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Some media reports suggesting new Madrid management want Higuain to stay

RM has treated Higuain like shit for years. Hard to say if they are screwing with him on the way out, or might genuinely want him back. Maybe they are hedging their bets as far as other possible moves.

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Some media reports suggesting new Madrid management want Higuain to stay

Yeah, from the madrid end its gone a touch quite, which could suggest that ancelloti is mulling things over, my understanding was it always hinged on what the incoming coach wanted and i were he i'de want someone with hig's goal scoring record to stay, from a coach's point of view, aka rooney, its better to have than not to have. But the picture form the arsenal point is that it shows an intent and their transfer dealings are stepping up a notch, sort of from a league to A plus league, not good news for the other contenders IMO. good timing though on wengers part, whilst others are in the midst of change he steps things up,Smart?

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Some media reports suggesting new Madrid management want Higuain to stay

Yeah, from the madrid end its gone a touch quite, which could suggest that ancelloti is mulling things over, my understanding was it always hinged on what the incoming coach wanted and i were he i'de want someone with hig's goal scoring record to stay, from a coach's point of view, aka rooney, its better to have than not to have. But the picture form the arsenal point is that it shows an intent and their transfer dealings are stepping up a notch, sort of from a league to A plus league, not good news for the other contenders IMO. good timing though on wengers part, whilst others are in the midst of change he steps things up,Smart?

I bet I'm right. They're waiting for Napoli to come begging with the 50 million they get for Cavani....

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Suarez wouldn't move to the Library anyway, its an empty vessel right chi coq and plus, he wants to win something and i doubt he believes Wenger when he says that top four is the same as winning a trophybiggrin.png

Not a trophy you've won very often in the last 18 years, is it?


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Arsenal fans talking about other teams' pisshead players. How amusing. So lets add to the list a player a plater not worthy of cleaning Gazza's boots, a total bell end where the words <deleted> and pisshead could always appear in the same sentence along with gormless numnutts and degenerate gambler, i give you Paul Merson:whistling:

Even our coke-sniffing pissheads have more championship medals than your pub team.

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according to the times this am you've had a 30 million bid turned down 4 suarez .

Why would they even bother with 30 Million? I wonder what the thought process is, "try 30, they might go for it"?

or perhaps it could be the starting price?

Starting price would be 40 surely.

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No pre-season hiccups for The Arsenal:

Indonesian Dream Team 0 Arsenal 7 (Walcott, Akpom, Giroud (2), Podolski, Olsson, Eisfeld). Everyone had a jolly nice run out and the crowd were singing "We love you Arsenal" which must have been a bit disconcerting for their countrymen on the park...

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No pre-season hiccups for The Arsenal:

Indonesian Dream Team 0 Arsenal 7 (Walcott, Akpom, Giroud (2), Podolski, Olsson, Eisfeld). Everyone had a jolly nice run out and the crowd were singing "We love you Arsenal" which must have been a bit disconcerting for their countrymen on the park...

Haha disconcerting for the Arsenal players too I would imagine!

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Back in the bosom of my family in Isaan. Still a Gunner (you retard Smokietongue.png ). Extraordinary about-face in a cancer diagnosis (the right way) and selling my UK base in Leeds has kept me overworked and largely off the footie threads for five weeks.

What's your take on the possibility of Fabregas returning Chicog? Can't see Arsene resisting it at sub £28m (anything more would smack of being stuffed twice by Barca). The prospect of a midfield trio of Wilshere, Cazorla and Fabregas (back in his best spot at right sided CAM) is quite appealing. Man U could well up their bid to spoil the party though.

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Back in the bosom of my family in Isaan. Still a Gunner (you retard Smokietongue.png ). Extraordinary about-face in a cancer diagnosis (the right way) and selling my UK base in Leeds has kept me overworked and largely off the footie threads for five weeks.

What's your take on the possibility of Fabregas returning Chicog? Can't see Arsene resisting it at sub £28m (anything more would smack of being stuffed twice by Barca). The prospect of a midfield trio of Wilshere, Cazorla and Fabregas (back in his best spot at right sided CAM) is quite appealing. Man U could well up their bid to spoil the party though.

Santi, I'm ignoring everything in the press because they're all lying bastards.

When it's on Arsenal.com I'll believe it.

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Yep - witness even the Groinaid, normally reliable, getting into the Summer madness by assuming Wenger would be interested in having Suarez in his charge. Great player, but I can't think of many players in the world less likely to float Wenger's boat. He goes for svelt and perfectly buffed, not swarthy and hairy.

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Yep - witness even the Groinaid, normally reliable, getting into the Summer madness by assuming Wenger would be interested in having Suarez in his charge. Great player, but I can't think of many players in the world less likely to float Wenger's boat. He goes for svelt and perfectly buffed, not swarthy and hairy.

Is that why he sold Pires?

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Yep - witness even the Groinaid, normally reliable, getting into the Summer madness by assuming Wenger would be interested in having Suarez in his charge. Great player, but I can't think of many players in the world less likely to float Wenger's boat. He goes for svelt and perfectly buffed, not swarthy and hairy.

I think we all dread to think what floats Wengers boat so lets move on santi shall we.

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Yep - witness even the Groinaid, normally reliable, getting into the Summer madness by assuming Wenger would be interested in having Suarez in his charge. Great player, but I can't think of many players in the world less likely to float Wenger's boat. He goes for svelt and perfectly buffed, not swarthy and hairy.

Actually Liverpool confirmed that we've made a bid, although, as carmine intimated above, it may actually be a chess move rather than a genuine attempt to get him.

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Yep - witness even the Groinaid, normally reliable, getting into the Summer madness by assuming Wenger would be interested in having Suarez in his charge. Great player, but I can't think of many players in the world less likely to float Wenger's boat. He goes for svelt and perfectly buffed, not swarthy and hairy.

Actually Liverpool confirmed that we've made a bid, although, as carmine intimated above, it may actually be a chess move rather than a genuine attempt to get him.

Its a long and boring game chess....I see where you are coming from there Chicoq. facepalm.gif

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A swap of Higuain for Suarez unfortunately makes the most sense of any deal I've seen over the summer months! Neatly stuffs up Arsenal too unfortunately. Back to the drawing board for Arsene if true. Not panicking yet!

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