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Key officials admit to need for more work to fight corruption


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1 minute ago, Eric Loh said:

Previous governments are all just as corrupted. The military staged a coup and announced that they will eradicate corruption. They have 4 years to prove that; more than previous governments. Now they themselves are mired in corruption. You right that they are just hypocritical and just as corrupted as all. Difference are that they are shielded from conviction by their self made laws, power and crony corruption agencies. Others especially they political enemies don't have that luxury.  

Eric, not according to the figures the democrats scored much better.. or are you denying the figures ? If so how can you then say the army did a bad job if you have no figures to check them with.


So we can safely say the democrats were the least corrupt and the army and YL the most but the army the most hypocrites too. 

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Corruption has a stranglehold in this country. It is a way of life. Those that have easy access to it are addicted to it. The biggest drug problem in this country is the the one that goes by the name of corruption and there are too many users and dealers in high positions to stamp it out. 

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18 minutes ago, ginjag said:

Problem is to press the said government with this topic to act-----NOT use the topic to bring out your anti military agenda

But you said the most important organization to reform is the RTP. That's wrong - it's the armed forces. They are in control of the country regularly and could really start the whole process of cleaning up the corruption, including the RTP.

But, since the armed forces are led by men of less than stellar morals (like the present bunch) that has not and will not happen. Do you disagree, and if so, why?

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3 minutes ago, robblok said:

army the most hypocrites too. 

That's the most profound admission. So they lie when they say that the coup was to eradicate corruption. Now they can't be dislodged unless they agree on an election and their leadership does not bring confidence in the fight against corruption.

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3 minutes ago, Eric Loh said:

That's the most profound admission. So they lie when they say that the coup was to eradicate corruption. Now they can't be dislodged unless they agree on an election and their leadership does not bring confidence in the fight against corruption.

Seems you refuse to discuss things that don't go your way like how much worse the PTP was corruption wise vs the democrats. You are truly showing your colors. Your not pro democracy your just a PTP pawn by not admitting as much and ignoring it completely. I had expected more of you but your sadly lacking. I mentioned it twice and twice you ignore it because it does not show the Shins in a good light or show the army in a bad light.. if anything counters that perception you prefer to ignore it.

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3 minutes ago, robblok said:

Seems you refuse to discuss things that don't go your way like how much worse the PTP was corruption wise vs the democrats. You are truly showing your colors. Your not pro democracy your just a PTP pawn by not admitting as much and ignoring it completely. I had expected more of you but your sadly lacking. I mentioned it twice and twice you ignore it because it does not show the Shins in a good light or show the army in a bad light.. if anything counters that perception you prefer to ignore it.

I didn't talk about it because I don't see the relevance in this topic. Why do I need to dealt on previous governments corruption when we can refer to the corruption index. It tells all. They are corrupted; period. Thailand has been ranked poorly on the index for as long as I can remember. The topic is the current junta government and how they fare poorly in the fight against corruption in last 4 years. Qouting you 'the military is the most hypocritical too" and I agree.

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1 hour ago, ginjag said:

Most essential place to start to have any chance of recognition would be a squeaky clean R Thai police force,   to take care of it's people and protect.   Instead of generally using the force to collect cash from the public on the streets of every province.     Patrolling the streets and having police on the beat would get the respect for starters.  Road blocks every 5 kilometers is causing traffic hold ups therefore drivers are speeding after to make up time lost.

Secondly is the top brass in most city and town to keep a clean and waterproof budget,     When you have public trash dumped all over the county and mega pot holes everywhere,  you see the bus convoys of officials swanning off to a resort to attend a conference  (holiday).    Look into the wealth of top persons, their houses and cars in relation to their monthly salaries here is where you will see the corruption.

You described a dream land, but not Thailand. It will still be an uncolonised country. ????

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6 minutes ago, Eric Loh said:

I didn't talk about it because I don't see the relevance in this topic. Why do I need to dealt on previous governments corruption when we can refer to the corruption index. It tells all. They are corrupted; period. Thailand has been ranked poorly on the index for as long as I can remember. The topic is the current junta government and how they fare poorly in the fight against corruption in last 4 years. Qouting you 'the military is the most hypocritical too" and I agree.

You did not talk about it because it does not help you to attack the army or to put your Shins in a good light. That is the whole reason, i now see through you.


The topic is more is needed to done to fight corruption, and it seems the democrats were least corrupt so maybe should take some of their advice. The Shins on the other hand score as bad as the army, nothing surprising there. So maybe we should hope for a democrat government as it seems to be the least corrupt and best at fighting corruption and hope the Shins and the army wont get into goverment as they are the worst of the lot. 


I won't retract the comment about the army is most hypocritical because unlike you I have no problems attacking all sides. You on the other hand refuse to say a bad word (specifically) about the Shins just generalities they are all corrupt. Its also true the army was the most hypocritical as they are supposedly fighting corruption and in reality are as corrupt. So that is even worse as the Shins who were just as corrupt but never pretended to be not corrupt. The democrats were the best in the lot and is should be mentioned. Because their scores were a lot lower as those of army and YL.

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58 minutes ago, lvr181 said:

The military is the GOVERNMENT. And no meaningful 'agenda' to fix or even to mitigate corruption. Just usual publicly spoken platitudes.

