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11 minutes ago, SantiSuk said:

Good boy Granit. Best quality we've got in the back half from a technical quality viewpoint IMO despite regular bloopers IMO.


Bladdy 'ell we're doing it again (when I thought otherwise at half time).

Oh ye of little faith ????

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1 hour ago, maximuss99 said:

Very happy that our winning run has ended as it will take some pressure off .with our next match against Liverpool.


Mustafi is rubbish

Only a Gooner can take a positive out of dropping points ???????? some might say that there is now more pressure on the Liverpool game as you can't afford to drop points in 2 games running !

Edited by alfieconn
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31 minutes ago, alfieconn said:

Only a Gooner can take a positive out of dropping points ???????? some might say that there is now more pressure on the Liverpool game as you can't afford to drop points in 2 games running !

I have thought Liverpool will give them a right spanking.  

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6 minutes ago, RonniePickering22 said:

I also note the murmering from maximus.....he hasn't much to say since he's not even an Arsenal fan.


Its just the same post from him over and over again.  Bang him on ignore, too dull for my taste.

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9 minutes ago, RonniePickering22 said:


Yes their sorry limitations have been already exposed.


Liverpool will do so in far crueller fashion.

They are just a slightly better version of last season.  The top five sides will expose their defensive flaws which Emery hasn't really improved.  

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1 hour ago, alfieconn said:

Only a Gooner can take a positive out of dropping points ???????? some might say that there is now more pressure on the Liverpool game as you can't afford to drop points in 2 games running !

Let us not forget also that the Arsenal goal was the result of a clear handball and should not have stood.

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6 hours ago, BangrakBob said:

You'll do well to escape some serious buggery in your own back garden this weekend, regardless of mindset. 

 All betting suggests a win for Liverpool

At least Maximuss has the  pride to go for a 1.,1 draw or nick it

not like the Totts fickle supporters who rolled over even before a ball was kicked,    against M/City


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Noted. I'll wait and see, but I thought ES stuff was far more irritating than we've seen from Maximuss.


Anyway - re the wretched Milk Cup, you Spurs guys can have the up-coming game as far as I care. I recognise that is not a true Gooner attitude, where everything up against Spurs has to be fought to the death for. Life looks different I guess if you live amongst a mixed North London (or even Cambridge, as I discovered) football-loving community


A press report hints that Unai is likely to start with quite a chunk of A squad (2 A, plus 3 bench A started last night) as he thinks he needs some silverware of any kind in his first season - a motivation I personally don't care for, but one which most of the top clubs seem to be up for this season*. I think Arsenal fans would ultimately be far more impressed with a '4th Place Goblet', but are obviously gonna want to get the bragging rights in the derby quarter-final.


I won't be watching any Milk Cup game - even a final. Stubborn git that I am, I think the competition has always been a regrettable FA-milking-players/fans exercise. I slightly regret my own stance in that it would be nice to see how the younger rising stars like Smith-Rowe and Nketiah are coming on. Just maybe I might make an exception for the Spurs game!


Apparently Emile Smith-Rowe** is one of only 5 Arsenal players to have scored more than one goal in a first team start aged 18 or under. The others were Jack Wilshere, Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain, Aaron Ramsey and one other (forget which now and can't find the clip I read again) who similarly went on to be a stalwart. Hope he goes on one further and becomes a stalwart plus a legend!


Arsenal have had a good record in recent Milk Cups. BUT.... I get the impression without research that we have a record of extreme luck of the draw through the first few rounds - and sometimes beyond that -  getting loads of home games and avoiding the 'big games' until later on.



*It's been traditional that most of the top clubs get knocked out by the quarters and the likes of Soton, Leicester and a smattering of Championship clubs + Arsenal + maybe one other top 6 club fight it out with a rank outsider like Birmingham and Wigan taking the bow. I reckon the difference this season is that several of the top clubs can field a pretty potent/together second team these days.


** Look out for an upcoming footballing pub quiz question - which is the only Prem Club to count two Emile's in their squad?       (maybe that's wrong and you know of another?)

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A further off topic post has been removed, this is the second time in three hours I have been on this topic removing posts, further off topic discussing other members will attract a suspension.

