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I met my wife in the usual circumstances...a bar and etc. We had a good time together and I sized her up for what I wanted for a mate...intelligent, good looking and remarkably resourceful. She came out to join me in the UAE after I arranged her visa and we settled in. She then became violently ill with gastritis after a couple of weeks...I recognized the symptoms from descriptions of others. She couldn't hold any food or fluids down.

I needed to see if her bowel function was OK so she shat in my hands so I could check for blood. She remained seriously ill and I became aware that she might be dehydrating. I called the hospital and a doctor came around with an ambulance and confirmed my diagnosis...severe dehydration and a gastro-intestinal virus...

We went to the hospital and she was wheeled into a room under a sheet with one small claw extended. I sat next to her bed and wept...my responsibility to guarantee a good life with me and I failed to protect her.

So don't tell me nothing about falangs and whores...I've been happily married now for 4 years. As the old song goes...'I'm getting awfully mad...you better move on...'

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A man's wife is a man's wife.

I'm not sur I like your story about being 'shat on' although it is encouraging that this was in the lliteral sense rather than the finacial sense.

I think it also says something about your relationship, afterall most the girls in still left in the bars would probably want paying before they'd agree to sh!t on a guy.

As I say, a man's wife, is a man's wife.

I wish you both the best of luck, but do offer the advice... use a bowl next time.



What is usual, "usaul circumstances" met her in a bar.

This is the main criteria for the majority of male farrang in Thailand, go to a bar meet a B/Girl laden her with gifts, buy her a motorbike and house and take her back to wherever you came from.

The girl is a prostitute, would you do this in your own country?

Same story but in your own country, finish work go to a brothel or red light district meet a prostitute that you will give 100 pounds or 200 dollars to have sex with her. Next morning you buy her clothes, next day you buy her a gold bracelet. Take her on a weeks holiday to Blackpool and buy her a Motorcycle and make arrangement to have a house built for her parents in Queens NY.

Simple as that



So, now every woman you see in a bar is a bargirl/prostitute. Hmm.. how nice. You know, you, erco, Ducky, or whatever his new nick is can really bring some interesting points up. Why don't you just discuss like educated people? Instead of doing this stupid generalisation and calling every member's wife/girlfriend a prostitute, wouldn't it be better to discuss in a nicer way?

tutsi, I apologise it's off topic. But like I told you before, the first lady has no fears for assassins. Let me be the first to get shot.

The girl is a prostitute, would you do this in your own country?

Not is - maybe was, who cares what she was, be happy that two people find happiness in their marriage.

I'm in a similar position, however my wife wouldn't need to ask for gifts (house, cars, etc.) she has equal access to our bank accounts as I do, when she wants to buy something for her family she can make her own decisions.

No way I'm gonna let her crap on my hands tho! :o

Take her on a weeks holiday to Blackpool

A weeks holiday in Blackpool?

Whatever did she do to you to deserve that?

It must have been something bad.

I met my wife in the usual circumstances...a bar and etc. We had a good time together and I sized her up for what I wanted for a mate...intelligent, good looking and remarkably resourceful.

What a <deleted>... the only people I know that met their gf in a bar are somehow of 'lower quality,' their education says it all...

Intelligent? I could suggest other places where the likelihood of meeting intelligent women is far higher.

This topic has been discussed in many threads, who on earth would marry a bargirl in his homecountry?



luv...as my first lady in a bid to make this a better world I would stand and defend against assaults by maniac shithouse creeps and his friends insofar as my wife would allow.

To all of youse that are squeemish regarding handling feces eat it sometime...better to have it come out of your ears than by jiggling about on an adult forum...just don't get the fukcin' point...

who on earth would marry a bargirl in his homecountry?

Dunno as we don't have them in the U.K. we have prostitutes instead.


Apparently there might be the notion that a bar girl from Thailand is better than the average western woman as a wife.

Thus the attraction.



Bar girl / Prostitute.......2 different kind of people.

Please explain.

Or do you just feel better when you hand the cash over to a "bar girl" instead of a prostitute?

Take her on a weeks holiday to Blackpool

A weeks holiday in Blackpool?

Whatever did she do to you to deserve that?

It must have been something bad.

Skegness has it all over Blackpool. A busman's holiday in ole "Skegy" is better than going to the south of France! :o


Bar girl works in a bar goes out with a man when asked. (not all bar girls force them self on men). needs to do it as most are from n thailand . lack of money etc.... Maybe looking for a man to settle down with. For a better life. A lot of girls really dont like thai men.

Prostitute works just for sex just for the money

a bar girl will look after you after sex. Will a prostitue?

Dutchy, you dumb shit...who on earth would apply a SE Asian standard to a european whore?

Thanks for your kind words, quite appropriate regarding the original posting but you might have forgotten that.

frankly, I've got no idea. I don't apply any standards to prostitutes, leave that for more experienced members like Tutsiwarrior.




BIG SPUDS get agrip a BG is a Prostitute.

A BG will look after you a Prostitute will not, wake up and smell the rose's. Tell the BG next time that you like her and you would like her to take care of you for a few days, BUT WILL NOT GET ANY MONEY. Need I say more.

Put you brain back in .


listen you <deleted> and back off...yeah, my wife was a BG and I don't much care what someone has to do to make a living. What survives is that after 4 years we are happy...all of us prostitute and compromise at one time or another, let you that are without guilt cast the first stone...

I wanted to indicate that I was prepared to handle my wife's shit to gauge the seriousness of her illness. Heavy blood in the stool is serious. She ended up in hospital reagrdless. Most of us would do no less for those that we love.


let you that are without guilt cast the first stone...
In that case I will have two with points,a large flat one and a packet of gravel.
wanted to indicate that I was prepared to handle my wife's shit to gauge the seriousness of her illness. Heavy blood in the stool is serious. She ended up in hospital reagrdless. Most of us would do no less for those that we love.

You speak for yourself and don't forget to wash your hands,thoroughly.


I wanted to indicate that I was prepared to handle my wife's shit to gauge the seriousness of her illness.

He wants a medal, give the man a bone.

Met my Gf in a bar (yes she was a bg) And yes she spent the next 3 weeks with me. Did not want any money from me at all. Answer your question? Yes so she spent 3 weeks with you and decided <deleted> to the Rent and Electric etc. Oh yes you gave her 2000 baht a day for Food and Taxi's

Met my Gf in a bar (yes she was a bg) And yes she spent the next 3 weeks with me. Did not want any money from me at all. Answer your question?

What question?

I am glad to see your GF who is BG is OK otherwise she could have been NBG.

listen you <deleted> and back off...yeah, my wife was a BG and I don't much care what someone has to do to make a living.

Somehow one indeed notices the difference huh! This posting proves that it;s education that matters....

We're happy for your tutsiwarrior, it's a touching gesture that shows that you dare to go through a lot of shit for your wife. Literally spoken then...



I paid for her apartment gave her 5000 bht when i left. she never asked for it. And yes she was with me the whole 3 weeks. Just face it not all bar girls are nasty so why do you find it so hard to accept ?


Hi As you know all these girls are tarred with the

same brush as in life you pays your money and

takes your chance and hopefully things work out

for the best

peejay :o:D:D


Way to go Tutsi !!

It is a beautiful thing you did for your wife and I hope you two have at least as many happy years together as my wife and I have had.

The other great thing you did is bring out all the self-righteous, ignorant, trolls and made them show the rest of us who they are. They showed their <deleted> and now we have some more nicks to add to the "spam" list.



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