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Rabies on the rise in Thailand, vaccinations urged


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There should always be a more humane way to deal with every situation in todays society moving ever closer to AI intergration.


Very few articles are talking about the more thzn 400,000 people in Thailand who are HIV positive and yet not one word in culling in those articles. 


600 dogs in one year in Thailand and people are talking about culling its just pathetic. 


We all should always look at humane ways especially with amount of rubbish/polution around Thailand producing countless diseases and infections and reducing the mortality rate in certain areas.

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22 hours ago, Orton Rd said:

Just asked a Chinese neighbor how the they solve the problem in China- eat them and if have no owner catch and sell, seems like a good solution.

Big problems in China as many of their strays are Tibetan Mastiffs. The get rich quick by breeding them didn't work out so now thousands are running the streets causing trouble (attacking people, other animals and fighting other predators to eat livestock). Catching a 70kg defensively aggressive dog is no easy task. One case took 20 Chinese police officers just to catch 2 dogs. 

Edited by wildewillie89
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Rabies on the rise, vaccinations urged
By The Nation
All professionals who work with animals have been urged to get vaccinated against rabies, as has anyone visiting areas where there are rabies outbreaks.
Department of Medical Sciences director-general Dr Sukhum Karnchanapimai made the appeal on Tuesday to veterinarians, staff at pet hospitals and animal labs, and caretakers of strays.
Rabies, a disease transmitted through the saliva or other bodily fluid of an infected animal, can be prevented after exposure by vaccination with an immunoglobulin serum, he noted.
But people in regular direct contact with animals should be vaccinated as a precaution before any possible exposure and then again if they are exposed, Sukhum said.
Rabies is on the rise in Thailand. There were 330 reported cases of rabies-affected animals in 2015, 614 in 2016 and 843 in 2017.
Dogs were the most infected (89 per cent), followed by cattle (6.6 per cent), cats (3.6 per cent) and others (0.7 per cent).
Rabies caused five human deaths in 2015, 14 in 2016 and eight in 2017, Dr Sukhum said.
Last month a schoolteacher in Muang Surin who had five dogs at home and often fed stray dogs died as a result of a rabies infection.
Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/detail/national/30338722
  thenation_logo.jpg&key=45c3cfd2ab4166f39e45e0effa38883351f609c80e3d701fdeba5fd778f0d97e -- [emoji767] Copyright The Nation 2018-02-13
Do you think naming the areas of rabies outbreak would be helpful?
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20 hours ago, heybruce said:

I'm still waiting for any evidence that vaccines are harmful, or for you to identify any part of the links I referenced that are wrong.  I don't expect such evidence, it is much easier for you to attack the messenger than to challenge a credible message.


Now you are evasive on whether you take vaccines, but in reference to vaccines, you stated you "did not want poisons injecting in MY body".  Why not come clean; do you use vaccines or not?

Evidence? you choose to ignore it, your choice.

Why would I have a need for vaccines, I have an immune system that works?

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3 hours ago, CGW said:

Evidence? you choose to ignore it, your choice.

Why would I have a need for vaccines, I have an immune system that works?

How can I choose to ignore something that isn't there?

If immune systems are so effective, why did smallpox plague mankind until a global vaccination program wiped it out, and why does polio only exist in isolated areas where polio vaccinations are being prevented?

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9 minutes ago, heybruce said:

How can I choose to ignore something that isn't there?

If immune systems are so effective, why did smallpox plague mankind until a global vaccination program wiped it out, and why does polio only exist in isolated areas where polio vaccinations are being prevented?

How? your blind or incapable, so determined & stubborn that you have be correct, that you ignore facts, you live in a make believe world where everything is perfect, I don't know?


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27 minutes ago, CGW said:

How? your blind or incapable, so determined & stubborn that you have be correct, that you ignore facts, you live in a make believe world where everything is perfect, I don't know?


You have yet to provide facts.  You are one of those posters with the attitude "I know I'm right, you go find out why."  You have no credibility.  Goodbye.

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A lot of posters seam to think the solution to stopping the spread of rabies is putting dog meat on the menu. 


In our village it is only in the last 5 years the dog meat man has stopped coming to the village and taking dogs. He used to give 20 baht or a plastic tub for each dog. Despite the low price for a dog the alcoholics in our village were very pleased when there dogs had puppy's as they would be able to sell the dogs and buy whiskey.


In the last five years the dog population has not risen but fallen in our village partly due to the increased number of cars on the road. When dogs were on the menu the dog population was rising.


I think There has been a big change in the way Thais think about dogs over the last 15 years, possibly due to the Tongdaeng story. Thais have more compassion for dogs and many now do vaccinate there dogs.


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