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China sets stage for President Xi Jinping to stay in office indefinitely


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China sets stage for President Xi Jinping to stay in office indefinitely

By Ben Blanchard and Sue-Lin Wong



FILE PHOTO - Chinese President Xi Jinping waits for British Prime Minister Theresa May ahead of a meeting at the Diaoyutai State Guesthouse in Beijing, China, February 1, 2018. REUTERS/Wu Hong/Pool


BEIJING (Reuters) - China's ruling Communist Party on Sunday set the stage for President Xi Jinping to stay in office indefinitely, with a proposal to remove a constitutional clause limiting presidential service to just two terms in office.


Since taking office more than five years ago, Xi has overseen a radical shake-up of the party, including taking down top leaders once thought untouchable as part of his popular war on deep-rooted corruption.


Sunday's announcement, carried by state news agency Xinhua, gave few details. It said the proposal had been made by the party's Central Committee, the largest of its elite ruling bodies. The proposal also covers the vice president position.


Xi, 64, is currently required by China's constitution to step down as president after two five-year terms. Nearing the end of his first term, he will be formally elected to a second at the annual meeting of China's largely rubber-stamp parliament opening on March 5.


There is no limit on his tenure as the party and military chief, though a maximum 10-year term is the norm. He began his second term as head of the party and military in October at the end of a party congress held once every five years.


Zhang Lifan, a historian and political commentator, said the news was not unexpected, and it was hard to predict exactly how long Xi could stay on in power.


"In theory he could serve longer than Mugabe but in reality, no one is sure exactly what will happen," Zhang said, referring to Zimbabwe's former president whose four decades in office ended in November, after the army and his former political allies moved to force him out.


Though positive remarks filled the comments section under the pages of main state media outlets like the People's Daily, the move was not welcomed by everyone on China's Twitter-like Weibo service,


"If two terms are not enough, then they can write in a third term, but there needs to be a limit. Getting rid of it is not good!," wrote one Weibo user.




Constitutional reform needs to be approved by parliament, which is stacked with members chosen for their loyalty to the party - meaning the reform will not be blocked.


There has been persistent speculation that Xi wants to stay on in office past the customary two five-year terms.


The October party congress ended without appointing a clear eventual successor for Xi.


However, the role of party chief is more senior than that of president. At some point, Xi could be given a party position that also enables him to stay on as long as he likes.


Xi is currently the party's general secretary, but not chairman. China's first three leaders after the founding of the People's Republic in 1949 all carried the title party chairman -Mao Zedong, Hua Guofeng and then Hu Yaobang. It has not been used since.


"Whether Xi ends up being Party Chairman or just remains Party Secretary doesn't really matter. What matters is whether he holds onto power," said Zhang Ming, a professor of political science at Renmin University of China in Beijing.


"Titles don't matter as much in China as they do in the West. Here what matters is whether you are the emperor," he added. "In China, ordinary people already consider Xi Jinping to be the emperor."




Mao, the founder of Communist China and still held in god-like awe by many Chinese, died while still Communist Party chairman in 1976, having never retired.


State media has also increasingly been using the term "lingxiu" to refer to Xi, which means "leader". Distinct from the standard usage of "lingdao" for leader, "lingxiu" evokes grander, almost spiritual, connotations.


Mao, for example, was referred to as "lingxiu", but Xi's two immediate predecessors, Hu Jintao and Jiang Zemin, were not.


In a Sunday commentary on its WeChat account, state television said: "The people love the people's 'lingxiu'!", above a picture of Xi being greeted by an adoring crowd in Sichuan province earlier this month.


The move to lift the presidential term limits is not unexpected. The party has been laying the groundwork for Xi not to have to go.


One of Xi's closest political allies, former top graft buster Wang Qishan, stepped down from the party's Standing Committee - the seven-man body that runs China - in October.


Aged 69, Wang had reached the age at which top officials tend to retire. But he has been chosen as a parliament delegate this year and is likely to become vice president, sources with ties to the leadership and diplomats say.


The move is significant because if Wang does not retire, that would set a precedent for Xi to stay on in power too after he reaches what is normally considered retirement age.


The Central Committee also proposed other changes to the country's constitution, including inserting "Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era" into the constitution, referring to Xi's rather wordy guiding political thought that is already in the party constitution.


The constitution will further ensure that party control over the country is not in any doubt, too, strengthening existing clauses about the leading role of the Communist Party in China.


"The leadership of the Communist Party of China is the defining feature of socialism with Chinese characteristics," Xinhua cited one of the proposed new clauses as saying.


(Reporting by Ben Blanchard and Sue-Lin Wong; Editing by Robert Birsel and Bill Tarrant)

-- © Copyright Reuters 2018-02-26
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46 minutes ago, webfact said:

China's ruling Communist Party on Sunday set the stage for President Xi Jinping to stay in office indefinitely, with a proposal to remove a constitutional clause limiting presidential service to just two terms in office.

I am not familiar enough with the internal workings of China to say whether he is a 'Great Leader' or not. Further, it is difficult to know whether his 'anti-corruption drive' is real or a cover to remove people who do not support him (I would guess both, but...)


I do know that it is healthy if there is turnover at the top of any political body, especially one where there is, for all intents and purposes, no opposition. Few, if any, people are able to withstand the lure of unchecked power; if he cannot achieve what he believes needs to be done within the standard ten year period, then perhaps he isn't as good as he thinks he is.


