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Survey reveals little faith in Thai justice system


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11 hours ago, darksidedog said:

Personally, I have absolutely no faith in the wrongly named justice system here. I visit many people in the prisons who have run foul of the system. I currently visit 9 English and American prisoners. One of them is guilty. Three of them got stitched up in a sting, two are doing time for when their girlfriend claimed the drugs found were theirs not hers, (and as we all now, Thais don't lie), while the other three are so innocent it is a total disgrace they were ever even charged.

The whole damn lot of them from the cops, through the prosecutors to the lawyers and judges are just a total joke. There is no justice in Thailand.

That is a scary scary post!

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21 hours ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

I'm waiting for the police to announce the results of their investigation as follows:


The barking deer died of natural causes, and then the black panther committed suicide as a result of the loss of its deer (dear?) friend.


Whew, that was a tough one... Back to chasing mushroom pickers.


And everyone was pheasantly surprised!? (You missed that one) and I can misspell words as good as anyone.

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Messenger Robs my company of 400,000b.  Police grab him, he admits to the crime to the police.  Quick check of his record, he has done this before.  Police are still gathering evidence 1 year later to bring before the judge... civil law here is very weak.

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On 2/19/2018 at 4:16 AM, webfact said:

who were asked for their opinions on justice procedures in Thailand.

country without confidence in justice is primitive;

assessing thailand broadly doesn't ring 'primitive' across quite a few sectors and dimensions;

yet that negative attribute pops up quite often;

how about 'hybrid primitive' ?

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And the things IS, a society is based on justice, so if push comes to shove, you can have your day in court and have your say.. In the expectation that the judge will be fair... thats not how it rolls in T'land, or many other places for that matter. But here its "no money? go directly to jail...got money? get a get out of jail "free" card"

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On 2/18/2018 at 4:57 PM, Samui Bodoh said:


When only 5.7 percent of respondents of a justice survey believe that legal procedures are carried out justly and transparently (even in a Thai poll), then you do not have a system of justice.



But if they look at the way things have gone in the past...are they wrong? So I guess that just bolsters your point. What system of justice? 

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