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Yesterday the Gunners were lucky to have their all-personnel off-day in a game where one point is not disastrous and we have a pretty solid squad to cope with two games a week.

I know you have nno chance of winning the League & you still wouldn't have if you had actually got a Point in ann FA Cup Game to go towards your Season total..:D

Goodness gracious me, anyway here's the cheating link, cheating Arsenal, cheats..


He also added a really funn joke to his apology too.."I had a little joke with the referee afterwards saying 'that was my first dive, can you tell?'

That's hilarious yeah, cheating when you're a role Model to millions of Kids, yeah..:rolleyes:

Singher, it's a shame you don't get league points for winning cup games as you'd be half way up the league by now :lol::D

I'd be all for it yeah...:D

One of the most clueless Football " comments " i have ever heard personally that, but there we go..

Up the Arse..

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Yesterday the Gunners were lucky to have their all-personnel off-day in a game where one point is not disastrous and we have a pretty solid squad to cope with two games a week.

I know you have nno chance of winning the League & you still wouldn't have if you had actually got a Point in ann FA Cup Game to go towards your Season total..:D

Goodness gracious me, anyway here's the cheating link, cheating Arsenal, cheats..


He also added a really funn joke to his apology too.."I had a little joke with the referee afterwards saying 'that was my first dive, can you tell?'

That's hilarious yeah, cheating when you're a role Model to millions of Kids, yeah..:rolleyes:

I was writing metaphorically. If you don't understand less simple constructs that's fine by me, but don't be so cavalier with your insults (if the later reference to clueless comments was directed at me).

Edited by SantiSuk
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The referee should have given a yellow to Balleti Zabaleta for the foul and a red to Sagna for his ridiculous response (Balleti Zabaleta did nothing other than just keep his head still).

Excellent summary Santi. Better than most journalists could do. :jap:

BTW, not being pedantic but it's Zabaleta not Balleti.

Update from skysports:-

PABLO ZABALETA has had his red card for butting Bacary Sagna quashed.

The Manchester City defender was dismissed for going head-to-head with Arsenal's Sagna, who was also sent off.

City appealed and an FA hearing has now overturned the decision.

A club spokesman said: "At a Regulatory Commission hearing today, a claim for wrongful dismissal from Zabaleta was upheld.

"As a result, Zabaleta's three match suspension has been withdrawn."

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Yesterday the Gunners were lucky to have their all-personnel off-day in a game where one point is not disastrous and we have a pretty solid squad to cope with two games a week.

I know you have nno chance of winning the League & you still wouldn't have if you had actually got a Point in ann FA Cup Game to go towards your Season total..:D

Goodness gracious me, anyway here's the cheating link, cheating Arsenal, cheats..


He also added a really funn joke to his apology too.."I had a little joke with the referee afterwards saying 'that was my first dive, can you tell?'

That's hilarious yeah, cheating when you're a role Model to millions of Kids, yeah..:rolleyes:

I was writing metaphorically. If you don't understand less simple constructs that's fine by me, but don't be so cavalier with your insults (if the later reference to clueless comments was directed at me).

Bwahahaha of course you was yeah..:D

& i'm Winnie Mandella..

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The referee should have given a yellow to Balleti Zabaleta for the foul and a red to Sagna for his ridiculous response (Balleti Zabaleta did nothing other than just keep his head still).

Excellent summary Santi. Better than most journalists could do. :jap:

BTW, not being pedantic but it's Zabaleta not Balleti.

Update from skysports:-

PABLO ZABALETA has had his red card for butting Bacary Sagna quashed.

The Manchester City defender was dismissed for going head-to-head with Arsenal's Sagna, who was also sent off.

City appealed and an FA hearing has now overturned the decision.

A club spokesman said: "At a Regulatory Commission hearing today, a claim for wrongful dismissal from Zabaleta was upheld.

"As a result, Zabaleta's three match suspension has been withdrawn."

Nice to see common sense prevail.

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Bwahahaha of course you was yeah..:D

& i'm Winnie Mandella..

