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Reasonable Salary in Bangkok?

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Dear all, 


I'm Malaysian and have experience in Shipping >17 years. Recently I got an offer to work in Bangkok as Chief Representative which manage around 10 staffs at around USD2k (Accomodation provided). Is this Offer reasonable? Really need you all guidance as I never work in Bangkok before and didn't know the market there. Thank you in advance.



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I think it is reasonable. I know of 2 Thai citizens, one manages a small supermarket and the other is a purchasing manager and they each earn about 45 to 50 thousand baht per month, which is equivalent to about $1450 to $1600 USD per month. (without accommodation)

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I would say it's pretty low.   My starting salary in an IT position (late 2008) was 150,000.  I was head hunted from Hong Kong.

Managing 10 people and having 17 years experience should be worth more than that.   But I suppose it depends what you are used to being paid in previous jobs.  

How much are they giving you for a housing allowance?    Can you get it in cash and then rent something cheaper so you pocket the difference (my father bought our properties in Hong Kong that way).

If you are in a position to negotiate I'd ask for US$ 2400 minimum.    

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8 minutes ago, seancbk said:

I would say it's pretty low.   My starting salary in an IT position (late 2008) was 150,000.  I was head hunted from Hong Kong.

Managing 10 people and having 17 years experience should be worth more than that.   But I suppose it depends what you are used to being paid in previous jobs.  

How much are they giving you for a housing allowance?    Can you get it in cash and then rent something cheaper so you pocket the difference (my father bought our properties in Hong Kong that way).

If you are in a position to negotiate I'd ask for US$ 2400 minimum.    

Noted with thanks... Frankly speaking at the moment working in Malaysia salary very low... What's your opinion if take the job first as stepping stones? 

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Can't hurt to ask for more salary.  They may even respect you more.   I worry about the accommodations.   

What are they equivalent to?  Is electric free with aircons?  Will things be fixed or leaking or broken?   What part of BKK is housing located?  How close to the BTS stops or public transportation?  How close to work?  To close?  To many co workers nearby.   If you figure 15,000 for a room that would be pretty nice.  From what I have learned.  But it's very location dependant.  But why live in BKK if you can't easily access fun things.  I would get much clarification on the housing and ask for  more money, separate housing if any red flags on the housing.   Act professional, be professional, get paid and respect like a professional.  After 17 years you earned it.   Put your chin up high. 

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7 hours ago, Elkski said:

Can't hurt to ask for more salary.  They may even respect you more.   I worry about the accommodations.   

What are they equivalent to?  Is electric free with aircons?  Will things be fixed or leaking or broken?   What part of BKK is housing located?  How close to the BTS stops or public transportation?  How close to work?  To close?  To many co workers nearby.   If you figure 15,000 for a room that would be pretty nice.  From what I have learned.  But it's very location dependant.  But why live in BKK if you can't easily access fun things.  I would get much clarification on the housing and ask for  more money, separate housing if any red flags on the housing.   Act professional, be professional, get paid and respect like a professional.  After 17 years you earned it.   Put your chin up high. 


Dear Elkski,

Thank you for your reply. 

If not mistaken,  they will provide service apartment nearby office. 

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20 hours ago, armking said:

Noted with thanks... Frankly speaking at the moment working in Malaysia salary very low... What's your opinion if take the job first as stepping stones? 


Only you can really answer that.   As far as the job goes, is it a bigger company?  Will your career be improved by taking this job or not?

I definitely enjoy living in Bangkok, so I'm glad I came here.

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18 minutes ago, seancbk said:


Only you can really answer that.   As far as the job goes, is it a bigger company?  Will your career be improved by taking this job or not?

I definitely enjoy living in Bangkok, so I'm glad I came here.

Noted with thanks... 

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On 2/16/2018 at 8:02 PM, armking said:

Dear tonray, 


Thank you for your advise... Can you recommend any website to browse for apartment (rental)? 





Hi Armking,


Also a fellow Malaysian - Lawyer here in Bangkok. 


Although USD2000, may be OK for a local but it all depends on what your life style is. After all the necessary deductions you net pay would be about THB52000, or so. 


As for housing, there are plenty in town, again, it would depend on how you want to live and maybe close to work as well. THB52,000 would be about MRY6000, net!


Have a good think about it.


Kind regards,


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38 minutes ago, Raram28 said:

Hi Armking,


Also a fellow Malaysian - Lawyer here in Bangkok. 


Although USD2000, may be OK for a local but it all depends on what your life style is. After all the necessary deductions you net pay would be about THB52000, or so. 


As for housing, there are plenty in town, again, it would depend on how you want to live and maybe close to work as well. THB52,000 would be about MRY6000, net!


Have a good think about it.


Kind regards,



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10 hours ago, choonsan said:

Hi!, you mentioned that company providing you with an apartment near to your working place; why are you searching for website on apartment rentals? 

Anyway, do you where the work place is located in Bangkok?

Dear choonsan, 


I just wanna do some research. The workplace address I dont know yet as the deal only at the ongoing stage... Thank you. 

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2 questions.

Is this more of less than what you are making in Malaysia?

What is the lifestyle you want?


I have worked in Thailand and my company would often send me to KL for weeks at a time. I found the cost to be rather similar and slightly cheaper in KL in certain cases.

$2000 will give you a comfortable lifestyle in bangkok especially with accommodation taken care off.

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$2000 is way about the national average in Thailand.  What you might want to take into consideration is your lifestyle... Most Thais can live a decent lifestyle on less than $1000/month. When I first moved to Thailand I was being paid about $1200/month my family who lived in Thailand where quite surprised because they considered it fairly high starting salary. but I was from California and making 6 times this amount. So i had allot of difficulties adjusting for several months. I learned that I could no longer eat a nice restaurant or at the Mall on a regular basis like i use to.. but once i dropped that down to about 1-2 times a month I was able to start saving money.  In anycase goodluck... You should be able to live comfortably on $2000/month and be able to save money if you can adjust to the thai way of living.


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