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May says she wants a Brexit that works for UK and EU firms


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3 hours ago, nontabury said:

Another non Brit, telling us we should obey the Bureacrats in Brussels.

Its a simple fact of life that if you do not follow EU regulation you do not trade with them, and potentially, difficulty in trading with other countries.

The EC have recently declared all CE certification issued in the UK null and void from 19th March 2019. Whether you like it or not, valid certification will have to be obtained from an EU-27 member state.



Of course Mrs May thinks that all the hassle and expense of new certification is brexit working for UK business.

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4 hours ago, nontabury said:

Another non Brit, telling us we should obey the Bureacrats in Brussels.

As opposed to other non Brits (Rothermere, Ashcroft, the weirdo Barclay Brothers, Steve Bannon etc) telling us how badly we are being treated by Brussels and that we should leave for the sake of their tax avoiding offshore bank accounts our national sovereignty. 

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54 minutes ago, RuamRudy said:

As opposed to other non Brits (Rothermere, Ashcroft, the weirdo Barclay Brothers, Steve Bannon etc) telling us how badly we are being treated by Brussels and that we should leave for the sake of their tax avoiding offshore bank accounts our national sovereignty. 

Yes we should leave for that and other reasons


Political risk rises in Italy as anti-euro rebels flirt with real power 



It just needs one more domino to fall


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1 hour ago, aright said:

Yes we should leave for that and other reasons


Political risk rises in Italy as anti-euro rebels flirt with real power 



It just needs one more domino to fall


I think we have discussed the many unfulfilled prophecies according to Sgt Rock at some length on these boards.

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4 hours ago, sandyf said:

Its a simple fact of life that if you do not follow EU regulation you do not trade with them, and potentially, difficulty in trading with other countries.

The EC have recently declared all CE certification issued in the UK null and void from 19th March 2019. Whether you like it or not, valid certification will have to be obtained from an EU-27 member state.



Of course Mrs May thinks that all the hassle and expense of new certification is brexit working for UK business.

That's grim news indeed ?

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13 minutes ago, aright said:

Well that's one way to avoid the issue I suppose......sulk

Not at all - but the much missed Sarge had a whole array of EU disaster scenarios pegged as virtually guaranteed, starting, I believe, with ITEXIT or whatever catchy phrase the EU haters coined in 2016 to cheer on Italy's 'imminent' departure from Europe. Then there was, if I recall, Austria, Netherlands, the collapse of the Euro, Hungary defying Brussels on their border controls etc. Not much to report on any of them other than to remind ourselves of Mark Twain's quote about the reports of his death being greatly exaggerated. Or maybe Taylor Swift was onto something when she  sang 'the haters gonna hate'?

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4 hours ago, sandyf said:

Its a simple fact of life that if you do not follow EU regulation you do not trade with them, 


We get that and accept it although you seem to think that what they want is more important than what we want .I will make it plain and simple for you.

No immigrants unless we want them. No paying to trade with them unless they pay to trade with us. No courts unless they are our courts.

I would also add that the toxic irreconcilables seen to have forgotten what the referendum was all about. We don't hold referendums on trade deals. We hold them on Constitutional questions........who governs us and how we are governed.  

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8 minutes ago, RuamRudy said:

Not at all - but the much missed Sarge had a whole array of EU disaster scenarios pegged as virtually guaranteed, starting, I believe, with ITEXIT or whatever catchy phrase the EU haters coined in 2016 to cheer on Italy's 'imminent' departure from Europe. Then there was, if I recall, Austria, Netherlands, the collapse of the Euro, Hungary defying Brussels on their border controls etc. Not much to report on any of them other than to remind ourselves of Mark Twain's quote about the reports of his death being greatly exaggerated. Or maybe Taylor Swift was onto something when she  sang 'the haters gonna hate'?

Since there were/are an equal number of UK disaster scenarios pegged as ..............can I assume you will play no further part in the Brexit debate.

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25 minutes ago, aright said:

Since there were/are an equal number of UK disaster scenarios pegged as ..............can I assume you will play no further part in the Brexit debate.

Why would you assume that? Sgt Rock was driven, I believe, by an irrational hatred of everything that he felt impinged upon his concept of English superiority which led him to tilt at every EU windmill in sight. Brexit has not even happened yet but the effects are already being felt. 

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15 minutes ago, RuamRudy said:

 Brexit has not even happened yet but the effects are already being felt. 

That's no different a statement from the Telegraph article which says nothing has happened in Italy yet but the signs are there. You seem to accept speculation regarding the UK but dismiss without argument what's happening in Europe.

For me its as important to know where I am going as much as knowing what I am leaving. The result of that personal analysis governed my vote. 

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1 hour ago, Grouse said:

That's grim news indeed ?

I was working for a gas appliance company when the EU directive on gas appliances came out in 1990 and was tasked with the certification. As our appliances were LPG we worked with Calor Gas and my name is on the very first CE certificate they issued. In the early days, Germany refused to accept UK certificates so I had to run back and forth to Karlsrhue to get product retested and certified for sale in Germany. The cost was prohibitive so we only ever certified one product for Germany out of the 20 or so we had certified in the UK.