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Yes we can all argue until the cows come home about which goals were on or offside and the closeness of chances missed, but 1-1 was a fair result overall and undoubtedly Arsenal's best overall defensive peformance. Equally important, the comeback goal removed some of the big game resilience blight that hovered over Wenger teams in several seasons prior.


I don't know how he did it but Emery transformed the team into a high commitment first half team. Having Kolashnikov  back in defence and allowing Xhaka more freedom helped, but even the likes of Bellerin seemed to discover new heights of defensive work and pressing.


Not definitively a top 4 team but any doubts about our capability to stay somewhere in the pace once we have 'big teams' to play are dispelled ... for now.  

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42 minutes ago, SantiSuk said:

Yes we can all argue until the cows come home about which goals were on or offside and the closeness of chances missed, but 1-1 was a fair result overall and undoubtedly Arsenal's best overall defensive peformance. Equally important, the comeback goal removed some of the big game resilience blight that hovered over Wenger teams in several seasons prior.


I don't know how he did it but Emery transformed the team into a high commitment first half team. Having Kolashnikov  back in defence and allowing Xhaka more freedom helped, but even the likes of Bellerin seemed to discover new heights of defensive work and pressing.


Not definitively a top 4 team but any doubts about our capability to stay somewhere in the pace once we have 'big teams' to play are dispelled ... for now.  

An amazing performance defensively in midfield. Damn near shocking. Emery on like gangbusters. The little Uruguayan a really important cog.

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19 hours ago, SantiSuk said:

Yes we can all argue until the cows come home about which goals were on or offside and the closeness of chances missed, but 1-1 was a fair result overall and undoubtedly Arsenal's best overall defensive peformance. Equally important, the comeback goal removed some of the big game resilience blight that hovered over Wenger teams in several seasons prior.


I don't know how he did it but Emery transformed the team into a high commitment first half team. Having Kolashnikov  back in defence and allowing Xhaka more freedom helped, but even the likes of Bellerin seemed to discover new heights of defensive work and pressing.


Not definitively a top 4 team but any doubts about our capability to stay somewhere in the pace once we have 'big teams' to play are dispelled ... for now.  

A very accurate report Santi

One has to smile on our 1.1 draw due to those Totts muppets who had us marked down to defensive meltdown on this thread

Draw was a fair result for both clubs in a very entertaining match

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5 hours ago, maximuss99 said:

A very accurate report Santi

One has to smile on our 1.1 draw due to those Totts muppets who had us marked down to defensive meltdown on this thread

Draw was a fair result for both clubs in a very entertaining match

Both managers seemed to concede it was a fair result. 

Defensively Arsenal have definitely improved under Emery even though this was the first real test of many to come. 

Plenty of humble pie to be consumed going by the recent comments I would of thought, but be interesting to see going forwards if they can consistently maintain that level against the top sides. Signs are optimistic. 



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In my view our new mngr overall has obtained splendid results in such a short time frame

Still a long way to go

but as The Chavs have done  by engaging Sarri and Zola a bright optimistic future is beckoning for both clubs 

As for those Tott.s muppett.s comments on this thread 

only vindicates how deluded they really are!!!


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14 hours ago, Rc2702 said:

We had much better chances and had we been more clinical and had the goal given then it could and should have been game over. Arsenal are much improved but we should have put them to bed with the chances we had.

Yes your goal scoring chance.s were not taken 


credit should given to our improved defence which is still not up to standard for a top 4 C/L place 

sure that Emery has it on his agenda. as number one priority 

besides have seen Lpool miss loads of scoring chances this season

Perhaps not having their shooting boots on LOL


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9 hours ago, SantiSuk said:

'ello. Return of the old Arsenal?

I think there is a clear improvement Santi.  However,  they did scrape some late wins and didn't have the toughest fixture list did they!  Its more a case of some fans getting carried away.  Emery was correctly chosen as a long term replacement and it was never going to be easy taking over from a twenty odd year reign.


As neutral as a Spurs fan can be towards Arsenal i think Emery was a good choice and he'll do well.  I do still think the defense is suspect, and suggesting that he can change to the "new Arsenal" is plain ridiculous.  If fans really think he can do this by november he might as well pack his bags and the board replace him will Harry Houdini!!


Anyway, its the NLD coming up, we have a few notable absentees so it should be interesting and there should be goals!!!

Edited by carmine
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