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re entry into Thailand after arrest

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Just after some info please. Two years ago my son was arrested in Phuket, for carrying a small amount of cannabis that his friend had bought, but my son had in his pocket, they were drunk and made a stupid mistake buying it. He was taken to a police station where after many phone calls to ourselves in the UK, we sent by Western Union the equivalent of £4500 to the police officers own bank account, so he could get his passport back for his flight home the next day. He wasnt deported and left the police station of his own free will, the officer even said to come and see her next time he was in Thailand, no wonder !  He has nothing stamped in his passport other than the date of exit. My question is would he be ok to return to Thailand ? He really doesnt know where to start to look into if he is blacklisted or not. He is very successful in the martial art of Ju Jitsu and wants to return to train there. He obviously knows that his stupid error cost him dearly as him and his friend paid us the money back, and would never do that again

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19 minutes ago, edwardandtubs said:

Why pay the  £4500 if you don't mind me asking? Did they think they were going to get the death penalty or something? Normally you just have to wait around for a few weeks and then pay a small fine at the court if all it is is a bit of weed.


A few weeks in a Thai prison would be hell I know of a farang locked up in the local prison who will be sentenced next week for a drug offence he is expecting 4 years and last week informed one of his lady friends that he will string himself up rather than suffer apparently he is paying someone a 1,000 baht per week to guarantee his safety from other inmates he claims that there are over 50 in the same cell they are shackled by there wrists and ankles and have to wear something like a surgical gown he has already spent 80 days in there waiting his court appearance but hey if you do the crime then do the time .

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29 minutes ago, crazykopite said:

He paid a bribe to a police officer so it would never be recorded but I would tell him if he comes to keep a low profile after all that police officer could be anywhere in Thailand . If it had of been my son I had to pay that amount of money I would have reported the policeman and his bank details to the Thai authorities once my son was well out of the country. Really cannot understand why your son would want to come back to a country that had stitched him up in the 1st place !

I can't understand why his father has to post questions on his behalf. Sounds like a very immature individual. Daddy has to bail him out when he gets in trouble and he's too feeble to post his own questions when he wants to come back. Not the sort of person who will thrive in a foreign country. And why encourage him to come back to the scene of the crime? Japan, Brazil and the USA all have better reputations for Ju Jitsu so what is it that makes him want to come to Thailand to train?


(I didn't write the above purely to vent - I think the father should seriously ask himself what his son's real motivations for wanting to return may be)

Edited by Mark1066
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1 hour ago, edwardandtubs said:

Why pay the  £4500 if you don't mind me asking? Did they think they were going to get the death penalty or something? Normally you just have to wait around for a few weeks and then pay a small fine at the court if all it is is a bit of weed.


Carefully reading the OP it appears the 4500 pounds was both his son and his friend.

Also his son had a flight out the next day which missing it might of cost a good deal of money to change.

Not defending bribery just stating the facts as they appear.

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3 hours ago, crazykopite said:

He paid a bribe to a police officer so it would never be recorded but I would tell him if he comes to keep a low profile after all that police officer could be anywhere in Thailand . If it had of been my son I had to pay that amount of money I would have reported the policeman and his bank details to the Thai authorities once my son was well out of the country. Really cannot understand why your son would want to come back to a country that had stitched him up in the 1st place !

He would still be better off over here if the UK is his country. They have as much corruption in their government as Thailand, but they also have the brains to cover it up.

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Phuket is acquiring quite a reputation.

Ju Jutsu is a Japanese martial art, not Thai. There are training facilities for it in most countries. Like another poster, I suspect the son's motivation in returning to Thailand is other than just training. Perhaps he has found horizontal wrestling as well.

Edited by Lacessit
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7 hours ago, BritTim said:

 (one assumes this was a situation of the drug dealer and police working together) 

Bingo. I had a guy slide free bag across the table to me once. I passed and walked away.

A. I don't smoke.

B. I smelled that shit a mile away. 

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