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Mystery: Help with identity information

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I wonder if anyone here can help. In a nutshell, this is the story. I live in Laos and the director of our school. who was appointed this past year, worked and lived in Thailand for many years. He claims to have a PhD, which no one can absolutely confirm. he's also been such a disruptive force that those whom he hasn't fired are looking for other jobs.


The issue is this. We're trying to find out about his past. There is a 10 year gap when he was in Thailand which is unaccounted for. No one knows where he was or what he was doing. He's despised by one and all. He's a pathological liar and an evil man.


Is there any way to dig up information on his mysterious whereabouts during his absence from society? The rumour mill has it he was stitched up in a Thai jail. But that's purely rumour and conjecture at this point.


He has single-handedly destroyed the moral and very fabric of what was very recently a fantastic workplace.

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