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Italian media claim Roma director Walter Sabatini has flown out to "complete the €8m swoop for Arsenal’s Gervinho".

No swooping needed mate - yer welcome (if true!).

Is there gonna be anyone left at the Emirates to sit on the bench next season?smile.png

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Italian media claim Roma director Walter Sabatini has flown out to "complete the €8m swoop for Arsenal’s Gervinho".

No swooping needed mate - yer welcome (if true!).

Is there gonna be anyone left at the Emirates to sit on the bench next season?smile.png

Of course....but you better order some pies for Wayne....he hates prawns. biggrin.png

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Italian media claim Roma director Walter Sabatini has flown out to "complete the 8m swoop for Arsenals Gervinho".

No swooping needed mate - yer welcome (if true!).

Is there gonna be anyone left at the Emirates to sit on the bench next season?smile.png

Of course....but you better order some pies for Wayne....he hates prawns. biggrin.png

'Aint going to happen (Chelsea I'm betting) but of the three - Higuain at 35m plus big wages, Suarez at 50 mill + OK wages and Rooney (45mill?) plus big wages I'd go for Wayne. He's a wasted talent who's not going to get the top-dog treatment he needs at the ToD, and by-far the least risky of the three.

Fascinating to see whether out management is going to step up to the latest inflationary round of Summer madness (Cavani, Higuain and Suarez expectations are all 25% overpriced). It's a real tough one for an American investor with not much feel for football.

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Italian media claim Roma director Walter Sabatini has flown out to "complete the 8m swoop for Arsenals Gervinho".

No swooping needed mate - yer welcome (if true!).

Is there gonna be anyone left at the Emirates to sit on the bench next season?smile.png

Of course....but you better order some pies for Wayne....he hates prawns. biggrin.png

'Aint going to happen (Chelsea I'm betting) but of the three - Higuain at 35m plus big wages, Suarez at 50 mill + OK wages and Rooney (45mill?) plus big wages I'd go for Wayne. He's a wasted talent who's not going to get the top-dog treatment he needs at the ToD, and by-far the least risky of the three.

Fascinating to see whether out management is going to step up to the latest inflationary round of Summer madness (Cavani, Higuain and Suarez expectations are all 25% overpriced). It's a real tough one for an American investor with not much feel for football.

Long as you don't want Soldado I don't care......bring it on! biggrin.png

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Nothing, apart from there are three offers and one is from the premiership.

I read the premiership offer is 16m Euros. Sound like Spurs to me. Not enough. The say they want 25m.


Atletico Mineiro sporting director Eduardo Maluf insists an offer is on the table from an English side.

"We have an offer from an English club, of 16m", Maluf was quoted as saying by Portuguese daily O Jogo.

"However, our president will only sell for 25m", he added. //

Read more at http://www.insidefutbol.com/2013/07/27/yes-we-have-an-offer-for-bernard-from-an-english-club-sporting-director-on-arsenal-and-tottenham-hotspur-target/93363/#rYZhOxjtQ3gMfkoZ.99

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I'll have you know that's my best head shot.

Sez........ anyway, Suarez now favourite with every bookie to be at Arsenal after the summer transfer window.

Right. time to order "The Book of Excuses (Extended Edition)" from Amazon and get some criticism deflection therapy lessons from Steviesmile.png .

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I'll have you know that's my best head shot.

Sez........ anyway, Suarez now favourite with every bookie to be at Arsenal after the summer transfer window.

Right. time to order "The Book of Excuses (Extended Edition)" from Amazon and get some criticism deflection therapy lessons from Steviesmile.png .

man ur'e not gonna get any help for that from a scoucer!!!!!, that skill sets covertly treasured and lovingly passed from father to son, Outsiders just aint welcome biggrin.png

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I'll have you know that's my best head shot.

Sez........ anyway, Suarez now favourite with every bookie to be at Arsenal after the summer transfer window.

Doubt it. Ayre confirmed tonight he's staying.

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Cannot wait for them to sign the biter. I predict he will be the biggest failure since Carroll and Torres. Go on ARSEne, get yer cheque book out.

Suarez is a pain, but he could carry Torres and Carroll in his back pocket and not feel a thing. He catches a lot of grief, and deservedly so much of the time, but he's one of the few players in the world that can create goals out of absolutely nothing.coffee1.gif

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I'll have you know that's my best head shot.

Sez........ anyway, Suarez now favourite with every bookie to be at Arsenal after the summer transfer window.

Doubt it. Ayre confirmed tonight he's staying.

Had to laugh at that Wellred laugh.png

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I'll have you know that's my best head shot.

Sez........ anyway, Suarez now favourite with every bookie to be at Arsenal after the summer transfer window.
Doubt it. Ayre confirmed tonight he's staying.

Had to laugh at that Wellred Posted Image

Presumably that's laughing in disbelief that Wenger/Gazidis have mugged the fans off again? 55

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Doubt it. Ayre confirmed tonight he's staying.

Had to laugh at that Wellred laugh.png

Presumably that's laughing in disbelief that Wenger/Gazidis have mugged the fans off again? 55

No ...you believing anything that prick says biggrin.png

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What's the deal with Wenger ? He came out of the corner throwing haymakers, talking up money, Higuain and Suarez. Now, he's barely bobbing and weaving, not even throwing a jab. He's a tough guy to figure sometimes is Wenger.

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What's the deal with Wenger ? He came out of the corner throwing haymakers, talking up money, Higuain and Suarez. Now, he's barely bobbing and weaving, not even throwing a jab. He's a tough guy to figure sometimes is Wenger.

Wait for the left hook, from nowhere. wink.png

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