the people hospital for the cat to have an X-ray. Is it possible they still had the x-ray equipment on full, and subsequently killed Kitty?

Just had a thought................................any vets out there maybe can answer me.

Yesterday our vet gave us a signed paper to go to the people hospital for the cat to have an X-ray. Is it possible they still had the x-ray equipment on full, and subsequently killed Kitty?

as you know a vet I'm not but, on full and killed it, no, no, no.


Well, my missus keep saying " She's gone now, can't bring her back. But everytime I see a pic of her, I start boo-hooing again. My missus keeps calling me stoopid, but when we buried her she had to go away,. She knew she'd start crying as well.

Well, my missus keep saying " She's gone now, can't bring her back. But everytime I see a pic of her, I start boo-hooing again. My missus keeps calling me stoopid, but when we buried her she had to go away,. She knew she'd start crying as well.

I truly sympathise. Time to keep the other kits company as I am sure they are missing her, too, looking everywhere and meowing. I sobbed buckets everytime one of my family died. Crying at the shop, etc. They cut me slack coz I'm a girl. Guess only pet companions know the heartache. Don't know what to say, Lampy, except I've been there, too. Does that help a bit? Making me cry, now.


my symathies too :o

it's always a horror to see a beloved pet go...

have a good journey kitty, and one day you'll meet again...


yeah...me too, a lot of folks don't realise the owner's heartbreak when a beloved pet is lost...

I got a sad story...a while back I noticed a very young pregnant female hanging around the back terrace and on the front stoop. Later she came around and she had dropped her litter somewhere but she kept on hanging around...well, she managed to have her litter in the space between our kitchen ceiling and the new terrace...there is a small opening where she can get in...we can hear the little cats scratching around up there.

meanwhile, the mama cat keeps hanging around...she looks weak and probably doesn't have much milk. I've been pinching some of the mom-in-laws little dried fishes to feed her but she looks even too weak to eat...I'm afraid that the little cats are doomed...we can only get up there if we dismantle the kitchen ceiling and the entrance opening is too small for the mama cat to carry the kittens elsewhere...when I hear no more scrabbling around up there I'll know that the end has come... :o



sorry to hear about the loss of Kitty :o I lost my beloved Julie last June and still feel the pain. The only comfort to be found is you know you took care of her well and that she was loved. And trust me, our pets know it. Animals have very good instincts like that. Ive met some pets of friends who they say normally will not let a stranger near them, but they have often taken to me instantly. I think it has a lot to do with them being able to sense the love that lingers around us....the same love that we have for our lovely ones at home. so imagine if some cats and dogs i meet once on the street can sense it, your own little kitty will know very well how much she was loved.

I started a thread on Pet Loss Support a few months back :D feel free to share your story there...lots of kind hearted forum members have expressed some kind words for me there :D maybe that will provide some solace for you too?

I also wrote about my Julie (with her pic) on my blog.....my way of showing that she will not be forgotten ...and she really wont be :D

all the best


So, what is it about cats anyway? I took in one stray cat a few years back and a month later she's having kittens in my favorite leather suitcase. Yeah, I've still got all of them, and a few more now. For crissakes, I'm a dog person!

And why does cat food cost so much more, for so much less food?

Sorry for those that have lost pets, me too. ###### pets will break your heart.

yeah...me too, a lot of folks don't realise the owner's heartbreak when a beloved pet is lost...

I got a sad story...a while back I noticed a very young pregnant female hanging around the back terrace and on the front stoop. Later she came around and she had dropped her litter somewhere but she kept on hanging around...well, she managed to have her litter in the space between our kitchen ceiling and the new terrace...there is a small opening where she can get in...we can hear the little cats scratching around up there.

meanwhile, the mama cat keeps hanging around...she looks weak and probably doesn't have much milk. I've been pinching some of the mom-in-laws little dried fishes to feed her but she looks even too weak to eat...I'm afraid that the little cats are doomed...we can only get up there if we dismantle the kitchen ceiling and the entrance opening is too small for the mama cat to carry the kittens elsewhere...when I hear no more scrabbling around up there I'll know that the end has come... :o

hi tutsi

i had a similar thing some years back, kitty mom got her babies in my kitchen roof, could see her jump in and out from a wall close by (over a gap where is a garden with then 20 something dogs lurking for her...) then heavy rain set in lasting for two days and mom wasn't seen anymore. the babies cried more and more and finally so laoud i could hear it from very far. my then boyfriend removed some of the roof tiles and saved the 4 tiny fur balls. they were all fit and healthy and i could raise them with the bottle with a mix of tinned tomato fish and puppy milk powder. they grew very big (for thai cats) and beautiful. sadly lost one of them one year later, sudden death :D the others still doing fine and staying with me :D