Noted, Winnie

considering some of the stuff old Singhers been coming out with lately. i could quite conceivably believe that he could be anyone from archbishop Desmond Tutu to the right honourable rev. sir Ian Paisley. laugh.gif

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1-1 with Leeds in the FA Cup

1-0 down after first leg of Carling Cup

XX points behind Utd in the League

Better pin your hopes on beating Barca in the CL. :whistling:

James do not tempt fate they could quite easily go on and win the lot oh hang on it is arsenal we are talking about :D

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1-1 with Leeds in the FA Cup

1-0 down after first leg of Carling Cup

XX points behind Utd in the League

Better pin your hopes on beating Barca in the CL. :whistling:

James do not tempt fate they could quite easily go on and win the lot oh hang on it is arsenal we are talking about :D

it is the Arse we're talking about. Infact this is pleasantly early in the season for them to start falling apart. If my memory serves me right it normally starts early March so this is a pleasant bonus. :D

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1-1 with Leeds in the FA Cup

1-0 down after first leg of Carling Cup

XX points behind Utd in the League

Better pin your hopes on beating Barca in the CL. :whistling:

James do not tempt fate they could quite easily go on and win the lot oh hang on it is arsenal we are talking about :D

i dare say we a long with all the other remaining clubs that have got a chance of winning those competitions, could. especially if they had the kind of decisions that utd have been privileged to. biggrin.gif

still you know what they say, " what goes around comes around " whistling.gif

cant wait to see how many trophies the plastic part of Manchester has at the end of this season. rolleyes.gifwink.gif

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1-1 with Leeds in the FA Cup

1-0 down after first leg of Carling Cup

XX points behind Utd in the League

Better pin your hopes on beating Barca in the CL. :whistling:

James do not tempt fate they could quite easily go on and win the lot oh hang on it is arsenal we are talking about :D

i dare say we a long with all the other remaining clubs that have got a chance of winning those competitions, could. especially if they had the kind of decisions that utd have been privileged to. biggrin.gif

still you know what they say, " what goes around comes around " whistling.gif

cant wait to see how many trophies the plastic part of Manchester has at the end of this season. rolleyes.gifwink.gif

Tigerfish shows that Dunkirk spirit in the face of adversity. Good on ya mate. Personally, i don't think one goals enough for Ipswich. ;)

Cheer up mate......Smokie will be on soon and he always says something nice. :D

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1-1 with Leeds in the FA Cup

1-0 down after first leg of Carling Cup

XX points behind Utd in the League

Better pin your hopes on beating Barca in the CL. :whistling:

James do not tempt fate they could quite easily go on and win the lot oh hang on it is arsenal we are talking about :D

i dare say we a long with all the other remaining clubs that have got a chance of winning those competitions, could. especially if they had the kind of decisions that utd have been privileged to. biggrin.gif

still you know what they say, " what goes around comes around " whistling.gif

cant wait to see how many trophies the plastic part of Manchester has at the end of this season. rolleyes.gifwink.gif

Maybe I am going out on a limb in saying this, but I suggest it will be more than you lot. :lol: We already have the community shield :unsure:

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1-1 with Leeds in the FA Cup

1-0 down after first leg of Carling Cup

XX points behind Utd in the League

Better pin your hopes on beating Barca in the CL. :whistling:

James do not tempt fate they could quite easily go on and win the lot oh hang on it is arsenal we are talking about :D

i dare say we a long with all the other remaining clubs that have got a chance of winning those competitions, could. especially if they had the kind of decisions that utd have been privileged to. biggrin.gif

still you know what they say, " what goes around comes around " whistling.gif

cant wait to see how many trophies the plastic part of Manchester has at the end of this season. rolleyes.gifwink.gif

Maybe I am going out on a limb in saying this, but I suggest it will be more than you lot. :lol: We already have the community shield :unsure:

ah yes, how could one forget the community shield. a trophy usually contested for by the previous seasons league and f.a.cup winning sides respectively.

or as the case was last august, Chelsea the double winning side of 2009 /2010 vs Man utd. the also ran. biggrin.gif

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You know what they need to do now..

Arsne knows it too..

They need to play the Kids/Reserves in the Second Leg & in more Games, everyone knows how good they are..


By Giuseppe Muro

Arsenal Reserves suffered a thoroughly disappointing night as they went down 10-1 at Aston Villa on Monday.

On an evening Neil Banfield and his side will want to forget in a hurry, Villa scored five times either side of the break to run out comprehensive winners.

The victory means they leapfrog Arsenal at the top of the table.

The home side were already a goal to the good when George Brislen-Hall received a straight red card after just 11 minutes and the second string never recovered.

