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15 hours ago, mrbojangles said:


Oh OK, if you want to move the goalposts, your spend is 565 million then, that's 267 million more than us.

I rounded it down from 565.650 because I thought the 650 grand might make you feel better.



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20 hours ago, smokie36 said:

Oh I forgot to mention....a chairman who is a lifelong supporter is a bonus ball too. :smile:

Come off it you Spuds. We all have long enough memories to remember how you used to berate your management for not spending. All sweetness and light ... for now

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2 hours ago, SantiSuk said:

Come off it you Spuds. We all have long enough memories to remember how you used to berate your management for not spending. All sweetness and light ... for now


I don't think it was the spending so much as what they were spending it on.


E.g. they would have been better buying Stevie Wonder and Ray Charles than these two.







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Alarm (or operator failure) made me miss the first half so all I got was a justifiably (from an Arsenal viewpoint) pedestrian second half. Happy with that and back to bed. Free beer awaits me at our local expat bar later today, courtesy of a Swissie Basel fan - hope to get some more after the return leg too (not normally a betting man but the odds were silly having clocked Basel's opener against Ludogrets).


Earlier had caught the Dortmund v Real Madrid recast before going to bed - now that was some football match!

Edited by SantiSuk
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Basically we pished all over them in the first half, but a combination of their goalkeeper having a blinder and some ill-fitting shooting boots kept it to two.

We didn't really get out of 1st gear in the 2nd half but still should have added to the tally.

But it's good that they can conserve themselves and finish games so easily. Basel are no mugs.


Mustafi is worth every penny. The defence look so much better.



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Waiting for the re-cast to come up on TrueV. The sandpit-wallahs BeIN(explicable) have a knack of scheduling the most boring match on their programs TWICE the morning after - toady it was Rostov v PSV fer gawds sake! At least today the junk match was accompanied by a couple of decentish matches.


Watched PSG at Ludogrets this AM. They struggled to break down an average big bus defence in the first half and had a ridiculously welcoming parting waves a-la-Moses defensive wall to allow Ludicrous to have their 20 minutes one-up in the sun, which is why I carried on watching until PSG eventually put it together for the stroll it should always have been. You could see that PSG's foppish coach was musing about the need to take up an alternative career in Latino ballroom taxi dancing up until half-time.


Looks like the group is a straight fight between PSG and us and goals may be an issue ultimately (I don't discount PSG recovering form and being difficult to beat at the Emirates). Pity we couldn't up the gear a little bit a hit another couple in the second.


Well - wouldn't be the same without a tad of a moan from me now, would it?

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2 hours ago, SantiSuk said:

Waiting for the re-cast to come up on TrueV. The sandpit-wallahs BeIN(explicable) have a knack of scheduling the most boring match on their programs TWICE the morning after - toady it was Rostov v PSV fer gawds sake! At least today the junk match was accompanied by a couple of decentish matches.


Watched PSG at Ludogrets this AM. They struggled to break down an average big bus defence in the first half and had a ridiculously welcoming parting waves a-la-Moses defensive wall to allow Ludicrous to have their 20 minutes one-up in the sun, which is why I carried on watching until PSG eventually put it together for the stroll it should always have been. You could see that PSG's foppish coach was musing about the need to take up an alternative career in Latino ballroom taxi dancing up until half-time.


Looks like the group is a straight fight between PSG and us and goals may be an issue ultimately (I don't discount PSG recovering form and being difficult to beat at the Emirates). Pity we couldn't up the gear a little bit a hit another couple in the second.


Well - wouldn't be the same without a tad of a moan from me now, would it?


Goals won't matter a jot.

We just need to win every game and a then 0-0 draw against PSG will suffice.

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Balance of probs obviously is that goals will not matter (they rarely do), but the risks they do in this group seem higher than normal to me.


Would prefer it if we had a game or two against Ludogrets to go shopping for goals after the PSG home game if that does result in a draw. 


Oh and chances of a 0-0 being a realistic result between Arsenal and PSG? No chance!


All just guesswork anyway - things never seem to turn out like you expect with Arsenal in the UCL!

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14 hours ago, SantiSuk said:

Balance of probs obviously is that goals will not matter (they rarely do), but the risks they do in this group seem higher than normal to me.