And why does cat food cost so much more, for so much less food?

if you feed your cats on canned catfood like whiskas, friskies etc it gets expensive, i found that cats eat so much of this food, never full and they poopoo so much the same. better buy some fish like pla tu or pla o and cook it every day, cats go crazy for that and are more content with less quantity of food. in addition i feed cat dry food, my choice is meo as the cats like it the most, always available. that is cheaper and healthier! meo i buy 20kg bag for 1200 baht, so not that costy. if i don't have fresh fish i feed them the tinned fish in tomato sauce, they love it also and it is not so expensive ;O)


sad news lampy, I know how you feel. we lost our beloved kitty of 17 years last november and my life just hasn't been the same since. Had a close call with our dog day before yesterday (she disappeared and I assumed the worst), turns out she somehow (wont' go into my suspicions) managed to get about 1k down the road and couldn't make it past the dogs at the bars on the road. Someone called to say they had seen her and let us know she was there. Heartbreaking 24 hours for me tho :o

Eventually, it gets better, but really, it is just like losing a member of the family :D


Kitties love fresh squid. Buy at the wet market for Bt40-50 a kilo or less. Rinse and cut out the ink pouch and cartilage, chop up and freeze in portions. Do not cook. Unthaw a pack daily for mealtime. Kitties go crazy for it. Also get the small (palm size) white fish (Bt20-30 a kilo?) and cook with rice for the dogs and cats. Once cooked, easy to strip the bones out. Great protein.

Dry kibble left out all day, but I don't mix with wet food as it goes mouldy if they don't eat it. The mynas enjoy pecking at this, too, and then will eat any roaches scurrying about.

I've thought about a sandbox but then that would mean that I lose...an' I hate losin'...especially to sum tomcats struttin' around wid their balls hangin' out all ober de place...I'm gonna get me a pellet gun instead...

'take that, that an' that ye fascist defilin' bastids!!!... :o

Tutsi...surely you know that the cat always wins..!!!

But why on earth allow them their balls? In the interests of feline welfare, get them to a vet to remedy this, in addition to helping control the feral cat population size it will also render them a whole lot less pushy and aggressive and territorial.

And then add a sandbox and all will be well...

  • 3 months later...

New editions to our cat family......................................and a lovely picture of one of the old ones.

First a cat someone unknown gave to us a couple of weeks ago. A real beauty. Pregnant as well. We all think it could be Kitty's mother, as she has the same features. Silver, her name.


Then there were two! Panda with her off-spring, Booty.


And of course the sets not complete without a Ginger


Tiger looked everywhere for somewhere to sleep the long, hot days away, after we blocked off her access to the ceiling of the pub. She eventually found solance in a plastic bag. Kids don't try this.


Give you some more when or if ( see other post) Silver pups.

  • 1 month later...

Another job for pet rescue. This time, this little boy had been left in the garden where stray dogs were wandering. I warned the guy about it, and rescued it in the morning, when it had it's head stuck in a fence and had a pack of dogs round it. It was pouring with rain and I had to climb two fences and wade through a mud patch to get to him. That afternoon, the guy called me over and told me the dogs had been at his cat again. He had only put the little fella back out in the garden. I took it from him, told him he should be locked up( amongst other explainatives ) and took the cat to the vet to get stitched up. The saddest part though, was there were three of them, and this is the only one we can find.


So now you are adopted by this very cute little creature, Lampard? :o


Yes...........it would have made 23, but Chocolate's gone missing

So now you are adopted by this very cute little creature, Lampard? :o


Yes...........it would have made 23, but Chocolate's gone missing

Wow, that many!!!! Sorry about Chocolate, though. It he missing long already? Not a nice idea with those neighboring dogs :D

So now you are adopted by this very cute little creature, Lampard? :o


Yes...........it would have made 23, but Chocolate's gone missing

Wow, that many!!!! Sorry about Chocolate, though. It he missing long already? Not a nice idea with those neighboring dogs :D

Don't know what happened to her. She was the one I put a "home wanted' post about.

By the way, can anyone tell me how old a male has to be ( cat, preffrebaly) before it starts to get the urge. Bambi( we thought it was a girl) has also gone missing, but in the daytime we can hear her whining next door in their kitchen. I saw her through the window, but when I went in there was only Ginger there. Bambi is about nine months old.

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