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Only have to look at Chelsea this year and Liverpool last to see that fans (plastic and diehards alike) frequently make bad calls when it comes to managerial quality

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heard an interesting fact today, in the period that has elapsed since Wenger won his last bit of silverware all 91 clubs within the national leagues have parted company with their manager. either through sacking, retired, mutual consent, end of contract or have moved on to better things.

what do the even hardest of die hard fans think of that ?

Edited by tigerfish
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heard an interesting fact today, in the period that has elapsed since Wenger won his last bit of silverware all 91 clubs within the national leagues have parted company with their manager. either through sacking, retired, mutual consent, end of contract or have moved on to better things.

what do the even hardest of die hard fans think of that ?

I think it's a measure of his loyalty to the club and the faith it had in him to undertake the stadium project and keep Arsenal competitive.

Simple, really.

I was trying to think if that stat was true, then I realise Dario Gradi is now youth team director at Crewe, still 30-odd years at the same club though.

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heard an interesting fact today, in the period that has elapsed since Wenger won his last bit of silverware all 91 clubs within the national leagues have parted company with their manager. either through sacking, retired, mutual consent, end of contract or have moved on to better things.

what do the even hardest of die hard fans think of that ?

I think it's a measure of his loyalty to the club and the faith it had in him to undertake the stadium project and keep Arsenal competitive.

Simple, really.

I was trying to think if that stat was true, then I realise Dario Gradi is now youth team director at Crewe, still 30-odd years at the same club though.

yes o.k. Chiqoc, finally found some common ground, i think..

i got mates, life long fans that fork out good hard earnt money on a season ticket and have been doing so way before the prawn sandwich brigade arrived. the relatively new owners came on to the scene and were sold on the notion of moving to a new stadium was the way to compete.

fair enough build a solid base a platform of which you can work from, but <deleted> don't take the piss out of the fans that are Arsenal through and through.

let the big Russian put the money in and orchestrate a take over bid. for the sake of the club, because believe me if they don't, that day will come where your going to have to take shit off a bunch of spuds !

do you really want to go through that ? wink.png

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heard an interesting fact today, in the period that has elapsed since Wenger won his last bit of silverware all 91 clubs within the national leagues have parted company with their manager. either through sacking, retired, mutual consent, end of contract or have moved on to better things.

what do the even hardest of die hard fans think of that ?

I think it's a measure of his loyalty to the club and the faith it had in him to undertake the stadium project and keep Arsenal competitive.

Simple, really.

I was trying to think if that stat was true, then I realise Dario Gradi is now youth team director at Crewe, still 30-odd years at the same club though.

yes o.k. Chiqoc, finally found some common ground, i think..

i got mates, life long fans that fork out good hard earnt money on a season ticket and have been doing so way before the prawn sandwich brigade arrived. the relatively new owners came on to the scene and were sold on the notion of moving to a new stadium was the way to compete.

fair enough build a solid base a platform of which you can work from, but <deleted> don't take the piss out of the fans that are Arsenal through and through.

let the big Russian put the money in and orchestrate a take over bid. for the sake of the club, because believe me if they don't, that day will come where your going to have to take shit off a bunch of spuds !

do you really want to go through that ? wink.png

When the project started, Ken Friar and Wenger made it abundantly clear that it was going to be a millstone around our necks as we siphoned off money to repay the debts incurred.

Now it's all but paid off, 3-4 years early, we are in fantastic financial shape and frankly if we beat Newcastle on Sunday, Tottenham are never going to finish above us. This is the second worst team Wenger's ever had behind last year's, which was carried by Van Persie.

Every Arsenal fan knows where the team needs strengthening, but now there are no more excuses. The club is awash with cash and it would be ridiculous not to spend it - that was the whole point of moving.

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I hope our big Russian has more marbles (that's marbles. not baubles) than the one at Stamford Bridge.

[slight exaggeration to say that the Emirates is all but paid off Chicog, but doesn't alter the sentiment - it's like when you've paid off 60% of your mortgage, you can pay off the rest over 25 years and your salary keeps on going up. Suddenly you're in fat city (sorry prawn sandwich speak :-))]

Edited by SantiSuk
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Our current board don't take anything out of the club. Of course they will if and when they ever sell it or it floats, but

Your current board are going to milk the fans for a few years yet I reckon.

Long may it continue!

Yes, it's the only way you can get near us, isn't it?


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I hope our big Russian has more marbles (that's marbles. not baubles) than the one at Stamford Bridge.

[slight exaggeration to say that the Emirates is all but paid off Chicog, but doesn't alter the sentiment - it's like when you've paid off 60% of your mortgage, you can pay off the rest over 25 years and your salary keeps on going up. Suddenly you're in fat city (sorry prawn sandwich speak :-))]

It's like you've paid off 80% of your mortgage and could pay the rest off with a years profit if you hadn't carefully arranged to have that available for transfer spending under the new FFP rules.....

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heard an interesting fact today, in the period that has elapsed since Wenger won his last bit of silverware all 91 clubs within the national leagues have parted company with their manager. either through sacking, retired, mutual consent, end of contract or have moved on to better things.

what do the even hardest of die hard fans think of that ?

I think it's a measure of his loyalty to the club and the faith it had in him to undertake the stadium project and keep Arsenal competitive.

Simple, really.

I was trying to think if that stat was true, then I realise Dario Gradi is now youth team director at Crewe, still 30-odd years at the same club though.

Wenger has done an incredible job at Arsenal given the financial restraints he's been under. And to achieve champions league every season. All things considered the stadium probably should have been named after him.

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Our current board don't take anything out of the club. Of course they will if and when they ever sell it or it floats, but

Your current board are going to milk the fans for a few years yet I reckon.

Long may it continue!

Yes, it's the only way you can get near us, isn't it?


Let's see what happens this summer.

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Our current board don't take anything out of the club. Of course they will if and when they ever sell it or it floats, but

Your current board are going to milk the fans for a few years yet I reckon.

Long may it continue!

Yes, it's the only way you can get near us, isn't it?


Let's see what happens this summer.

I'm expecting a shopping spree to be honest.

Paid for in cash.

And a clear out.

I had a shock the other day, saw an item that said "Andre Santos signs new deal". Turns out it was a personal endorsement in Brazil.



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Before it all gets lost in the heat of battle (and potentially disappointment if things turn out badly tomorrow) I have to record that, however it turns out, what a fantastic job Arsene has done in the second half of this season in putting the team into a position of own destiny control from a position of despair.

'Have to', because I have not been his greatest fan on here in the last 2 years!

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Before it all gets lost in the heat of battle (and potentially disappointment if things turn out badly tomorrow) I have to record that, however it turns out, what a fantastic job Arsene has done in the second half of this season in putting the team into a position of own destiny control from a position of despair.

'Have to', because I have not been his greatest fan on here in the last 2 years!

That's why he needs the fans support, Santi. What he took on would have scared off lesser mortals (and boards).

And the abuse he's had to take from witless johnny-come-lately's is appalling.

But every club has them, look at the Chelski <deleted>' treatment of Benitez.

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Half time and we are making heavy weather of this. Newcastle up for it and well capable of spoiling our season.

we have an excellent record in 2nd half performances this year. just want to see the spuds sweat it. biggrin.png

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Hope so. Arteta clearly wasn't fit to be playing and I think our control of midfield is suffering because of it. F_k making Spurs sweat, they are making me sweat! Going to be a nailbiter.

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0:1 at 52nd minute. But still more than 30 minutes to play

Its hide behind the sofa time! Still far from over with 15 mins left. Spurs must surely get a goal. By bye third spot so hang on lads! Edited by SantiSuk
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