You're clueless Santi, so let me explain the order of qualification rules:

1. points won 

2. points in head-to-head matches 

3. goal difference in head-to-head matches 

4. goals scored in head-to-head matches

5. away goals in head-to-head matches

6. total goal difference

7. total goals scored

8. better UEFA Team Ranking.



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5 hours ago, SantiSuk said:

Better clueless than rude.


Same points plus a 1-1 at our place is a higher risk than normal - probably 10 to 20% risk. I stand by my comment.


You can stand by your comment all you want, it clearly demonstrates that you don't know how it works.

That's why goal difference is number 6.

My point is that if we win the other games, and we look well equipped to do so, then simply stopping PSG scoring at home puts them below us.

It doesn't matter if their GD is +27 and ours is +10.

It may not seem fair to you but dems da rules.





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15 hours ago, Chicog said:

Phuque me that was lucky.

Didn't think we'd score if we played until November.

Ditto. Wasn't that just about our only strike on target?


Watched the recast this afternoon and managed to stay away from the result more successfully than normal. None of the team played particularly well apart from Sanchez and Kos. Iwobi was non-existant, Ozil and Cazorla off-form and Walcott wayward. Mustafi still has lots to learn and was bossed by Vokes. Nothing happened of note from the wing backs (I still don't rate Monreal this season). Burnley were well set-up, quick-witted and picked up most of the secondary ball, but you cannot hope to beat that kind of team with half your front half below par or worse ... without a lucky break in the last minute of course.


Thought it was not our day at half time, but recognised Arsenal do that to you several times a season and mostly pull it round after a bit of talking to by Arsene. Not this time, by 60 minutes I was convinced it was not our day and by 70 minutes I was sure we would be sucker-punched. Turned my back on the screen and made a cup of coffee in the last few minutes so certain was I that frustrating draw was order of the day.


Upward and onward. I'm guessing that tiredness from Wednesday was the source of the maladies. 

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In fairness, we were slow in our build up, the movement was languid and the passing far from crisp.

Ally that with Burnely's very effective 6-4 formation and we never looked like breaking them down.


Good to be able to nick three points under the circumstances, and let's not forget they cruised past the bin dippers earlier in the season.



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1 hour ago, Sparkles said:

If Arsene admitted they were fortunate to win which tells you everything you need to know



That makes absolutely no grammatical sense.


I'd suspect if it did, you'd be stating the bloody obvious.

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14 hours ago, Sparkles said:

If Arsene admitted they were fortunate to win which tells you everything you need to know


Of course the word "which" should not have been there ,grammatical error by me.

Everyone happy now ? Arsene, who I admire greatly, would never say we were "lucky"  

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42 minutes ago, Sparkles said:

Of course the word "which" should not have been there ,grammatical error by me.

Everyone happy now ? Arsene, who I admire greatly, would never say we were "lucky"  


Wenger would deny seeing a goal if the ball was elbowed in by one of his players.

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It would be a great advance,post match, if players could come out and say it wasn't a goal,it was handball but we will take the good with the bad, instead of saying "I don't know where it hit me " Give us a break even his body language told the story.The result wouldn't have changed,any appeal would have been rejected.

This would not have been a precedent many players have said to the ref "you got it wrong this is what happened etc etc " 


Those 2 lost points for Burnley could make huge difference and the end of the season as could to Arsenal.


Video replay, if the referee was unsighted, would have taken about 30 seconds.bring it on ,far too much at stake these days.

Our game is still in the dark ages

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2 minutes ago, Sparkles said:

It would be a great advance,post match, if players could come out and say it wasn't a goal,it was handball but we will take the good with the bad, instead of saying "I don't know where it hit me " Give us a break even his body language told the story.The result wouldn't have changed,any appeal would have been rejected.

This would not have been a precedent many players have said to the ref "you got it wrong this is what happened etc etc " 


Those 2 lost points for Burnley could make huge difference and the end of the season as could to Arsenal.


Video replay, if the referee was unsighted, would have taken about 30 seconds.bring it on ,far too much at stake these days.

Our game is still in the dark ages


A certain goal we scored at Old Trafford springs to mind.  Your keeper felt unable to let the ref know the ball was a meter over the line.  If i remember rightly Sir would only acknowledge Spurs were unlucky.

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