Anyone who thinks that this is nothing more than a paperwork exercise is in for a rude awakening, the EU-27 notified bodies will milk the opportunity for all its worth.

At this point in time the UK has no acceptable international standard of its own so many manufacturers have been hung out to dry by the UK government.

It has nothing to do with what the EU want, their international standard is not going to disappear after brexit. Many will realise an error of judgement when the reality of this kicks in. The writing was on the wall but no one wanted to read.

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8 hours ago, sawadee1947 said:

Dear you are making the same mistake as a lot of your people. Who sits in Brussels? Bureaucrats? Well but these Bureaucrats were sent by your government. And these bureaucrats are deciders!!! They have influence on every new regulations for all EU members. After the Brexit you don't have any vote but have to follow all rules if you want continuing trades. Also you are restricted in free traveling. The time of visas will start again for you. The good thing is, your generation will die soon making space for the younger ones to form a new Europe 

Well many mistakes there. For a start I don’t remember having to apply for any visas before traveling to the continent before the E.U. Or even the E.E.C 

You’re assuming that we will automatically have to follow their rules, after Britexit, or did you mean during the transitional period.

Again you’re assuming that all of the younger generation are pro E.U. 

On this you are certainly wrong, plus those younger Remoaners, may with experience realise as they grow older that Brexit is the way to go.

 Unfortunately I have to agree with you that the Unelected Bureacrats are the deciders, or at least they were before the British electorate decided otherwise.

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55 minutes ago, sandyf said:


Anyone who thinks that this is nothing more than a paperwork exercise is in for a rude awakening, the EU-27 notified bodies will milk the opportunity for all its worth.

At this point in time the UK has no acceptable international standard of its own so many manufacturers have been hung out to dry by the UK government.

It has nothing to do with what the EU want, their international standard is not going to disappear after brexit. Many will realise an error of judgement when the reality of this kicks in. The writing was on the wall but no one wanted to read.


This is completely at odds with what gov.uk says. I quote


"Manufacturers and suppliers of gas appliances in the UK must comply with the Gas Appliances (Safety) Regulations 1995, which incorporates the amended EU Gas Appliances Directive 90/396/EEC (GAD) into UK law. Together the regulations establish a single market in safe gas appliances and provide a high level of protection for consumers."


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16 hours ago, nontabury said:

Well many mistakes there. For a start I don’t remember having to apply for any visas before traveling to the continent before the E.U. Or even the E.E.C 

You’re assuming that we will automatically have to follow their rules, after Britexit, or did you mean during the transitional period.

Again you’re assuming that all of the younger generation are pro E.U. 

On this you are certainly wrong, plus those younger Remoaners, may with experience realise as they grow older that Brexit is the way to go.

 Unfortunately I have to agree with you that the Unelected Bureacrats are the deciders, or at least they were before the British electorate decided otherwise.

Read what the next posting by"aright" says. That's the same what I meant. 

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16 hours ago, aright said:


This is completely at odds with what gov.uk says. I quote


"Manufacturers and suppliers of gas appliances in the UK must comply with the Gas Appliances (Safety) Regulations 1995, which incorporates the amended EU Gas Appliances Directive 90/396/EEC (GAD) into UK law. Together the regulations establish a single market in safe gas appliances and provide a high level of protection for consumers."


Not at odds at all, this UK law states that the appliance must be tested by a 'Notified Body'. Compliance with the Gas Appliances (Safety) Regulations 1995 is confirmed by affixing the CE mark to the product and identifying the Notified Body that has issued the certificate. This is an EU standard identification, not a UK standard identification.


"For some products, special conformity assessment bodies ('Notified Bodies') must verify that your product meets the specific technical requirements."

"Finally you can affix the CE marking on your product. The marking must be visible, legible and indelible. If you had to involve a notified body in step 3, you should also put the identification number of this body on the product. You must also draft and sign an EU declaration of conformity stating that your product meets all legal requirements."



Notified Bodies are an EU appointed entity and will no longer exist in the UK post brexit.

On a side note, this "high level of protection for consumers." did not exist prior to the EU directive.

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11 minutes ago, sandyf said:

In a nutshell.


Britain wants a Brexit trade deal that gives it free, unrestricted access to EU markets but where it was “not required to obey European rules”, David Davis has said.


Very drôle. Clearly the Brits have some intellectual geniuses at the helm, so I'm sure all will be well.

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From the OP. "British Prime Minister Theresa May said on Friday she wanted a Brexit deal that was good for companies in Britain "


What she didn't say was how much collateral damage. SMEs are the ones at risk, the big boys will merely take a dent in profits.


“Brexit could potentially impact on an enormous number of issues affecting owner-managed businesses in the UK, from import and export costs, to access to labour, and grants and subsidies. Businesses have been given very little clarity so far on what effect Brexit might have on any of these issues.


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