YES, the buck stops with the government whoever is ruling, but the fact is my post is to point out the main areas to delete the mega problems.  so as I said why attack me --had you any feeling for the Thai problem my points are valid.

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4 hours ago, Samui Bodoh said:

I could write pages and pages on this subject, but...


A good place to start is if a deputy Prime Minister displays ostentatious wealth and offers flimsy excuses as to where it came from, arrest him immediately to show that you are actually serious about combating corruption.


Anything less is insulting lip-service.

Enforcement of police appointments would help. It seems it's perfectly acceptable to postpone due to "business" if you are high up or well off. Nothing dodgy with that, at all!!!!!

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14 minutes ago, Katipo said:

So how exactly do the corrupt fight corruption? :dry:

By only targeting their political enemies with corruption investigation and setting up rules that make it harder for their political enemies to be corrupt but making sure those rules don't apply to them. 

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4 minutes ago, nikmar said:

Enforcement of police appointments would help. It seems it's perfectly acceptable to postpone due to "business" if you are high up or well off. Nothing dodgy with that, at all!!!!!

The problem is that once a government takes power, they put police officers and others (that they like and that will protect them) in places of power.  Its really frustrating to see how the rich get treated and how the poor get treated when the police gets involved. 


There should be a big cleanup of so many sectors in Thailand.. police / judiciary / army (im sure I forgot a few) that is almost impossible to pull off.

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2 minutes ago, Eric Loh said:

You got it right that I attack the junta and every freedom loving individuals and those subscribing to the values of universal suffrage would do the same to a illegitimate government that seized power and impose restrictions on freedom of expression with draconian laws and extra judiciary methods. Shins are no better but they legitimately elected and they can be ousted constitutionally. Can't say the same for post coup junta government. 

I got no problem with you attacking the junta, more with you protecting the Shins from unfavorable comments. Like the ones i made how they are as corrupt as the army (just less hypocritical) but doing a lot worse then the Democrats. It just shows your true colors. Not as a lover of democracy but as a Shin apologist. Anyway now I know, before I really thought you were just anti junta (not a bad thing) but now i see that the Shins can do no wrong in your eyes and should be shielded of unfavorable comments.


I must say I never expected that the corruption under the democrats was lower, they were teamed up with Bumyai Thai and gave most of the good posts to them (the ones with loads of corruption opportunities) to form a goverment. Can only imagine how bad it then was under the Shins and now the junta. 

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7 minutes ago, robblok said:

I got no problem with you attacking the junta, more with you protecting the Shins from unfavorable comments. Like the ones i made how they are as corrupt as the army (just less hypocritical) but doing a lot worse then the Democrats. It just shows your true colors. Not as a lover of democracy but as a Shin apologist. Anyway now I know, before I really thought you were just anti junta (not a bad thing) but now i see that the Shins can do no wrong in your eyes and should be shielded of unfavorable comments.


I must say I never expected that the corruption under the democrats was lower, they were teamed up with Bumyai Thai and gave most of the good posts to them (the ones with loads of corruption opportunities) to form a goverment. Can only imagine how bad it then was under the Shins and now the junta. 

I see that you confused yourself with my words like 'legitimately elected" and "ousted constitutionally" as defending the Shins. Those words were associated with democracy as much as klomp is associated with the Dutch, not only for Lars. 

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The country would be well served if they started at the top. An investigation of both Little P., and Prawit, as well as the top 10-20 generals, would uncover countless tens of billions of dollars being earned annually. Life in prison would be the appropriate measure to take against these mafia kingpins. 

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I used to work in Audit for a global company. 

The punch line is, "who audits the auditors". 

When you don't have an ounce of integrity and you are in a country where the public thinks it's OK for the police to do "tea money" end of the month salary top ups. 

[because they do a good job and salary is poor]. Stop laughing... 


And nothing major can happen unless a committee is formed and the ceremony of exchange takes place. 

Brown paper envelopes... 


I'm trying to make this place my new home, but more and more it's laughable. ???

You don't need comedy shows on the TV. The news is pure comedy. 


I was almost scammed a few days ago. 

Too good to be true car deal. 

The owner has gone overseas. 

Not uncommon here. 

Western Union transfer for the cash. 

Release the mctn on accepting the car is OK. 

Day of collecting and a last minute request for paperwork from a site that the seller sent me. 

To certify the payment was factual. 

The site I picked up on straight away from my years in systems audit. 




Western Union is working with me obviously. 

Our local gendarmes???. 

I went to the police station to report the attempted scam and they looked at me like I was from Mars. 

(err you want us to investigate a possible scam in Pattaya?. 

Where some local is creaming unsuspecting innocent people for 100,000 a time) 

It was like "ooh, why haven't we thought of that"... 


So far I'm waiting for a call back. 

But for locals I suggest that you are wary of any car deals around the 100k mark and owners going overseas. 

The same people still have several vehicles on local market sites. 

Same names. 

Same location. 

Same vehicle they tried to stiff me on too.. 


A little bit off topic but still relevant. 

PM me if you want further information 

If that is OK with the forum. 


**I already have significant information about these lowlife. 

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