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Yesterday the Gunners were lucky to have their all-personnel off-day in a game where one point is not disastrous and we have a pretty solid squad to cope with two games a week.


Woops, spoke too soon (above comment was about the Leeds game).

When will Wenger drop his charade of 'I'm not worried ... '. He dam_n well should be - perhaps not about Ipswich (I'm confident we'll wipe the floor with them next time) but about how poorly his supposed great squad of upcoming players is capable of playing on too many occasions! I see us only going backwards in the last couple of months

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Yesterday the Gunners were lucky to have their all-personnel off-day in a game where one point is not disastrous and we have a pretty solid squad to cope with two games a week.


Woops, spoke too soon (above comment was about the Leeds game).

You didn't need the brackets, we all knew what it was as you said about the one Point you got in the FA Cup Game,..:D

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Yesterday the Gunners were lucky to have their all-personnel off-day in a game where one point is not disastrous and we have a pretty solid squad to cope with two games a week.


Woops, spoke too soon (above comment was about the Leeds game).

You didn't need the brackets, we all knew what it was as you said about the one Point you got in the FA Cup Game,..:D

:lol: :lol: Well said singhy.

tigerfish old mate you really need to get yer squad together for a mid season refresher....yer all singing a different tune....just as disjointed as at the library! :D

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Yesterday the Gunners were lucky to have their all-personnel off-day in a game where one point is not disastrous and we have a pretty solid squad to cope with two games a week.


Woops, spoke too soon (above comment was about the Leeds game).

You didn't need the brackets, we all knew what it was as you said about the one Point you got in the FA Cup Game,..:D

:lol: :lol: Well said singhy.

tigerfish old mate you really need to get yer squad together for a mid season refresher....yer all singing a different tune....just as disjointed as at the library! :D

definitely not singing from the song sheet or whatever the phrase is and last nights performance was a prime example. not that i care about the league cup, but more so how they would perform in a big game situation as has been proved before against the likes of your lot and other teams. Fabregas didn't look like he was at the races at all, Bentner wandering around all over the place, Arshavin not even looking like he wanted to be there, Wilshire not even knowing what he was suppose to do ( poor lad ) and the back four, well !

then to cap it all off you have a manager that is so stubborn, he just sits there arrogantly expecting them to pull it off and not willing to change his game plan.

all credit to the tractor boys last night, i thought they played extremely well. soaked up the early pressure and the hit us on the break with the long ball. they got their tactics spot on and left us wanting. sad.gif

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Ignoring Winnie and the other wind-up merchants who inhabit this thread .... (I suppose I just didn't ignore them by writing that)

Flaphandski is 50:50 for the New Stratford Warriors game - Almunia still injured and probably on the way out. I wonder which goalie will be on the bench, presumably some 17 year old (might be better than the three above him).

Squidgy Archie out for three weeks - good - Arsene keeps trying to play him when he's fit for some inexplicable reason

Denilsson doubtful - no big loss

Diaby out for some weeks still - more of a loss than the above three

Still enough to pick from to turn out a first rate team (except for goalie) if they decide to turn up as first rate players. Didn't see the Ipswich game (thought it would be a stone cold certain Arsenal cake-walk). Tigerfish's report reinforces my worries that Fab is still dreaming of great paella and seafood in the Barcelona restaurants. [if you ever go there, start saving now - their top restaurants are expensive but ace]. Still - you'd take him willingly on half power.

Saw rumours on TV this morning of a potential £20 million offer from Juventus for Arse shaving. First thought - 'bite their hands off Arsene. Second thought - if we don't need the money then hang on. Surely one day his form will return and he is well worth that cash when he's on song. Also we have no threat from the left without him - either from the off or from the bench. We end up trying to play someone like Song out of position which is criminal.

Also rumours abound about Upson to Arsenal and Campbell to WH. That's a more palatable rumour than Upson to somewhere else and Campbell to the Emirates. Would you guys like Bendtner as a swap deal Winnie; I'd throw in the cash (Upson's full worth) as well!

Best news - from the website -

"On January 13, Arsene Wenger announced “quite good news” about Thomas (Vermaelen). Tests this week revealed no long-term concern over his Achilles injury. That said, the Belgian’s return is not imminent. “With Thomas, the news is quite good. He has no long-term problem but we still need to be patient in the next weeks.” ".

Hope he has not got glass legs (like RvanP).

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