A leader without rabid self-honesty is a truly dangerous thing. China learned the lesson of Mao and the limits of power; perhaps that lesson needs to be re-learned.

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Mao was just another Emperor who lost "The Mandate of Heaven".


It happened previously in Chinese history and resulted in temporary "turbulence".


But anything other than absolutism/totalitarianism is an anomaly in China. 


This represents a return to normality.


Communism in China is just a re-interpretation of their "Way"........a useful "vehicle".


Mandate of Heaven - Wikipedia

"The Mandate of Heaven does not require a legitimate ruler to be of noble birth, depending instead on the just and able performance of the rulers and their heirs."



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4 hours ago, zaphod reborn said:

All of Asia, except for S. Korea, Japan, Taiwan and Singapore, is moving towards lifetime dictators.  It's the Trump effect.

I think you should change that to "All of Asia, except for S.Korea, Japan, and Taiwan,  is moving towards lifetime dictators".  Singapore, in most peoples' opinion, has got a life-time ruler. His father controlled Singapore for life, as well.  And I think the present man's son will inherit the position later. If that happens, three generations would have ruled Singapore.  :smile:

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On ‎2‎/‎26‎/‎2018 at 2:27 PM, tonbridgebrit said:

I think you should change that to "All of Asia, except for S.Korea, Japan, and Taiwan,  is moving towards lifetime dictators".  Singapore, in most peoples' opinion, has got a life-time ruler. His father controlled Singapore for life, as well.  And I think the present man's son will inherit the position later. If that happens, three generations would have ruled Singapore.  :smile:

Lee the first was a brilliant and great man that took Singapore from being a pile of mud with a big military base on it to a first world country that really did care about it's poorest. He also eliminated the racial hatred that led to many riots.

Unfortunately, he was probably a one off.


Far as Xi is concerned, power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.

The Romans had a slave standing behind victorious generals as they paraded through Rome whispering "remember you are mortal". I fear Xi will have no such slave to whisper in his ear.

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5 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Lee the first was a brilliant and great man that took Singapore from being a pile of mud with a big military base on it to a first world country that really did care about it's poorest. He also eliminated the racial hatred that led to many riots.

Unfortunately, he was probably a one off.


Far as Xi is concerned, power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.

The Romans had a slave standing behind victorious generals as they paraded through Rome whispering "remember you are mortal". I fear Xi will have no such slave to whisper in his ear.

Interesting comments.

Okay, why do people have something against Xi ?  Is it because we reckon that he is going to harm the people of China ?  Or, is it because we reckon he might harm people who are outside of China ?  As in, he might harm us ??   :smile:

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12 hours ago, tonbridgebrit said:

Interesting comments.

Okay, why do people have something against Xi ?  Is it because we reckon that he is going to harm the people of China ?  Or, is it because we reckon he might harm people who are outside of China ?  As in, he might harm us ??   :smile:

Doesn't matter what Xi is like now, if he is in power indefinitely he will, IMO, become corrupt. Should be term limits on ALL politicians.

Edited by thaibeachlovers
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5 hours ago, Morch said:

Ce*sored! China bans letter N (briefly) from internet as Xi Jinping extends grip on power



The silence is deafening from the White House. Will there be China sanctions from US and EU as there were in Thailand? No, of course not.

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9 hours ago, lannarebirth said:


The silence is deafening from the White House. Will there be China sanctions from US and EU as there were in Thailand? No, of course not.


Welcome to reality. Would you like some fries with that?

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20 hours ago, lannarebirth said:


The silence is deafening from the White House. Will there be China sanctions from US and EU as there were in Thailand? No, of course not.

Will the US and EU put up sanctions against China ?  You're right, it will never happen. The US and the EU are happy to continue importing a mountain of cheap Chinese manufactured goods. And there's the hope of increasing existing exports to China's vast domestic market.  Any talk of China being a threat to world peace is simply silly. Washington and the EU know that China is harmless. It makes no difference to Washington or the EU if Xi stays for life.

If trade barriers are put up against Chinese imports, well, that will be done for economic or other reasons. Washington might put up taxes on the cheap Chinese imports if Beijing continues to partially block American goods entering China. Or Trump might reduce slightly the Chinese goods being imported. That's because he did actually say he would, at the general election.

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12 hours ago, tonbridgebrit said:

Will the US and EU put up sanctions against China ?  You're right, it will never happen. The US and the EU are happy to continue importing a mountain of cheap Chinese manufactured goods. And there's the hope of increasing existing exports to China's vast domestic market.  Any talk of China being a threat to world peace is simply silly. Washington and the EU know that China is harmless. It makes no difference to Washington or the EU if Xi stays for life.

If trade barriers are put up against Chinese imports, well, that will be done for economic or other reasons. Washington might put up taxes on the cheap Chinese imports if Beijing continues to partially block American goods entering China. Or Trump might reduce slightly the Chinese goods being imported. That's because he did actually say he would, at the general election.


Some of China's actions are a threat to world peace. China is not harmless. The only silliness is to be found in your propaganda posts. That the US and/or the EU does not place sanctions on or go to war with China about this or that is not an indication that they see things a non-issue - just that they are not into inane propositions such as you constantly push.

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On 2/26/2018 at 6:43 AM, Samui Bodoh said:

China learned the lesson of Mao and the limits of power; perhaps that lesson needs to be re-learned.

Unfortunately it is not permitted in China to critically and openly discuss the lessons of Mao. Objections to the current proposals have been quickly shut down so far.

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