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HRW denounces ‘meaningless’ junta promises about human rights


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HRW denounces ‘meaningless’ junta promises about human rights




Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha


THE MILITARY government’s human right agenda was meaningless as it had failed to fulfill repeated pledges to respect basic rights and restore democratic rule, New York-based Human Rights Watch (HRW) stated yesterday.


Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha on Monday launched an event that was supposed to promote human rights with hundreds of people in attendance, including 55 diplomats, other representatives of foreign governments and international organisations.


 Many foreigners at the event told that while they cautiously supported the government’s moves on promoting human rights, they were also maintaining a close interest in its commitment to and compliance with human-rights principles in line with international obligations.


“Thailand’s junta leader should not think that polite attendance by diplomats at an event promoting a human rights agenda will trick them into believing that repression is no longer a daily reality in Thailand,” said Brad Adams, HRW Asia director. “Rather than restoring respect for human rights and returning the country to democratic rule, the junta has persecuted critics and dissidents, banned peaceful public assembly, censored the media and suppressed free speech.”


Prayut said human rights had to be carried out based on “laws and respect of others”. 


“What’s important is that human rights must not be an excuse to infringe on other people’s rights,” he said. “The government will harshly punish those violating human rights, but please differentiate between violations of rights and the breaking of laws. There is a fine line between them.”


Rights violations are a daily reality under the military ruling since 2014 coup, with activists being subjected to strategic lawsuits against public participation (SLAPP) just for exercising basic freedoms.


The NGO went on to blame the junta National Council for Peace and Order for enforcing censorship with media outlets facing intimidation, punishment and even closure if they publish commentary critical of the junta and the monarchy. 


Most recently, on February 6 Peace TV was forced off the air for 15 days for criticising military rule.


Authorities have prosecuted hundreds of critics and dissidents on criminal charges such as sedition and computer-related crimes for the peaceful expression of opinions. Public gatherings of more than five people and anti-coup activities are prohibited, HRW stated.


Police also recently charged 39 pro-democracy activists with illegal assembly for attending a peaceful rally on January 27, which urged the government to meet its pledge to hold elections in 2018. Nine also face sedition charges for giving speeches at the rally.


Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/detail/politics/30338864

-- © Copyright The Nation 2018-02-15
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All the road map means, is we will attempt to maintain control for as long as we can, and work the very lucrative franchise. It is all about the money, at this point. Little P., Prawit and several other top guys are making billions. Do they want to let that go? Was this ever about the Thai people? 

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I wonder if anyone from the HRW will get arrested for defamation.

No, but several may be hospitalized for excessive hand wringing. These idealists, with pure intent, I'm sure,  really should expend their energies and resources in those myriad of countries where human rights violations involve excessive incarceration and bloodshed. Thailand, although putting a lid on the idea that "anything goes" in order to keep peace in the streets, is a far cry from the many world tyrants out there.


But, at least HRW is an equal opportunity critic, making today's Thailand look good compared to neighbor Malaysia:


In 2015, the government passed a law permitting suspension of civil liberties in the name of counterterrorism and national security. Police abuse and impunity remain a serious problem, with torture and death in custody. Refugees and asylum seekers face discrimination and abuse, and remain unable to work, travel, or enroll in government schools. Opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim remains imprisoned on trumped-up sodomy charges after a politically motivated and unjust trial. The government continues to persecute LGBT activists.



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